"Should XYZZ Be In Government?"

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"Should XYZZ be in Government?" Jul 30, 2012

spot on.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: "Should XYZZ Be In Government?" Jul 30, 2012
Points out the hypocraisy and bigotry of the phobes very clearly. You can do the same with the infinite number of threads here and the result would be the same.
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Re: "Should XYZZ be in Government?" Jul 30, 2012
These people consistently promote the what everyone “knows” lies about Islam and Muslims. They generalize specific incidents to reflect on all Muslims or all of Islam. When they are caught in the act of making up or distorting claims they engage in devious methods to attempt to conceal the evidence.


shafique wrote:Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a view that they are chosen people (not all Jews/Israelis are segregationist though).

Just replace "Jew" with "Muslim" and "Judaism" with "Islam" and we have ourselves an "Islamophobe".

The paradoxical mindset of brain damaged Antisemites is truly mind boggling.

gifted one wrote:Points out the hypocraisy and bigotry of the phobes very clearly. You can do the same with the infinite number of threads here and the result would be the same.

Yeah, it sure does:

shafique wrote:Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a view that they are chosen people (not all Jews/Israelis are segregationist though).

Not the brightest, are you?
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Re: "Should XYZZ Be In Government?" Jul 31, 2012
desertdudeshj wrote:Points out the hypocraisy and bigotry of the phobes very clearly. You can do the same with the infinite number of threads here and the result would be the same.


And the fact that when faced with this fact, the only response is a weak 'whataboutery' argument based on a deliberate misquote of an author speaks volumes.

Justifying Islamophobia by alleging anti-semitism is quite sad (even if it is an imagined anti-semitism in this case). But it is, in a way, honest - equating the tea-party Islamophobia with anti-semitism. 'Not the brightest' argument, one could argue.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: "Should XYZZ be in Government?" Jul 31, 2012
They generalize specific incidents to reflect on all Muslims or all of Islam. When they are caught in the act of making up or distorting claims they engage in devious methods to attempt to conceal the evidence.

shafique wrote:Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a view that they are chosen people (not all Jews/Israelis are segregationist though).

We see the following "Islamophobic" poster has generalized the incidents of some Muslims to reflect on Islam (woops, I mean Jews and Judaism) - the Antisemitic poster is *generalizing* specific incidents in Israel onto Judaism, explicitly claiming segregationism is a Jewish teaching.

What's funny is that the same tactic used in the video posted by our resident Jew hater is being used against his own statements regarding Islamophobia and his views on Judaism/Jews.

Anyone can see our resident Jew hater is guilty of Antisemitism simply by applying his own definition of Islamophobia to his statements on Judaism - just change the words "Jew" to "Muslim" and "Judaism" to "Islam" as done in the video to see this poster is a certifiable Jew hater.

What's mind boggling is that this poster is incapable of grasping such simple logical tactics.

That does not speak well for his level of intelligence, does it?

Antisemitic and daft is no way to go through life.
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Re: "Should XYZZ Be In Government?" Jul 31, 2012
I must have struck a nerve with :
shafique wrote:Justifying Islamophobia by alleging anti-semitism is quite sad (even if it is an imagined anti-semitism in this case). But it is, in a way, honest - equating the tea-party Islamophobia with anti-semitism. 'Not the brightest' argument, one could argue.

Anyway, I'm not going to enage the troll - just a few links will suffice:

Here's what 'whataboutery' is about:

Here's the previous failed attempts to label me anti-semitic based on a deliberate misquote:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: "Should XYZZ Be In Government?" Jul 31, 2012
European wrote: shafique wrote:I'm not going to

There is a God.

Apparently someone is "justifying Islamophobia". Where? How?

I like how shafique can't articulate how his statements aren't Antisemitic.

It's like his views on the Koran. He's unable to formulate an adequate argument a 3rd grader could make.
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Re: "Should XYZZ Be In Government?" Jul 31, 2012
rayznack wrote:
European wrote: shafique wrote:I'm not going to

There is a God.

Apparently someone is "justifying Islamophobia". Where? How?

I like how shafique can't articulate how his statements aren't Antisemitic.

It's like his views on the Koran. He's unable to formulate an adequate argument a 3rd grader could make.

You give false praise.

Shuff is articulate? Lol.
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