UAE Dress Code Gains Support

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UAE dress code gains support May 14, 2012
This is going pretty mental on twitter. People encouraging others to respect local customs and adhere to modest dress codes.

Personally I cannot bear seeing people in malls looking like they just wandered off the beach. I don't want to see it in my home country, let alone here. ... -1.1022556

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
i think it is just right. although i am from a liberal country, people must understand that this country is different from their home country and must respect the local laws.i also dont want to see women going to the malls in very tight shorts. its not good at all.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
It's not just women! What some MEN wear is totally inappropriate as well.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
yes , i definitely agree with you on that as well.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
In MOE I saw one male tourist in short lycra bicycle shorts and a t-shirt. Then there was the female tourist wearing a tight spagetti strap tank top and mini skirt who got off a tourist bus with others to go and take photos of the outside of the Jumeirah Mosque.... during Ramadan. People could definitely use a reminder of proper dress before visiting the UAE.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
It's progress the adds on DF lately also follow the dress and moral code of Dubai.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
I never see any ads, have an ad blocker on my browser :)
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
McAfee gives a warning when browsing DF for possible harmful content, but I just ignore it.
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Re: UAE dress code gains support May 14, 2012
I am not being hypocritical but I am tired of seeing nipples and buttocks in the malls. Seriously, wearing short skirts and transparent top is not a fashion. It's a desperate attempt to seek male attention. Very cheap attention, by the way. I think inappropriate clothes "wearers" should be fined. Then they will think twice before putting on such kind of clothes and going to the malls.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
I went and read the story in the link provided and some of the twitter comments at the bottom of the article bothered me. When I go to dubai I dress conservatively not out of any feeling of responsibility at offending delicate sensibilities or local custom but because I CHOOSE to as it is the way I normally dress anyway. I thought that the UAE was fairly liberal about such things as clothing and because it promotes itself on tourism so it should be. You can't have things both ways like "come on and visit but don't wear this etc. As in my home country I won't expect a woman wearing a hijab to take it off just because it isn't the normal thing to wear here. People should be allowed wear what they want and if others don't like it then don't look. :roll: :roll:
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 14, 2012
It would be good if people respect the conservative culture, but can't expect that from everyone -- there will be few who will cross line. Most people are ok, though. And I don't like to see it to be made into a big issue since Dubai's founding father and his successors built it on a tolerant culture.

Another thing, Al Ain and Dubai have different lifestyles so people coming from there will see it differently.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 15, 2012
I don't think tourists/expats should have to cover from their neck, wrists all the way down to the ankles, don't get me wrong :) I just think people could much more considerate to the UAE customs. Besides, the malls are freezing cold anyway, so I don't even understand how people can wear beachwear in there. I had my own rules for dressing. For example, if I went out wearing jeans (not skin-tight) I'd sometimes wear a tank top (no spagetti straps) with a pashmina covering my torso, or I'd wear a 3/4 sleeved shirt. If I wore a skirt it was past the knee and I wore it with a 3/4 sleeve top. If I went out to a restaurant or bar with husband or friends, maybe I'd wear a wrap dress that went to the knee, but I always wore a camisole underneath so that no cleavage was showing, and I'd bring a pashmina to cover my shoulders.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 15, 2012
The requirement simply - and there are many available guidelines and rules on the net about the UAE - is that EVERYONE in certain places should wear clothing that covers the upper arms to the knees - that's all.

I diagree with women dressing to attract male attention, sure some do, others simply like to show off what they've got and that includes to other women as well, you'd know that if you've ever noticed the massive 'one-up-manship' between certain groups of women here, always trying to out do one another.

You can wear what you want on the beach and to clubs etc. All that is being requested is that in public plaes such as shopping malls, people show a bit more modesty. How hard is it to carry a pashmina with you? I always have one in my bag.

Yes, it is a catch 22 and the way the UAE advertises itself is confusing, but that does not excuse peoples ignorance and not doing a bit of research into where you're going.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 15, 2012
I would like to add to be sensitive to images and texts on t-shirts. Avoid sexual orientated ones or religious insensitive ones. Hindu symbolism, like the swastika, is not offensive.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 15, 2012
Good point Mike.

I never wear anything that says fcuk.

I like the clothes but hate the slogan.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 15, 2012
Thre have been numerous cases of people being fined for having offensive t-shirts, so yes another one to be wary of.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 15, 2012
i hope all would be aware of what they wear when they'll go out in public.
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 26, 2012
I went to MOE last night and was amazed at how many people were innappropriately dressed! Women in tiny little shorts and strappy tops, leaving nothing to the imagination. Many men weren't any better either - what's wrong with people?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 26, 2012
i wear what makes me comfortable... it's difficult being told what to wear & what NOT to wear... it reminds me when i was a kid and my mom used to drag me to church wearing that awful white fluffy lacey sunday dress... and i've no choice.. just had to because it was imposed.

some tourist & expatriates might think of the dress code as an imposition. however, i believe that what the locals are asking is NOT UNREASONABLE. they are only asking for modesty. one should not go to malls with an attire that's fresh off from the beach. hotpants, micro-minis - there are appropriate places for these clothing... but definitely NOT in shopping malls! L0L! :P
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 26, 2012
I don't think it's much of an imposition to cover yourself from upper arms to the knees - that's all they're asking.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 26, 2012
Well you really can't blame the tourists (to a certain degree). I just flew back from Vienna through Emirates and the flight itself or Dubai Airport really didn't mention anything about wearing respectful clothing. There could have been some absent minded tourists flying in not knowing anything about the fact that UAE is a muslim country. IMO it seems that we are all blaming people for dressing disrespectfully althugh we aren't taking any action to prevent it either. The only type of prevalent action I've seen combating this clothing crisis are from those small screens in MCC. Then again, that's pretty much useless. What good is a small TV screen which warns you about clothing customs when you're actually INSIDE the mall already? We can't just magically snap a finger and get more decent clothes, can we?
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Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support May 27, 2012
prowheels , You're completely right of course and it requires education. Yes there are warning signs at malls, but no one is enforcing it. It's that old catch 22 again.
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