Sick Sick People

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Sick sick people Apr 02, 2006
I've heard many people talk about this in the forums but never witnessed it myself until now. On my way home there is a pretty big accident with police and ambulance in attendance, people are obviously hurt pretty badly.

What I cannot believe is people on the opposite carriageway parking their cars up and running to the central reservation to look at what's going on.

What the hell is wrong with these people? There's no entertainment in seeing someone really badly hurt. People like this have something mentally wrong with them, it's really really sick!

They were causing the traffic to back up really badly as well on the good side of the road. I drove past with my window down shouting at them all to just move on and what the hell has it got to do with them.

I hope the police came and fined them all for watching.

Twisted barstards, need their heads looking at! I wonder how they would feel if it was them lying in the road being gorped at.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 02, 2006
Not justifying anything, but its all part of human curiosity. Subconsciosly we all like to look and things like this. We are pre-programmed.
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Apr 02, 2006
Sorry to disagree Liban, but I only noticed certain nationalities stopping to watch.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 02, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Sorry to disagree Liban, but I only noticed certain nationalities stopping to watch.

Lets hear it.


Lemmi guess, Indians and locals (arabs).... :roll:
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Apr 02, 2006
maybe this post should go in the Business Opportunities forum...but could be a real money spinner:

This is NOT a serious proposition!

Approach Dubai Police and produce a full colour glossy coffee table book with full page graphic photos of the worst, most horrific, gory and senseless accidents including the death, destruction and in all its aftermath...then sell it in bookstores, corner shops and groceries for 100dhs a copy.

It would probably be the highest grossing (pun) publication in the history of the UAE and would be a totally sick proposition but might stop some of the rubber necking that goes on as they can go home and get their daily fix of gore instead of causing more accidents by being complete morons and parking up to have a good look at someone elses misfortune and pain.

When the Kish Airlines Fokker 40 crashed in Sharjah, the police had to protect the crash site for the accident investigators because 3,000 people turned up and started driving their 4x4's across the wreckage field to see the bodies!

Some people need to get a life!

Dubai Knight
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Apr 02, 2006
Liban wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Sorry to disagree Liban, but I only noticed certain nationalities stopping to watch.

Lets hear it.


Lemmi guess, Indians and locals (arabs).... :roll:

I was at the Desert Classic golf tournament this year and the overwhelming majority of the spectators were white.

Oops, I guess I'm being racist. Forgive me. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 02, 2006

I have told you before, your humour is far tooooooooo subtle

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Apr 02, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Liban wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Sorry to disagree Liban, but I only noticed certain nationalities stopping to watch.

Lets hear it.


Lemmi guess, Indians and locals (arabs).... :roll:

I was at the Desert Classic golf tournament this year and the overwhelming majority of the spectators were white.

Oops, I guess I'm being racist. Forgive me. :lol:

Please refrain from posts not related to the subject. Desert Golf Classics are not related to autos...
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Apr 02, 2006
That told you K sooooooo behave

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Apr 03, 2006
Liban wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Sorry to disagree Liban, but I only noticed certain nationalities stopping to watch.

Lets hear it.


Lemmi guess, Indians and locals (arabs).... :roll:

I do agree with you Liban.

I think it is cultural too, for example, people in Middle east do care about each other, so if you are walking and found 2 guys having a fight, you (as middle eastern in your country) interfere and try to stop the fight even if you don't have anythign to do with ( i know it is a fact in Egypt and Lebanon) also if you someone with flat tire, you stop to help, someone made an accident, you stop to help.
About looking, i agree with liban it is of curiousity, may be some help might be required and sometimes you can help you never know.

There was a car buning on SZR beside Emirates mall few days ago, and i was surprised to know that noone stopped to use their fire extinguishers.

In Europe, or the states, i know that this doesn't happen, people prefer to "Mind their own business" or that was my experience.
People fear helping other people, it might be beacuase of the laws that forbid you get near an injured person if you are not First Aid trained and they can sew/ sue (spell check) you for it. and the same case with putting of a car put on fire.

