I'm studying Health and Beauty as a mature student in the UK and as part of my course I have to do a project. Part of the project is to collect opinions from mixed groups of people on certain aspects of health and beauty. I decided on hair removal and it was sugested by our tutor that we try internet forums for feed back. I would never have thought of that but here a I am.
So I'm happy to get feed back from men aswell as ladies. I suppose I'd better give you a couple of questions for starters and see what sort of feed back I get which may lead to more questions!
For the men, do you like your ladies hair free or care free? That's the title of my project, by the way, and by being care free, I mean that your lady does not remove any body hair and you and her are quite happy about it?If your lady doesn't remove her body hair, does it embarrass you, at all, if people look a bit

How is it body oder wise?
I have to be honest here and say I'm not sure what is acceptable, culturally, in the UAE. Do ladies remove their body hair?
For the ladies, if you do wax or shave would you consider experimenting with not removing your body hair? How would your husband feel about this? Do you feel you gain your confidence from the way you look and if you decided to grow your body hair would that decrease your confidence?
I think that may be enough for starters so I will wait for some feedback.
I just thought of something else..what's your favourite way to de fuzz, would it be waxing, shaving or creams?
If you do wax and do the whole Brazillian thing, do you find it itchy when you are growing back, with the heat?