Brothers/sisters Please Stay Away From This Fake Quran...

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Brothers/sisters please stay away from this fake Quran... Apr 04, 2006


The True Furqan

The new American Quran: a dangerous trick A new Quran
is being distributed in Kuwait, titled "The True
Furqan". It is being described as the ayats of the
Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out
that the two American printing companies;'Omega 2001'
and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of
'The True Furqan', a book which has also been titled
'The 21st Century Quran'! It is over 366 pages and is
inboth the Arabic and English is being
distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private

English schools! The book contains 77 Surats, which
include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of
Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer vesion of

this incorporating the Christian belief of the three

And this so! called Quran opposes many Islamic
beliefs. in one of its ayats it describes having more
than one wife as fornication, divorce being
non-permissable and it uses a new system for the
sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It
states that Jihad is HARAAM.

This book even goes as far as attacking Allah,
Subhanahu wa Tahala!

All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3.

Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this
email to as many people as possible so that we can
stop this dangerous trick.

Please tell everyone you know and may Allah reward

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Apr 04, 2006
May everyone who had anything to do with this live out the remainder of their lives in misery and pain.

Once they croak off and the Day of Reckoning is heralded, may they be ushered to spend eternity in the lowest levels of Hell.
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Apr 05, 2006
This sounds unbelievable to me - is this a hoax?

a) What is with the title being Furqan instead of Quran? Doesn't that automatically make anyone suscpicious?

b) Why were children being given this book at an English school? and Didn't anyone read it beforehand?

c) Why would any school be giving out religious materials period. And if religion is supposed to be taught there, why give them something other than the Quran? Aren't young Muslim students only studying the Quran first, then perhaps other important texts later? (I don't know!)

d) This article implies that the private English schools are trying to corrupt the children. Does that mean that those schools are full of teachers who are devoutly Christian or CIA operatives? Are English teachers teaching religion and the Quran in Arabic to the students? What motive do you see for those schools giving out this book?

This sounds like a load of bullcrap to me.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 05, 2006
This is NOT a hoax. This work of garbage is being sold on Amazon and that company needs to be embarassed at what its selling. It is shameful and despicable. I curse all who were involved in this and wish them the deepest levels of hell after they have their painful death.

I dunno about the school thing, it seems rather odd but not outside the relm of reason... Many missionaries in Muslims countries are trying to corrput minds using similar techniques. IF an educated buffoon sees this, maybe he/she could be confused into things its the real deal.
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Apr 05, 2006
Well, there is a lot of garbage being sold on Amazon :)

It is obvious that the book is real. It was published in 1999 first, so seems to take people a while to catch on! :roll:

The whole school thing really seems unbelievable. If it is true, then they do have some idiots who probably thought, "Hey, here is a relgious book about Islam in English, let's give students a copy." without even reading it carefully and reviewing it.

Let's not forget that some Muslims are also printing and distributing propaganda materials that give different interpretations of the Quran. Christians and people of other faiths are also publishing their own slants on their holy books too.

Even if a school in Kuwait is doing this - sending an e-mail out to all the Muslims you know to try to blow this up into a big deal is really stupid. The problem is in Kuwait, not here. The book has been around since 1999. I've never received an e-mail about a warped Christian book or movie being shown to children. It is up to parents to choose religious reading materials for their children, not the school.
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Apr 05, 2006
There are religion classes in schools. The parents can choose not to allow their kids to attend Islamic classes.
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Apr 05, 2006
Or not as the case maybe as happened in Wales recently at a Catholic school where the children were given prayer mats and a compass to find east, were shown how to bow down and pray to Allah. Most of the kids freaked out and thought they'd committed a sin and went straight to confession.