But there is a law somewhere that if you witnessed an accident, you should stop, call the police or you will be in trouble.

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Apr 03, 2006
No Yshimy, these people were blatantly stopping to feed their sick curiosity, it had nothing to do with wanting to 'help'. They were standing there taking pictures of the poor person being loaded into the ambulance. Plus don't forget in attempt to get their daily fix of horror, these morons were blocking the opposite carriageway and causing traffic to back up there, increasing the risk of another accident.

Sadly Liban, you're are correct the majority of nationalities were Indian, Pakistani and 'other' arabs, no nationals.

Yshimy, in Euorpean countries we do not do this kind of action, because what has it to do with us. If we can help and are at the scene of an accident then we would do our utmost to do what we can - sadly you cannot do that in this country because if the person dies you're then responsible unless you are a qualified medic.

But my point is the police and ambulance were on the scene, and these people were nothing but a hinderance to them. What did it have to do with them? Were they involved in the accident? NO! Did they witness it? NO! Were they offering assistance? NO!

They were standing there staring and takin pictures. What they should have done was just drive past and get on with their own things. There is no different to what these people were doing and watching a snuff movie!

It's disgusting, disgraceful behaviour and these people are sub-human.

And please don't talk crap about people in the Middle East caring about each other, yeah right so the locals that have tail gated me, tried to run my car off the road because I can't out of their fast enough, tried to ram my car care do they? Give me a break and wake up Yshimy - talk about blinkers on!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 03, 2006
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:
Liban wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Sorry to disagree Liban, but I only noticed certain nationalities stopping to watch.

Lets hear it.


Lemmi guess, Indians and locals (arabs).... :roll:

I was at the Desert Classic golf tournament this year and the overwhelming majority of the spectators were white.

Oops, I guess I'm being racist. Forgive me. :lol:

Please refrain from posts not related to the subject. Desert Golf Classics are not related to autos...

Actually it was related to a post in this thread, but perhaps it was too subtle for you. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 03, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Actually it was related to a post in this thread, but perhaps it was too subtle for you. :lol:

No. Actually you are incorrect. Thank you for your concern. It has been noted. :roll:
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Apr 03, 2006
Was I too subtle for others or does anyone else get the point of my original post? :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 03, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
They were standing there staring and takin pictures. What they should have done was just drive past and get on with their own things. There is no different to what these people were doing and watching a snuff movie!

It's disgusting, disgraceful behaviour and these people are sub-human.

And please don't talk crap about people in the Middle East caring about each other, yeah right so the locals that have tail gated me, tried to run my car off the road because I can't out of their fast enough, tried to ram my car care do they? Give me a break and wake up Yshimy - talk about blinkers on!

People were taking pictures??? Are you sure??? Thats kinda low.

Choco, its not nice calling people sub-human. We are all God's servants.

In general people in the MENA are quite warm. Arab hospitality is reknowned worldwide. I am sorry you had some bad experiences, but you are in the minority unfortunatly.

Choco, on the other side of things, while Arab hospitality is reknowned, so is Arab anger. What might be acceptable in Europe will spark rage here. Perhapes you do stuff that the people who try to run you off the road did not like?? I am not justifying anything. Just trying to point something out :) SO DON'T JUMP ME!!! The grasshopper is Kanelli not you I hope :D
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Apr 03, 2006
Liban, Yes they were taking pictures!

Tell me what could a person possibly do that could warrant another trying to deliberately run another off the road, please! There is no defence for this kind of action.

Try telling that to my friend who was cut up so bad and basically forced by a local with an Abu Dhabi plate off the road onto the gravel on the way to Sharjah, his mate lost control of the car because of this moron, rolled it and both my friend and his mate who was driving have broken bones, but thankfully nothing more serious! And tell me what warranted the action of this moron, nothing more than they were in the outside lane and he couldn't wait for them to move over so he undertook and forced them off the road.

After causing a horrific accident, do you think he stopped to help? Like F*** he did, he just drove off! Well my friend could easily have been killed!

