Terrorism Deaths - 2010

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Terrorism deaths - 2010 Jun 21, 2012
9,092 people killed by Sunni extremists
2,115 by secular/political/anarchist
1,591 unknown
321 by Christian extremists
184 other categories
13,186 people in total killed in terror attacks worldwide.

Sunni extremists murdered 30 times more people in terrorist violence than Christian extremists.

http://www.nctc.gov/witsbanner/docs/201 ... rorism.pdf

p16 report; p25 pdf

Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Terrorism Deaths - 2010 Jun 21, 2012
Thanks for posting. I'm a bit lazy to open up the report again though.

I can understand why there are so many attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq where there is a war going on. Can you confirm how many of the 9000 were from areas where there is a war going on?

Also, can you confirm that the number of US citizens killed in the US was zero. What was the number of civilians killed in the EU by Islamic terrorists in that list? Was it zero too?


But moving on to your remarkable statistic about Christian extremists killing 321! (And if memory serves me right, wasn't the figure over 1000 the year before?)

In which countries have Christian extremists killed 321 people?? Wow - perhaps some Christianophobe will log on and start explaining to Christians how it is the Bible's true teaching to attack non-Believers etc. (I hope not, that would be as silly as a pseudo expert spreading myths about Islam)

Eh, before he was banned, was the most extreme religious poster on the forums for his support of extremist acts and war crimes, and his continued refusal to condemn Christian terrorists.

Perhaps in this thread he will explain whether the Christian extremists who murdered 321in 2010 were following true Christianity or not. I expect we'll be treated by stunning silence.

The report is quite cynical in excluding any state terror attacks in the list - so any killings of civilians by the US or Israelis aren't counted. Indeed, the numbers of civilians killed in Afghanistan and Iraq aren't officially counted at all. Anyone like to guess whether the average numbers of deaths of civilians since the invasions have been fewer or more than the ones above? We'll leave that as a rhetorical question.

Eh - tell us more about the Christian extremists. This is your thread after all, and you are the most extreme religous fanatic here:

I invite you to renounce all the violence and join me in condemning all the acts of killing of civilians (whether labelled terrorism or not). Surely you can at least join me in denouncing all the Christian extremists in the OP.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Terrorism deaths - 2010 Jun 21, 2012
Killings carried out by Saddam Hussein and the Taliban before the invasions wouldn't be counted as terrorism - good point (neither would the killings in Darfur/South Sudan/East Timor, which dwarf these terrorism stats).
Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Terrorism Deaths - 2010 Jun 21, 2012
Interesting attempt at avoiding the questions posed.

However I asked you about the Christian extremists who killed 321 in 2010 and over 1000 in 2009.

Will you join me in finally denouncing these Christian extremists?
( I am still curious as to where these killings took place - did they include the Christian Americans who you refuse to condemn?)

We'll take it as read that the majority of the other killings were in war zones, and that indeed no US civilian was killed in the US in 2010.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Terrorism deaths - 2010 Jun 21, 2012
You can click the link instead of asking me; I'm not the author of the report.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Terrorism Deaths - 2010 Jun 21, 2012
You're our resident Christian extremists' apologist - and this is your thread, so I asked you the questions about the killngs by Christian extremists.

I understand your reluctance to condemn or give us info about the extremists who killed over 1300 people over 2 years though. I'd be ashamed if I was caught out refusing to condemn unreservedly these Christian extremists.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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