The school's slant was that it was teaching empathy for other religions to the children, but there's a difference between teaching about it and actually getting them to do it. Many of the parents were furious as they had not been consulted beforehand and then had confised and upset children to cope with as they thought they were being unfaithful to their own faith, that of Catholicism.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 06, 2006
Unrelated to the topic:

You do know that Allah (sobhana wa ta3ala) is just the Arabic name for God??
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Apr 06, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Or not as the case maybe as happened in Wales recently at a Catholic school where the children were given prayer mats and a compass to find east, were shown how to bow down and pray to Allah. Most of the kids freaked out and thought they'd committed a sin and went straight to confession.

The school's slant was that it was teaching empathy for other religions to the children, but there's a difference between teaching about it and actually getting them to do it. Many of the parents were furious as they had not been consulted beforehand and then had confised and upset children to cope with as they thought they were being unfaithful to their own faith, that of Catholicism.

Choco, that story sounds ridiculous. Why on earth would children freak out and go straight to confession? Were they 6 years old or something?, and why did the teachers fail to explain the purpose of the activity? Crap teachers if this is really the case.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 06, 2006
Liban I know Allah means God, I'm not totally stupid. And it's not unrelated I was replying to your post saying parents can choose for their children not to have religious classes. In this school they weren't given a choice because they were never told.

Kanelli, I guess the children might have felt bad because they were being told to do rituals which are not part of the Catholic way of showing their faith. It's like a muslim going inot a church to pray instead of a mosque.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 06, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Liban I know Allah means God, I'm not totally stupid. And it's not unrelated I was replying to your post saying parents can choose for their children not to have religious classes. In this school they weren't given a choice because they were never told.

Actually, if you would stop always being on the defensive :wink: and look at my post again, you would see that I was refering to my post not be totally related to the subject...

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Apr 06, 2006
Praying is praying, no matter where you do it. Again, the children obviously didn't receive sufficient explanation, and it seems the point of the exercise was lost if they thought they were doing something bad by praying to god on a mat facing east. Incompetent teachers.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 06, 2006
old already posted read the reviews in amazon
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Apr 07, 2006
[qoute]Even if a school in Kuwait is doing this - sending an e-mail out to all the Muslims you know to try to blow this up into a big deal is really stupid. The problem is in Kuwait, not here. The book has been around since 1999. I've never received an e-mail about a warped Christian book or movie being shown to children. It is up to parents to choose religious reading materials for their children, not the school.[/quote]

To you it might not be a big deal...but to me and billions of muslims around the world its a big deal... its also sicking that this book is being distributed to muslim youths in Kuwait..a country that claims to be muslim and yet allows distribution imposter Qoran in their country let alone to their children. This actually should concern muslims around the world more than cartoon depiction of the prophet(pbuh) by perverted danish cartoonist...the cartoons muslims could just ignored it..this the fact that its being disibuted to school children in prodominantly muslim country should signal concern.

Christians are more bothered by insult to their flag, or race rather than their faith... that is why they allowed Hollywood or media reduce the beloved prophet Issa(pbuh) nothing more than blue eyed blond hair with a long beard. If Christians are okey with insult to their religion and new reveleation than that their problem...but please do not apply the me rule you apply Christianty to Islam..because we muslims see our deen as sacred...
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Apr 11, 2006
Thanks for the negative comments about Christians and how they aren't as faithful as Muslims. Sorry to inform you, but not all Muslims are faithful! You have this glorified image of Islam and all Muslims, when the reality is that Islam as a religion suffers from many of the same ills as other world religions. Open your eyes Lionheart, look at the Muslims around you.

I will tell you flat out that just because some teachers at a school in Kuwait handed out a religious book without reading it carefully first, doesn't mean that millions of Muslims everywhere have to protest and get involved in the affair with the school. It is a local issue, and local Muslim families whose children are in the school can handle this situation. Lionheart, if you want to get your nickers in a knot about every single perceive slight against Islam, you will spend your day in a tizzy, that's for sure. Everywhere, every religion is being made fun of, taken out of context, warped, and practiced many different ways. You'll be fighting a losing battle man. Just focus on your own practice of Islam and that of your family - don't come to this bulletin board or fire off e-mails to your friends trying incite hatred against the West or Christians by making every single Islam issue a conspiracy theory involving the US, or Europe or Israel.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 11, 2006
Lionheart, please do not generalize.

