Spotting An Islamophobic Argument

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Spotting an Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
Event Horizon/Rayznack is trying desperately to deny the findings of a definitive survey of Britons that shows that Muslim Britons are more likely to consider themselves British than other segments of the British population.

To counter this he is trying to hype the number of British Muslim prisoners convicted of terrorism - fewer than 100 criminals. That there is no link between this relatively small number of criminals and the survey about Britishness.

The argument is particularly weak when one considers that looking at actual terrorist attacks - over 90% are carried out by non-Muslims, including 99 viable terrorist bombs over one year.

For me, this is a clear example of this:
These people consistently promote the what everyone “knows” lies about Islam and Muslims. They generalize specific incidents to reflect on all Muslims or all of Islam. When they are caught in the act of making up or distorting claims they engage in devious methods to attempt to conceal the evidence.
The Islamophobia of these folks is very real, and it is also strikingly similar to a previous generations’ anti-Semitism.


What 'everyone knows' is indeed all that is being presented - and only being backed up by selective and unrelated statistics.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Spotting an Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
shafique wrote: Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a view that they are chosen people (not all Jews/Israelis are segregationist though).

They generalize specific incidents to reflect on all Jews or all of Judaism.

Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
It takes some skill to fail at a whataboutery argument so completely. At least there's no attempt to deny the hype highlighted in the OP - just a failed smear attempt.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
^LOL - that surely means that the banned gang soundly have lost all arguments then in their campaign to smear people in what you call the 'protected gang', including name calling people as trolls and racists (and anti-semites).

Totally with you there. Spot on.

You'll notice the title of the thread is however how to spot an Islamophobic argument, and the OP gives the specific example of one.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
Thank you for your opinion. Needless to say, I think you are wrong and note that once again your posts are only talking about your opinion of other posters and not actual issues.

Perhaps you should ask Andy to set up a section for Armchair diagnoses and related fantasies about other posters?

This thread is about how to spot Islamophobic posts. If you have nothing to say on the subject - I suggest you refrain from trolling further.

Cheerio old chap,


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
European wrote:How do we spot an Islamaphobic post?

Was the quoted criteria and the example of eh's Islamophobic line of argument unclear?

Feel free to start yet another thread accusing me of anti-semitism. The banned gang hasn't had much luck with that so far - rehashing old selective quotes from FD's first failed attempt to smear a Palestinian author and imply I'm guilty by association hasn't worked so far.

Note this thread answers the earlier attempts at smear:

European wrote:Your thread mentioning the 'white man's disease' was deleted.

The quote is here in full - you can easily compare your spin about it with what I actually wrote:

Glad you're finding it amusing though.

Back to the topic on hand - I'm happy to clarify what makes an Islamophobic argument - just let me know what was unclear in the OP.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
Thank you again for your assessment of a chip on my shoulder. I'm a bit bemused at the fantasies about my posts - but hey, don't let facts get in the way of innuendo. I've given links to actual posts, you've just made innuendos.

Now, back to the topic - what confused you about the OP in regards to how to recognise an Islamophobic argument? You asked, after all:
How do we spot an Islamaphobic post?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
Strange you think that - I had a look at the OP and it didn't say 'anything that disagrees with shafique is Islamophobia'. Did you dream that up all by yourself, or is this yet another projection of yours?

I'll just put this down to other bizare theories we've heard over the years - such as any criticism of the military occupation by Israel is anti-semitic and against all Jews, or that FD's misquote of Karmi means I'm anti-semitic (that was at least creative, but borne out of desperation).

But that said, this thread is about how to recognise an Islamophobic argument. Shame that you're up to the old trick of redefining terms to suit your prejudices.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Spotting an Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
I love pointing out the irrational beliefs of others.

How is one an "Islamophobic" belief but the other apparently not "Antisemitic"?

I actually have not made any Islamophobic statements matching the description of the OP, but another post has about Judaism:

Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a view that they are chosen people (not all Jews/Israelis are segregationist though).

Now, just change the words "Judaism" and "Jew" to "Islam" and "Muslims" to see how well the above quote fits the definition of an "Islamophobic" belief.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument Jul 07, 2012
:roll: Another 'whataboutery' attempt. Very poor eh, you can do better. ;)

This thread is about identifying Islamophobic posts like your attempt to hype less than a 100 prisoners and smear all Muslims.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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