DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection

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DEWA now require title deeds for connection Jul 25, 2012
This new rule has recently come in and lots of people are struggling, because so many owners have not registered their properties to ge the title deeds.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 26, 2012
Oh no it's certainly not being ignored! We've been struggling for a week to get our DEWA connected as the LL doesn't have the deeds. They won't accept anything else.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 26, 2012
Chocoholic ,

Me too. Has been an absolute nightmare. I thought i was being sensible and planning by arranging a 2 week overlap between my old apartment and new villa. Landlord hadn't registered, and that overlap ended up as 5 days.

The landlord or I still dont have the deed, but with the developer's assistance (finally), managed to persuade DEWA to connect as a special case, with a lot of chasing of the agents, and eventually going to the land department to chase her up there as well.

Was told by the Land department that if the developer provides and NOC to them to say that they have no objection to the property being registered in the owner's name, then they can issue another NOC to DEWA to connect.

They admitted to me that this is a mechanism for collecting the unpaid registration fees, which is 2% of the purchase price i believe. Plus all the usual admin fees, etc.

I think there are going to be a lot of upset property owners, who now have to stump up ten or twenty grand, and more, to get their properties registed.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 26, 2012
Good luck with your moves guys!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 26, 2012
BlueOrb wrote:Chocoholic ,

Me too. Has been an absolute nightmare. I thought i was being sensible and planning by arranging a 2 week overlap between my old apartment and new villa. Landlord hadn't registered, and that overlap ended up as 5 days.

The landlord or I still dont have the deed, but with the developer's assistance (finally), managed to persuade DEWA to connect as a special case, with a lot of chasing of the agents, and eventually going to the land department to chase her up there as well.

Was told by the Land department that if the developer provides and NOC to them to say that they have no objection to the property being registered in the owner's name, then they can issue another NOC to DEWA to connect.

They admitted to me that this is a mechanism for collecting the unpaid registration fees, which is 2% of the purchase price i believe. Plus all the usual admin fees, etc.

I think there are going to be a lot of upset property owners, who now have to stump up ten or twenty grand, and more, to get their properties registed.

2% lol.

Try 5%.

It's about time residents stumped up as opposed to us LL,s being hammered at every turn.

I remember the scoffing when investments were low, it's moving onto the other foot now slow but suuuuuuuuuuureeeee
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 26, 2012
Its about time they clamped down
sage & onion
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 28, 2012
Guys Half of Properties in Dubai dont have title deeds..
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 28, 2012
Why would residents stump up for registration for title deeds? That's for owners and owners only.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 28, 2012
Visit any DEWA center and there are people at counters denied connections and they are totally not aware what is wrong. The Problem is why DEWA not issued any notification to Residents/ landlords regarding this new change of rules.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 29, 2012
I have no idea why this hasn't been publicised. It's only come into effect properly in the last couple of weeks. We've now got ours sorted, the LL 'found' his title deeds.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 29, 2012
Just UPDATE, DIScovery garden branch of DEWA has started accepting sale and purchase agreement from today. done 2 connections of DEWA today.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Jul 29, 2012
Title deed is only needed if your tenancy contract is not registered in Rera. If it is, then Rera issue Ejari Certificate (for 160 AED) and that is more than enough to get visa, dewa and all stuff sorted. I have done that last month instead of going thru title deed route.
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Re: DEWA now require title deeds for connection Aug 25, 2012
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows if DEWA Discovery Gardens are still accpeting Purchase Agreement (no title deed) for new connections? I tried DEWA Jumeirah on Wednesday (22 August) and they would only accept with title deed.

I notice the post relating to this is almost a month old so I'm wondering if things might have changed again (as they tend to do in Dubai)?

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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 25, 2012
riktnc ,

no they are not accepting anymore..title deed or NO CONNECTION
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 25, 2012
uGett , erm and yet you need to show a valid DEWA bill to register your tenancy contract with Ejari.
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Re: DEWA now require title deeds for connection Aug 25, 2012
Thanks, I suspected that might be the case. I have received the following information from my agent:

"I have contacted my contacts as well in DEWA and advised with the feedback.

- if a Land Dept reciept is showed at DEWA stating title deed has been applied then its a go ahead
- Landlord has to get it connected under his name and then tenant can pay back the LL as per consumption."

The landlord seems to be willing to come to Dubai this week to support this and get it sorted, perhaps due to my "threat" of withdrawing from the tenancy however I'm not sure I would be within my rights to withdraw from the standard tenancy agreement on these grounds...
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 26, 2012
riktnc ,

You still need the title deed to register even in the landlord name.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 26, 2012
Yup! The LL is still going to have to produce the title deeds to register it in his name. Stupid, he might as well just send you a copy, that's what ours did.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 26, 2012
Thanks guys, trouble is the LL (like 1000's of others in Dubai apparently) hasn't applied for his title deed yet. I doubt his agent can do this on his behalf, but they will try and put in the application, pay the amount and obtain the receipt of application for title deed, which DEWA have said will be sufficient to grant the connection. Let's see - leaving this trail here and keeping it updated as I expect many other tenants will be or are in this unfortunate position already....
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 26, 2012
riktnc ,

I dont think the agent can do this..its a procedure..first get NOC from the Developer by paying his give NOC the developer will se if there is any outstandong towards the service charges..if there is outstanding than it has to clear first. Then with NOC going to LD. but that also the agent has to have a POwer of attorney in place. in absence of application is accepted.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 26, 2012
What's the cost of obtaining title deeds these days? Something like 5% of the purchase price of the property, and people wonder why LL's haven't done it. It;s going to take time, if I were you, I'd be walking away from this.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 26, 2012
Chocoholic ,

2% plus NOC fees from developer (depends which develeoper) + AED 400
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 27, 2012
The next step is to only accept residency renewal applications with a tenancy contract or title deed.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 28, 2012
benwj , Where have you been? They're already doing this in Abu Dhabi, to be rolled out across the rest of the Emirates later.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 28, 2012
I went with the agent to DEWA Discovery Garden on Sunday and they are no longer accepting Purchase Agreement however they are accepting a receipt from the Land Department showing that the application for Title Deed has been submitted. The landlord is coming to Dubai this evening to try and sort it, which is promising but I can't see it being that simple, this is Dubai!
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Re: DEWA now require title deeds for connection Aug 30, 2012
I don't know how you guys do it anymore? I thank my deity everyday that i am out of there. They make it so hard just to have an existence these days. I just got a text from DU that I need to submit my passport, visa, emirates ID, blood sample, 2 major credit cards, NOC and a note from my mother allowing me to keep my UAE mobile number. You know what? "Too hard bucket" time. Cut off my phone, I don't care. If people want me, call me in Australia or wherever I am. Dubai is simply "too hard" to eek out an existence.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 30, 2012
dubaidog ,

Hey m8, hows life?
sage & onion
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 30, 2012
dubaidog ,

are you serious? never heard of such thing..i did it when i was relocating to bahrain for 6 months and all the DU wanted was NOC and 2000 AED deposit.
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 30, 2012
PropertyAgent , I think DD was being sarcastic!
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Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection Aug 30, 2012
PropertyAgent , Well, I was being sarcstic, BUT, you DO need to submit your passport, residence visa, Emirates ID and whatever else is involved in getting a mobile under their "one identity" or whatever the scam/scheme is called. I have had the same number since 2007, but need to re-submit it all. Obviously, I don't live there anymore, but my DU phone is always on for business. I guess not for long. Everyone must do this to keep their sim cards active and it is rolling out over the next 12 months or something.

Life is good, Sage! Living it up in sunny Australia still!
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