yes the same. But for me it was not like that as I didn't resist. There are big police vans in main squares in Tehran and other big cities gathering women who don't cover modestly (in sense of Iranian regime standard of course, because anyway every woman in Iran wears pants, manteau, and scarf. But as some manteaus are short or tight, or some scarfs are loose, they would be considered as not modest.)
So for me it was ok. I knew nothing gonna happen. They arrest hundreds of people everyday for this reason. I was aware of the whole process, they took us to the central police station, and we have to sign a paper saying that we will respect Islamic dress code from now on, and someone should bring us appropriate clothes and that's it. The only annoying thing for me was the time I had to waste there. I even tried to make other girls calm and assure them nothing is gonna happen. Anways some part of me always wanted to know what's happening inside those hijab polices!