Devout Christians love God as much as a devout Muslim does.

People in Western Europe have just not been religious and are experiencing a sociological breakdown unrelated to the teachings of Christianity, which I might add are quite close to our own!

You speak of Hollywood movies. It is just that, Hollywood. Lemmi say a few things on Hollywood:

1) Jews control Hollywood and not Christians. Jews insulted our Virgin Mary and turned their backs on her son. So any insult towards Issa (Jesus) is in line with their past actions.

2) Passion of the Christ could be what Jesus may have looked like. He was of the Middle East and the Arab / Middle East look is similar to what was portrayed in that movie. But that movie was waaaay too violent. Violence sells in Hollywood or didn't you know!

You want a true portrayal of God, His Prophet Jesus, and Christianity, speak to a devout Christian. Not some Evangilical from the States but those that practice Christianity of old (Assyrians for example).

Do not insult the People of the Book as a whole, because you will be doing disservice to those good ones that protected "Ashab Al Nabi (salla'llah 3aley wa sallam)". The Habassynians.

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Apr 12, 2006
Liban wrote:Lionheart, please do not generalize.

Devout Christians love God as much as a devout Muslim does.

People in Western Europe have just not been religious and are experiencing a sociological breakdown unrelated to the teachings of Christianity, which I might add are quite close to our own!

You speak of Hollywood movies. It is just that, Hollywood. Lemmi say a few things on Hollywood:

1) Jews control Hollywood and not Christians. Jews insulted our Virgin Mary and turned their backs on her son. So any insult towards Issa (Jesus) is in line with their past actions.

2) Passion of the Christ could be what Jesus may have looked like. He was of the Middle East and the Arab / Middle East look is similar to what was portrayed in that movie. But that movie was waaaay too violent. Violence sells in Hollywood or didn't you know!

You want a true portrayal of God, His Prophet Jesus, and Christianity, speak to a devout Christian. Not some Evangilical from the States but those that practice Christianity of old (Assyrians for example).

Do not insult the People of the Book as a whole, because you will be doing disservice to those good ones that protected "Ashab Al Nabi (salla'llah 3aley wa sallam)". The Habassynians.


You are asking me not to generalize, but yet you have generalized Jews more than I have generalized anybody.

I don't think I have generalized European Christians and AMerican Christian when I say that they don't take their religion as serious as muslims, or their fellow Christians in South America who are very devout to their believes.

[qoute]Devout Christians love God as much as a devout Muslim does.[/qoute]

I know devout Christian and Jews love God as much as muslims...I never questioned that. I questioned Christians in Europe/America could sit and watch while some they call god, respect is being riddiculed, belittled not do anything...matter fact they except the riddicule against some they respect soo much as freedom speach....than Europeans turn around expect muslims to except the same riddicules, belittlement against prophet MOhammed( pbuh) as freedom of speech...well, I'm sorry we can't except that as freedom of Speach. Its okey to insult Prophets of God as freedom of Speach, but not okey to deny or question the holocoust.

[qoute]Jews control Hollywood and not Christians. Jews insulted our Virgin Mary and turned their backs on her son. So any insult towards Issa (Jesus) is in line with their past actions.[/qoute]

I know Jews insult Marian(pbuher) and I know they turned their back on numoures prophets sent to children of Isreal. But all that is in the past, they the Jews are the people of the book like the Christians . You can't judge all jews on the actions of Zoinist in Hollywood and Isreal, the same way you can't judge all Christians on the actions of Evengilicals nuts, the same way we muslims would not like to be judged by the actions of intolerant Wahabi Sheikh. Look whatever Jews have done God almighty will judge them, we as muslim have to learn how to live in peace with Jews and Christians who seek peace.

