Women In The Past

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Re: Women in the past Mar 16, 2012
BB, yes I know you are an american, and I would add "a american convert" . At least I have an excuse when I make a english mistake. You don't , your posts show evident poor english skills , grammar and comprehension.

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Re: Women In The Past Mar 16, 2012
herve wrote:BB, yes I know you are an american, and I would add "a american convert" . At least I have an excuse when I make a english mistake. You don't , your posts show evident poor english skills , grammar and comprehension.

American convert???

You are funny herve!!!
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So, your lack of comprehension is due to my poor English skills?? I read that first piece of trash you wrote herve and between you and your editor, a 10th grader could have written a better "book". BTW, I see you are in good standing on Amazon's book list. You haven't made the top 100 or the NY Times best seller lists yet. You have a way to go - both books are somewhere in the mid 500,000.

You are funny herve!!!
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 16, 2012
Ha ha! Love the strawman Nucleus. :D

--- Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:18 pm ---

Berrin wrote:I have always been astounded by the power of women inside the Muslim families.. I hear the same thing over, be it in an Arab, Iranian or Turkish family. Women have been ruling the household for centuries, to this day... I found this great article which explains history of Muslim woman's life very well.. And I think I now understand why Saudi women get escort drivers when they go out rather than let alone to drive themselves.. In a way really they each get treated like queens but ofcourse in the west we think of that as being restriction of woman's right...

http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/women- ... sCatID=438

Not allowing women to drive is not for the purpose of respect and treating them like queens, it is about control. I love it when some men come and try to paint the oppression of women as simply a false Western perception. There are countless women in Saudi and elsewhere who have spoken out about their oppression. Berrin, can you honestly put yourself in women's shoes and still come up with the same drivel you wrote above? I can guarantee you that you'd dislike the restrictions and controls put upon you, and your relegation to the domestic sphere only.
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Re: Women In The Past May 07, 2012
great sharing of information
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Re: Women In The Past May 12, 2012
the western people dont want anyone to preserve thier culture , its either western culture , or a freaggin queer stuff from the middle east.. period. I kind of think that the western culture is not in the amazonia brazil yet cuz the westerns prefer to preserve those cutures cuz thier women in amazonia are topless and got trees leaves on to cover few .... and eat from the ground.
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Re: Women In The Past May 12, 2012
Ummm, ok....
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Women In The Past May 12, 2012
mesheditor , can't make heads nor tails what you are trying to say.
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Re: Women In The Past May 13, 2012
kanelli ,

My opinion about women being driven was based on the muslim traditions of the past times, if it is still continued to this day and it is accepted by large in the community than I have no problems with it.. I do not deny the influence of modernity on the authenticty of eastern peoples cultures and lives.. Things will of course change in time as society evolves itself... But please also remember that in sharia ruled countries people, especially ladies do not live such fast consumed life styles, becouse also they live in hot climates I guess life is more subtle and easy going one that allows them to be driven while they have wealth to afford it . And I don't think there is such rush for women to be a man of their own either:)
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Re: Women In The Past May 13, 2012
by reading most of the articals writen on this topic figured out that it turned out to be mostly about Muslim Women vc Western Women ( as usual , few people would always drag the middle eastern pitfalls into it. I agree with Berrin that gradually the middle east is turning into something that you would see every day in the west.
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Re: Women In The Past May 13, 2012
I don't think driving a car makes a woman manly. It simply scares some men that a woman could get into a car by herself and drive wherever she wants, whenever she wants. Fathers, husbands, brothers fear a loss of control of the women in their families. If women felt the same way about men, then the men would need chaperones and drivers to get around too. Maybe men should try that for a while and see how it makes them feel :D The women can always remind the men that they are living in a dangerous world and it is safer to be escorted by a chaperone, and they are so valuable and it gives more status if they have their own driver, so in essence it makes them more of a man to travel with chaperones and drivers. ;)
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