kanelli wrote:That's offensive Nucleus.
Sorry, it was not my intention.
kanelli wrote:When is the last time you read and critiqued an actual research article from a medical journal?
Last year, but never critiqued an article from medical journal.
kanelli wrote:Seems you rely on secondary sources like most other people.
I guess mostly, but if it matters I check other sources. My point was most news reduce the news to a particular point, and remove some relevant information in the actual research. Somebody in my class did a presentation related to pregnancy, which was 10 years ago, and they referenced American Heart Association. Even at that time they recommended other alternatives.
kanelli wrote:The fact is, there plenty of studies out there that say that moderate alcohol consumption can have health benefits for some people.
Yup, as mentioned, it does reduce colestrol and flavonoids from red grapes are beneficial in red wine.
kanelli wrote:Does the Quran say anything about smoking Shisha?
Explicitly it only mentioned intoxicants, shisha is not an intoxicant. But if it has bad affects on people and society it can be extended to shisha through fiqh.