[qoute]Passion of the Christ could be what Jesus may have looked like. He was of the Middle East and the Arab / Middle East look is similar to what was portrayed in that movie. But that movie was waaaay too violent. Violence sells in Hollywood or didn't you know[/qoute]

Only God knows how Issa[pbuh) looked like. Don't buy into Christian depiction of the prophet ISSA(pbuh).

Do not insult the People of the Book as a whole, because you will be doing disservice to those good ones that protected "Ashab Al Nabi (salla'llah 3aley wa sallam)". The Habassynians

Liban you insulted and generalized all Jews..aren't they also people of the book.
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Apr 12, 2006
kanelli wrote:Thanks for the negative comments about Christians and how they aren't as faithful as Muslims. Sorry to inform you, but not all Muslims are faithful! You have this glorified image of Islam and all Muslims, when the reality is that Islam as a religion suffers from many of the same ills as other world religions. Open your eyes Lionheart, look at the Muslims around you.

I will tell you flat out that just because some teachers at a school in Kuwait handed out a religious book without reading it carefully first, doesn't mean that millions of Muslims everywhere have to protest and get involved in the affair with the school. It is a local issue, and local Muslim families whose children are in the school can handle this situation. Lionheart, if you want to get your nickers in a knot about every single perceive slight against Islam, you will spend your day in a tizzy, that's for sure. Everywhere, every religion is being made fun of, taken out of context, warped, and practiced many different ways. You'll be fighting a losing battle man. Just focus on your own practice of Islam and that of your family - don't come to this bulletin board or fire off e-mails to your friends trying incite hatred against the West or Christians by making every single Islam issue a conspiracy theory involving the US, or Europe or Israel.

[qoute]Thanks for the negative comments about Christians and how they aren't as faithful as Muslims. Sorry to inform you, but not all Muslims are faithful! You have this glorified image of Islam and all Muslims, when the reality is that Islam as a religion suffers from many of the same ills as other world religions. Open your eyes Lionheart, look at the Muslims around you.[/qoute]

I don't think saying Christians in Europe and America are not as faithful to their religion as MUslims is negative comment or lie. In Europe you have countries that make it illegal to wear anything to do with religion, whether its hijab, the cross, Sikh Turban, the Jewish Khufu/hat, but at the same time sex education is encouraged, girls are allowed to wear short short short skirt or tight jeans or a bikiny top, but girl that cover her head and wears proper cloths to cover her body is seen as dangerous. This is not exclusive to France only but is apparent in many other European countries, France and Neatherland being the worst of the bunch.

[qoute]I will tell you flat out that just because some teachers at a school in Kuwait handed out a religious book without reading it carefully first, doesn't mean that millions of Muslims everywhere have to protest and get involved in the affair with the school. It is a local issue, and local Muslim families whose children are in the school can handle this situation. Lionheart, if you want to get your nickers in a knot about every single perceive slight against Islam, you will spend your day in a tizzy, that's for sure. Everywhere, every religion is being made fun of, taken out of context, warped, and practiced many different ways. You'll be fighting a losing battle man. Just focus on your own practice of Islam and that of your family - don't come to this bulletin board or fire off e-mails to your friends trying incite hatred against the West or Christians by making every single Islam issue a conspiracy theory involving the US, or Europe or Israel.[/quote]

I should billion muslim protest and get involved when unsuspecting muslim children are being handed a fake imposters Qoran not in non-muslim country, but a muslim country. Muslim have every righ to protest and be outraged when their children who they send to school in muslim country like Kuwaite are being given false imposter Qoran rather than the real Qoran. Kanelli I don't get angry when Western media insults Islam everyday, I don't get angry when they call the actions of one Muslim as "Islamic terror", lumping and generalizing all muslims as terrorist, no I don't get angry or waste my time with that, but I do get angry when our beloved prophet Mohammed(pbuh) is insulted, when unsuspecting muslim kids are given imposter Qoran. Just because you have given your media the green light to belittle and make fun of Jesus who you see as God in the sake of freedom of Speech, does not give anyone the right to insult or beloved prophet Mohammed(pbuh) in the sake freedom of Speech. If Europeans feel that protecting freedom of speech is more important than their religion, than they have every right to do so. But to us muslims our religion is more important than any man made laws and systems, so to us religous rights is more important than freedom of Speech.

