"Near death experience" is not death by definition. So does not prove a life after death.
Rene Descart said, many years ago: "I think, therefore I am."
Quantum science is now telling us that the atoms, of which everything is made, are 95% empty space, and the rest of the 5%(electrons, protons etc.)is just vibrating energy fields. Our sensory organs (eyes, ears, touch receptors etc.) receives information from these energy fields which is then conveyed to appropriate areas in our brains, and it is in the brain, which is encased in a bony cage and never seen the outside world, that an image is made for us of the outside world. So, to all intents and purposes, an illusion! A mere perception of reality!
I think Professor Nick Bostrom of Oxford University might be on to something when he propounded his " Simulation Hypothesis". Read more about the subject here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_realityFinally, one can "believe" anything.
There are people who believe in fairies, pixies, and elves; in UFOs and that the earth is flat, and God made this earth in 6 days! So, why not the soul? Whatever floats your boat
In the end, the ultimate irony will be that we might all turn out to be completely wrong; including all those learned scientists