Hope you can help me coz i know it is really easy to give advice but its a hell of a lot different when you are int he situation..anywayz my story is---
-- I married my wife 3 yrs ago and we were both Catholic,, she already had 3 kids before i married her. I brought her to Dubai under my Husbands visa.. got a Flat ,,all necessary things provided for her so she could adjust and be happy and find a job for herself so we can build a family..Her kids are back home in our country with the grandparents.
Basically we had argument and she run away because i would not do what she wants.I got mad coz i saw some pictures she invited people in our flat with her friends' husbands ,,and those guys were sitting and lying on bed and our couch and they got drunk and she's just wearing panty shorts and sleeveless undershirt while drunk with her friends and guys without asking permission from me when i was away. and to make matters worse ..she went out with a lady friend and another guy friend and went home at 12 am while on my rest day on a friday,,,her reason is that it's not wrong coz there is another lady there,,,.I said i do not care if you were with the Pope.--if you go out without your husbands knowing where you are--- is very wrong !!!,,,,
So i got mad and said for her to explain this or apologize coz all pics are in Facebook also...she does not even have job yet and she's doing all these crazy things.. I told her do not come to dubai if you do not act like you are married or not serious in pur marriage,,We are 3 yrs married and she only had a job once and resigned.
After our argument..last Feb. she run away and now its 3 MONTHSSS !! she did not come back to our flat,..,i do not know where she is staying ..she emails sometimes and not answering calls...she said she's with her relatives but i do not believe her coz no one will lend you money knowing you cannot work without husbands permission..under husbands visa, unless someone is providing for her (damn --i pray there's no other guy!)
So now I want to know if i should report her to police to find her and if she wants to stay with me.and fix our marriage then fine but if not.. I will send her home to our country,,Is that wrong?? I provided everything and worked so hard to bring her here and she makes other people happy or guys than her husband??
she's the one demanding for me to cancel her visa so she could work here in Dubai..I already found job for her with high salary and she still not come back,,,,,i do not want to think she is committing adultery here but i hope not,...can you abscond your wife or send her back home even if she does not want to?? she is under my visa and she demands that i cancel her husbands visa so she could transfer it to company or to someone maybe..
kinda like she just used me to come here or waited for someone with more money?? We're here for 3 yrs now and she's acting all crazy...she keeps counting my mistakes in the past as her reasons...i mean all those mistakes are already solved and finished..why would she bring that up without any connection to the current issue of the nasty pictures that i saw dating other guys and drinking and partying without my knowledge,
I want to fix our marriage but if she does not want to talk even ,,,can i send my wife home to our country even if she does not want to ..coz she is under my husbands visa,,,??? i heard it is actually not allowed for someone to sleep even with relatives if husband did not allow it..
pls. give advise..i am thinking of going to police and let them find her so i could send her back home coz whatever she does reflect on me coz she is under my husbands visa right??? would Police or immigration let her stay if she wants to stay with relatives than with husband??
coz to me-- if she does not act like she's married /..then i want her to go home and take care of her kids back home than running away and going out with other people ,,not having a job here or doing illegal jobs without NOC from husband, right??? or am i wrong ?? would police/ immigration let her stay and sleep in another house if she wants to even though she is my wife ....

thanks in advance for any suggestions