French Native Muslim Is Looking For A Job In The UAE

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French native muslim is looking for a job in the UAE Aug 31, 2005
I'm a french native man who's joined the mouslim community since 1993. I speak arabic and I have good basis in english. Living in France as mouslim is so difficult that I've decided to move. I am stock responsible and I am in charge of purchasing. I assume sales tasks too. If you want more information, contact me by private message and I send you my resume. Every proposal is welcome.

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Nov 10, 2005
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Nov 22, 2005

Could I know why did u put à link to serge morana website ?

I'm french too and I hope for u the best, and if you manage to go to visit UAE don't hesitate to aware me, I'd be very interesting.

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Nov 23, 2005
السلام عليكم

I put the Morana site link in order to help him in his project. He want to move to the UAE. I visited Dubai 2 years ago, and it was a good trip. I want to move too in any muslim arabic country. I'm a foreign in my own country.
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Nov 23, 2005
Waleykoum salam,

Nice to see that u are looking to move for these reasons. To be honest, I am looking to move for the same, plus the fact that I have a cousin who live in Sharjah and who told me that life in the UAE is more than I expected : muslim country plus occidental comfort in daily life (interesting, I think, for one who was born and always lived in Paris like me).
Where and how do u manage to return to UAE ?

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Jan 13, 2006

Sorry for my answer's delay. If I go once again to the UAE, I prepare my trip. In August the French Business Council is closed and I was in Dubai in August. Without professional appointment, I stay in France exepted if you have a project. For more information contact me by PM.

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Jan 13, 2006
Si vous venez ici vous allez bien aimer ca... C'est magnefique.
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Feb 10, 2006
I can't bear life in France. I'm ready to move to any muslim arabic country. I know paradise is not on earth but a mouslim have to live in a muslim environment.
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Feb 23, 2006
لا يعجبني أن أزكي نفسي و لكني رجل ذو مزايا طيبة .و حتى في خدمتي أنا رجل واع. أريد أن أخدم أمتي.اللهم أعز الإسلام و المسلمين إيمانا و اقتصاديا و قوة .
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Mar 10, 2006
I'll never give up
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Mar 12, 2006
Salam waleykoum !

Good luck !
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Mar 16, 2006
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Re: French native muslim is looking for a job in the UAE Mar 17, 2006
AL-FRANSII wrote:I'm a french native man who's joined the mouslim community since 1993. I speak arabic and I have good basis in english. Living in France as mouslim is so difficult that I've decided to move. I am stock responsible and I am in charge of purchasing. I assume sales tasks too. If you want more information, contact me by private message and I send you my resume. Every proposal is welcome.

U love Islam as long as u r in europe , once u r in muslim country u ll see how hypocrite our socities are :P

Religion ask for sacrifices. :wink:
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Re: French native muslim is looking for a job in the UAE Mar 17, 2006
HP wrote:
U love Islam as long as u r in europe , once u r in muslim country u ll see how hypocrite our socities are :P

Religion ask for sacrifices. :wink:

How can you say that ? I am not a child who thinks that the muslim world is an ideal world. Despite the disadvantages, you have to move to a muslim country. Here, praying (in your professional environment for example) is so difficult that a lot of muslims don't pray. And have a look at the sharia and you'll understand. I don't want to impose "sacrifices" on myself and my family.
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Re: French native muslim is looking for a job in the UAE Mar 29, 2006
HP wrote:
U love Islam as long as u r in europe , once u r in muslim country u ll see how hypocrite our socities are :P

Religion ask for sacrifices. :wink:

How can you say that ? I am not a child who thinks that the muslim world is an ideal world. Despite the disadvantages, you have to move to a muslim country. Here, praying (in your professional environment for example) is so difficult that a lot of muslims don't pray. And have a look at the sharia and you'll understand. I don't want to impose "sacrifices" on myself and my family.

You go AL-Fransi!!!! I totally share your sentiments and I applaud your rational thinking, You are a convert and you think more smartly and passionatly than a lot of born believers, For the very same reason I want to move from NYC to Dubai, to the naked eye I would be a fool to leave my luxury apartment in madison ave and my expensive cars but I know what I want is far more precious than these things, I am not an extremist muslim , just a proud one:) I hope I will be breathing in a muslim enviornment soon may Allah be willing. good luck to you my friend and God bless!
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Apr 04, 2006
Assalaam Aleykum everyone

I'm glad to notice that I'm not the only french muslim who's willing to to move out.
The idea of going to the UAE has been on my mind for some time now and I hope I'll be able to make the move very soon.

My professional field is aviation, in fact, I'm holding a Commercial Pilot License that I have obtained in the US. I am also fluent in French, English and Arabic so I hope that would help me get a job as a pilot once I get there. Airlines are only hiring experienced pilots so I am aiming at small commuters or charter companies in the region. There's plenty of them, but they're unreachable from here. Do u think I should just get there and start applying in person?

If you think you can help ... please do not hesitate!
Air Polygamy
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AVIATION FIELD... Apr 05, 2006
Well, I do know people working in that field, so why don't you send me your resume, and maybe something can come up...
May Allah assist us all in whatever is for His cause...Amen.
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CV Apr 05, 2006
Please check your PM

Air Polygamy
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Apr 05, 2006
وَمَنْ يُهَاجِرْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ يَجِدْ فِي الْأَرْضِ مُرَاغَمًا كَثِيرًا وَسَعَةً وَمَنْ يَخْرُجْ مِنْ بَيْتِهِ مُهَاجِرًا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ ثُمَّ يُدْرِكْهُ الْمَوْتُ فَقَدْ وَقَعَ أَجْرُهُ عَلَى اللَّهِ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَحِيمًا

Nisaa, 100

100] He who forsakes his home in the cause of Allah, finds in the earth many a refuge, wide and spacious: should he die as a refugee from home for Allah and His Messenger, his reward becomes due and sure with Allah: and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
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Apr 12, 2006
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Apr 12, 2006
What the hell does UP UP UP mean?
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Apr 12, 2006
It's very simple. Writting UP in your post makes it go up. Salamoualeikoum my brother.
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Apr 12, 2006
Desole mon frere, je ne comprend pas encore... :oops:
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Apr 12, 2006
En écrivant UP dont tu connais le sens en anglais, ton message se retrouve en tête de liste. Et comme ça tu augmentes tes chances d'être lu. Salamoualeikom.
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May 09, 2006
This post was read 1070 times and I have received only one interesting private message ! Please if you can help me don't hesitate.
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Re: French native muslim is looking for a job in the UAE Jun 03, 2006
Tusa wrote:
HP wrote:
U love Islam as long as u r in europe , once u r in muslim country u ll see how hypocrite our socities are :P

Religion ask for sacrifices. :wink:

How can you say that ? I am not a child who thinks that the muslim world is an ideal world. Despite the disadvantages, you have to move to a muslim country. Here, praying (in your professional environment for example) is so difficult that a lot of muslims don't pray. And have a look at the sharia and you'll understand. I don't want to impose "sacrifices" on myself and my family.

You go AL-Fransi!!!! I totally share your sentiments and I applaud your rational thinking, You are a convert and you think more smartly and passionatly than a lot of born believers, For the very same reason I want to move from NYC to Dubai, to the naked eye I would be a fool to leave my luxury apartment in madison ave and my expensive cars but I know what I want is far more precious than these things, I am not an extremist muslim , just a proud one:) I hope I will be breathing in a muslim enviornment soon may Allah be willing. good luck to you my friend and God bless!

Al Fransi is not a convert. he is a revert. please send me yr cv i will see what i can do.
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