Sorry but these people are not human! A normal minded human being would have compassion and absolutely stop to help or at least see if the people were OK, not just drive off. There is no defense for this guy or anyone like him, or thoes who stop to stare and photograph people being scrapped off the road - it's disgusting - period!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 03, 2006
I still cannot bring myself to call a person subhuman. Unless we are speaking of a serial murderer like the dude in the TExas Chainsaw Massacre or Ariel Sharon....

As for AD drivers. These guys are the worst!
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Apr 03, 2006
What's the difference Liban? These people use their cars as a weapon to 'murder' others!
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Apr 03, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:What's the difference Liban? These people use their cars as a weapon to 'murder' others!

There is a difference, they are not out to kill you.... Its not like they take pleasure in hacking you to death or in ordering the murder ot civilians....
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Apr 03, 2006

Chill babes, we agree with you, have a cuppa and some dairy milk or galaxy or a flake

:wink: :wink:
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Apr 03, 2006
Liban, people who act like that are insane, they refuse to take responsibilty for their actions or the fact that they're willfully putting others in danger. In my mind it makes them very very dangerous people who need drastic measures to show them what they're doing is wrong.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 03, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Liban, people who act like that are insane, they refuse to take responsibilty for their actions or the fact that they're willfully putting others in danger. In my mind it makes them very very dangerous people who need drastic measures to show them what they're doing is wrong.

What kind of drastic measures?
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Apr 03, 2006
Personally I'd lock them in a room with a massive projeciton screen and show them fottage of real accidents, gore and all! Or send them out with an ambulance crew for a day so they can see first hand the results of stupid driving, trust me, there are some things you do not want to see.

Then I'd strap them into a car and use them as a crash test dummy, to see how they feel when an accident happens.

The kind of behaviour I've described of people driving stupidly, where I come from is called wreckless endangerment. It carries a prison sentence and that's where these nutters should damn well be, or forced to work in a hospital helpin those they put there by their actions.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 04, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Personally I'd lock them in a room with a massive projeciton screen and show them fottage of real accidents, gore and all! Or send them out with an ambulance crew for a day so they can see first hand the results of stupid driving, trust me, there are some things you do not want to see.

Then I'd strap them into a car and use them as a crash test dummy, to see how they feel when an accident happens.

The kind of behaviour I've described of people driving stupidly, where I come from is called wreckless endangerment. It carries a prison sentence and that's where these nutters should damn well be, or forced to work in a hospital helpin those they put there by their actions.

Agree with you Choc, but can you imagine the way they would push the trolleys down the corridors? Running one right behind the other, flashing those little pen torches at the guy in front to get out of the way!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, lame attempt at levity! :oops:

Dubai Knight
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Apr 04, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Personally I'd lock them in a room with a massive projeciton screen and show them fottage of real accidents, gore and all! Or send them out with an ambulance crew for a day so they can see first hand the results of stupid driving, trust me, there are some things you do not want to see.

Then I'd strap them into a car and use them as a crash test dummy, to see how they feel when an accident happens.

The kind of behaviour I've described of people driving stupidly, where I come from is called wreckless endangerment. It carries a prison sentence and that's where these nutters should damn well be, or forced to work in a hospital helpin those they put there by their actions.

Paragraph 1 & 3, I agree with.

Paragraph 2 is just stupid.
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Re: Sick sick people Apr 04, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
I hope the police came and fined them all for watching.


I am backing you up for that!!
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Apr 04, 2006
Im with Chocoholic on this one!

I posted a message about people doing the exact same thing a few weeks ago regarding an accident on shk zayed road.

Makes me want to get out of my car and shout at them to not be so disrespectful etc etc etc!! God forbid, another tragedy happens on our roads, but if it was one of these avid crash photographers mother, child, husband, wife and there were people snapping away at the victim writhing in pain, or maybe even dead...............would they like it?

Unless you are Superman, if the emergency services are at the scene just drive on.........youre causing more of a nightmare than has already happened.
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