"You'll be fighting a losing battle man. Just focus on your own practice of Islam and that of your family - don't come to this bulletin board or fire off e-mails to your friends trying incite hatred against the West or Christians by making every single Islam issue a conspiracy theory involving the US, or Europe or Israel"

Wow I never thought this as battle, but anyway if you see it as battle than its one we are winning...because I'm passing a message a fellow muslim passed to me...and I hope brother/sister will pass this to another fellow muslim who is not aware of the existence of imposter Qoran being distributed to unsuspecting muslim chilren. I guess its okey for occuppiers in Iraq to claim they are bring to democracy in Iraq, but not okey for me to share message with fellow muslim brothers/sisters with forcing them. How Ironic.

If you don't want every single Islamic issue to be conspiracy theory than stop attack every Islamic country that doesn't except you views. Stop meddling MIddle eastern affairs, stop supporting Isreal.
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Apr 12, 2006
Lionheart you understand little of what I mean when I refer to Jews.

On numerous occasions I have said that for me, when I say Jew, I mean those in Israel and their sympathisers who are out to destroy the Arabs and put ill-repute on Islam.

Please do not try to speak by saying that I generalize when your sheer intolerance of all things different put you at odds with Islam. Trying to moderate yourself now by typing rosy things doesn't let you off the hook that easy.[/b]
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Apr 12, 2006
Liban wrote:Lionheart you understand little of what I mean when I refer to Jews.

On numerous occasions I have said that for me, when I say Jew, I mean those in Israel and their sympathisers who are out to destroy the Arabs and put ill-repute on Islam.

Please do not try to speak by saying that I generalize when your sheer intolerance of all things different put you at odds with Islam. Trying to moderate yourself now by typing rosy things doesn't let you off the hook that easy.[/b]

What sheer intolerance do you speak of

1. Cleansing Western Influence from Mid east and other Muslim countries.

2. Seeking Unity in the Muslim World which will eventually lead to creation some resemblance to Caliphate.

3. Speaking against Imperlist occuppation of Iraq and their meddling of affairs of Mid East.

4. Posting facts and Photos about Iraq that I did not make up..

5. Questioning Arabs decision to betray a muslim brethren the Ottoman and side with British colonilist...

There is nothing intolerant about any of these topics.

But you know what is intolerant is what is going on Mid east today..were you have countries like Saud Arabia runned by hyprocrites who use the hashed form of Islamic law on their citizens, while they above the law and therefore are free to pleasure themself with things they do not permit to their citizens...Intolerance is not allowing a single Church or Jewish temple to be built in Saud Arabia...Mecca and Medina are understandable since they are holy cities..but the whole Saud Arabia is not holy to muslims and therefore Jews and Christians who lived they should not have been excluded and should have been allowed to build temple and Church anywhere in Saud Arabia with the exception of Mecca and Medina. Intolerance is sending Wahabi fanatics to poor muslim countries like Afghanistan to kill and oppress poor muslims further rather than helping them build their educational system, hospitals, etc. Intolerance and ignorance is giving Foriegn occuppiers a base, money, etc to attack a fellow muslim nieghbor( Iraq). Intolerance is not allowing peace loving Jews and Chrisitans to live in saud Arabia, but at the same time allowing a foriegn to build a perminent base...near the two holiest places in the world Mecca and Medina...hyprocricy. Other Arabs in the Gulf are not that better than Intolerant Saudis.

