Can It Be Done? (relocating Without A Job?)

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Can it be done? (relocating without a job?) Apr 06, 2006
Hi guys, im new to this forum this is my 1st post. I'll tell you a little about myself. I am a Master's of BA from Sweden, but I am fresh grad and have little work experience. My ethnicity is Persian/Iranian but I am Swedish citizen. I am a 27 year old male. Due to the current difficulties with jobs in Sweden, I have been thinking for quite some time now to relocate to UAE. I have saved about 3000 USD. Thinking about just taking a chance and getting a ticket for dubai and looking for jobs when im there, as searching for jobs on the internet seems quite difficult. Don't know so much about the country either. The reason I want to relocate is to be able to send money home for my parents who are sick and have financial difficulties.

I would very much like to come into contact with someone on these forums who can perhaps be kind enough to offer me to share his/her apartment for the period I am looking for jobs. Or if possible anyone who knows any cheap accomodation. Basically I need somewhere to sleep, and a shower, dont have to be fancy, but cheap! My plan is to arrange accomodation first, then run around the city all day looking for jobs.

Any tips or advice or HIGHLY APPRECIATED. You can contact me at also if you wish.

Btw, GREAT forum!

Dubai Forum Guest
Posts: 2
Location: sweden

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