Suicide Terrorism - Facts Vs Hype

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Suicide Terrorism - Facts vs Hype Jun 18, 2012
A 30 minute video comparing two different views on Suicide terrorism. One view uses a scientific (and statistical approach) the other doesn't.

There's even a Memri video in there which is being used to make the case for the non-Islamophobe p.o.v. ! Now that is a turn up!


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Suicide Terrorism - Facts vs Hype Jun 18, 2012
Let's see, someone who skews, manipulates and distorts statistics against someone with a rational argument:

As you know, Palestinian Christians suffer the same Israeli occupation. How many have blown themselves up on a bus in Tel Aviv? One? Two? Where, for that matter, are the Pakistani, Iraqi, or Egyptian suicide bombers killing for the glory of Christ? These Christian communities are regularly attacked by suicidal jihadists—why don’t they respond with the same sort of violence? This is practically a science experiment: We’ve got the same people, speaking the same language, living in the same places, eating the same food—and one group forms a death cult of aspiring martyrs and the other does not.

Now for Prof Pape's skewing of stats:

* suicide bombings in North Africa are labeled "unknown" rather than "Islamic"

* Pakistan is classified by Pape as "occupied" to make his argument on occupation creating suicide bombings work

* Saudi Arabia is "occupied"

* The vast majority of suicide bombings in Iraq being carried out by foreigners from largely non-occupied nations primarily targeting Iraqi Shi'ites and security forces is ignored
Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Suicide Terrorism - Facts Vs Hype Jun 19, 2012
Now, what have I told you about believing what Guru Bob and his mates tell you on Jihad Watch?

Presenting an Islamophobic myth as a 'rational' argument is all fine and dandy. Your problem is that the facts don't match the myth. Repeating the myth won't help you - you may as well repeat your other beliefs, such as talking donkeys being real, the belief in Rapture etc. Your fellow Christians that don't believe in evolution will insist that they are rational.

However, beliefs that can be tested against evidence should be. In this case the myth Harris presents as fact is exposed as Hype.

But thanks - you're clearly one of those that are siding with Harris. Both sides of the discussion are contrasted in the video.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Suicide Terrorism - Facts vs Hype Jun 19, 2012
Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Suicide Terrorism - Facts Vs Hype Jun 21, 2012
Another interesting fact is that the last suicide attack in the USA was not a Muslim. (At least I'm not aware of another one since 2010, so please correct if I'm mistaken.)

Joe Stack flew his plane into a government building in Texas in 2010 and killed one victim.

I'm pretty sure that if the guy had been brought up Muslim instead of Christian, he'd be classed as a terrorist.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Suicide Terrorism - Facts Vs Hype Jun 21, 2012
Don't be so sure; your fellow ideologue, Naveed Haq, shot unarmed, innocent civilians for political/religious reasons and even managed to inform his victims of his religion; yet his Jew killing spree (years before Muhammed Merah) was not classified as terrorism:

Witnesses reported that Haq began shouting "I'm a Muslim American; I'm angry at Israel" before he began his shooting spree. Haq is reported to have walked down the hallway, shooting into offices as he passed by. Haq then shot three more women in the abdomen: Layla Bush, Stumbo, and Christina Rexroad.[6] Pamela Waechter received a gunshot in the chest. As the wounded Waechter attempted to flee down a flight of stairs, Haq reached over the railing and shot her for the second time in the head, killing her.[5][6]

...He also said, "[t]hese are Jews. I'm tired of getting pushed around

Not terrorism
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Re: Suicide Terrorism - Facts Vs Hype Jun 21, 2012
You do realise this is a thread about suicide attacks - and the truth about them. There is another thread dealing with the difference between two shooting attacks.


So, can you confirm that there wasn't another suicide attack after Joe Stack's in 2010? That is the last suicide attack in the US isn't it?

(Oh, and I wasn't aware that this Haq guy shared my views that all killing of civilians are a crime against humanity and totally unIslamic. That was what you meant, wasn't it? Or are you confusing me with a character in Herve's bad novel?? ;) )

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Re: Suicide Terrorism - Facts Vs Hype Jun 21, 2012
rayznack wrote:Witnesses reported that Haq began shouting "I'm a Muslim American; I'm angry at Israel" before he began his shooting spree. Haq is reported to have walked down the hallway, shooting into offices as he passed by. Haq then shot three more women in the abdomen: Layla Bush, Stumbo, and Christina Rexroad.[6] Pamela Waechter received a gunshot in the chest. As the wounded Waechter attempted to flee down a flight of stairs, Haq reached over the railing and shot her for the second time in the head, killing her.[5][6]

...He also said, "[t]hese are Jews. I'm tired of getting pushed around
shafique wrote:You do realise this is a thread about suicide attacks - and the truth about them. There is another thread dealing with the difference between two shooting attacks.

This guy rayznack must be a pot-head! :P :P
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Re: Suicide Terrorism - Facts vs Hype Jun 22, 2012
I presume that Joe Stack was indeed the person to carry out a suicide attack in the US then. (if he wasn't, then eh would have surely posted something by now, instead of starting new strawmen threads to divert attention from the unanswered questions he's avoiding)

Can't blame religion for Joe Stack's suicide attack. Which ties in nicely with the facts in the video in the OP.

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