Liban...Arabs countries in Gulf supported invasion against Iraq( a fellow Arab country) by foriegn please before you speak of Isreal deal with the Arab leaders that do the bidding of Western Powers.

BS; I can live with any religion or race as long as there is mutual respect.
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Apr 13, 2006
Are you going through a transformation? :lol:
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Apr 13, 2006
Liban wrote:Are you going through a transformation? :lol:

Why do you ask such a question?
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Apr 13, 2006
Just because you mellowed out your arguments...

But I still sense deep anger in you that goes against the spirit of Islam my brother.
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Apr 13, 2006
I still protest that the West is being blamed for everything.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:I still protest that the West is being blamed for everything.

What is the point of your post?

We are speaking of Lionheart's view of the world which he claims is moderate.

Nobody has blamed the West recently so get over yourself...
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Apr 13, 2006
Lionheart said that the Arab leaders are conspiring with the West. That indicates a so-called Western "conspiracy". Can there really be a Western conspiracy if the Arab leaders are cooperating and making deals? What is the "conspiracy" anyway? Everybody get wealthy on oil revenue? Make sure that people in power are people you get along with for political and economic reasons? Protect your oil interests so that your economy doesn't collapse? Do you notice that none of these have anything to do with Islam, by the way?

Liban, you persist in being disrespectful to me and again, it only reflects poorly on you.
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Apr 13, 2006
Oil serves the West and is a temporary fix for the Arabian Gulf... Or didn't you know that already??!!

Long term goals are better served by electing true leaders as the Palestinians have done recently. Leaders who will serve their people's interests before another foreign power's. Perhapes that concept frightens you Kanelli?? Like what happened in Palestine? :wink:

As for the disrespectful stuff. Always trying to have the last word, like you do, is extremly disrespectful in Arab society. Remeber that before you brand me...
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Apr 13, 2006
How do I have the last word - this is a DISCUSSION thread. Should I not post because it might end up the last word? Once again your logic fails. If you had not told me to get over myself, I wouldn't have written the last sentence in my previous post. You reap what you sow.

You consistently brand me as disrespectful to Arabs and completely ignorant about Arab politics - but not because of what I have posted, merely because I am Western. Your response to me did not adequately address my questions about what the conspiracy supposedly is. Also, how about my observation that Islam has nothing to do with the politics of this matter?
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Apr 13, 2006
Kanelli, do not be coy with me. You know what we are referring to.

The best access to oil is through the Middle East. The WEst supports people that are friendly to them in order to get this access. for example:

Iran: Getting rid of nationalist Mossadeq to reinstate the Shah in the 50s
Palestine: Choking this poor country because of a popular choice

This is what I mean.

I have said this in my previous post but you just seem to want to argue with me for the sake of arguing.

When I post something friendly to the West, you have nothing to say. But if I dare post something which states my beleif vis a vis Western support of certain Arab "leaders" you decide to drop the gauntlet.

Tsk tsk grasshopper!
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Apr 13, 2006
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:I still protest that the West is being blamed for everything.

What is the point of your post?

We are speaking of Lionheart's view of the world which he claims is moderate.

Nobody has blamed the West recently so get over yourself...


Amazingly i am going to play "devils advocate" here.

NO - i am not taking sides.

Liban, if you note above Kanelli's post was basically just a "one liner". I think she could have expressed herself better in explaining and justifying the comment, which, IMHO she actually does have a point. This was further explained very well in her next post.

However, your response then went onto compound the issue. I do not think for a minute you were seeking to either inflame the issue or just to "fuel the fire".

But grammatically the way you worded the last sentance would bring about an attacking response even if this were spoken. Saying "get over yourself" would be considered in UK a rather curt and bordering on a rude reply. I know you didnt mean it to be portrayed that way.

The English Lang can be complicated and much is read into how the wording is put and within the context as opposed to the words taken taken individually and the sentance making sense. We apply much creedance to "tone" and i believe this can be a problem on here.
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