Can you please remove the pic of an (attempted) suicide. It's very distastful.These were probably the last seconds of somebody's life.
Thank you.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
European wrote:If you don't like what someone posts, then just don't read it. Simple as.
dubai-chat/the-japanese-t45903.htmlBethsmum wrote:It's ironic, the fish are eating raw Japanese.
info-miner wrote:Really? Seems the sad banned gang have their own gossip guy - drewpeacock. Oh the hypocrisy!
kanelli wrote: Geez, Granny's got game!
admitted info-miner wrote:rayznack, why are you so preoccupied with BM beyond the confines of your politics and religion forum? Don't tell me you've pulled a zonker too!Geez, Granny's got game!
rayznack wrote:How many posts have you, shafique and bb made about BM in fight club (let's say the past week)?
kanelli wrote:Ask peacock, the sad banned gang info-miner
kanelli wrote:BM knows full well that nothing said has been a lie, at least not on my part.