Do Arabs Regret Supporting The British Against The Ottoman?

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Apr 03, 2006


I responded by the way.... :wink:

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Apr 03, 2006
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:Actually, he didn't call you a preacher Liban, so there is nothing to be honoured about.

Are you a born-again Muslim? This means that you previously didn't follow Islam, e.g. maybe didn't pray, ate pork, drank alcohol, etc. I'm just curious. Many born-again religious people tend to be very vocal about their faith compared to religious people who have always been faithful.

Young grasshopper, you seem to possess many personalities. Do you think you are DK?

The born again statement is mute. Yes at a previous point I didn't pray 5 times a day, but many children do not pray.... In any event it is not until the onset of puberty that Muslims are obligated to follow their faith if they are to be true practicing Muslims.

In Christianity, born-agains are vocal... In Islam, all Muslims are obliged to speak of their faith and educate others, so there are no differences between practicing Muslims who were born into the faith, or converted, or refound their faith.

I hope that helped educate you a little more young grasshopper.

Moot Liban, not mute - did you ever read that link I gave you! /yoda the grammarian goes back into his hole :wink:

So, it was only the praying 5 times a day that you didn't do? :wink: Actually, I have found that born-agains of many faiths are more vocal because they have found a new meaning in their life and can see that others who have not previously been faithful can change their ways. This is because they have lived as both an unfaithful and faithful, unlike a person who has always been faithful from the start. Therefore, I disagree with the statement that only Christians are like this.
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Apr 03, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Moot Liban, not mute - did you ever read that link I gave you! /yoda the grammarian goes back into his hole :wink:

So, it was only the praying 5 times a day that you didn't do? :wink: Actually, I have found that born-agains of many faiths are more vocal because they have found a new meaning in their life and can see that others who have not previously been faithful can change their ways. This is because they have lived as both an unfaithful and faithful, unlike a person who has always been faithful from the start. Therefore, I disagree with the statement that only Christians are like this.

Thank you for your help MAster Yoga....

Yes grasshopper... We don't eat pork and, well, not many kids drink alcohol either... Fasting isn't mandatory until puberty either.

As I said before grasshopper, in Islam, it is ones duty to be vocal no matter how he has lived his life in the past or how he lives in the present or will be living in the future...
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greetings Apr 03, 2006
Hello Folks,

This is my first post as I recenty joined the club.
I have read all of the posts with regard to the subject matter and I have a few comments to make.

All of you have been trying to win arguments, and the more argumens one wins, less friends he will make.

If you guys continue like this, you would develop some sort of syndrome.

Every one of you reflects his/her background and no one dares to even think or consider other's view point could be reasonable as well.

I think its sort of addiction to participate in these forums.

Lionheart started it and if he meant others to only listen and agree to his comments then why did he start the thread in the first place, he is the initiator and he should write less and listen to others more, atleast thats what I would have in my mind if i want to start a thread, while reading the thread it gave me sort of impression that some times he goes on and on with his postings and did not even bother to look what other people are talking about and suddenyl he wakes up and respond to an old thread. He is sort of showing off that he is pure, no need to paste those pictures. You can't force your view point and expect others to listen only, they would react and your job is to wisely reply to them with calm and patince.

I liked one thing in his threads that he does not distinguishes between an arab muslim and a non-arab muslim, which is lacking a bit with Liban.

He was not able to reply effectively when some one asked about the things which were developed by west and muslims are using them in their daily life.

He should understand that GOD created humans who excel with time be it from any culture.

God even gave examples in Kuran of old civilisation who excel in every walks of life, they were more stronger, build houses in mountains and yet were destroyed because they did not accept the message of GOD.

Liban literally choked when he made some silly remarks and tried to defend em, he should have accepted and thats the end of that. If you ask arni or kanelli, the comments by Liban was offensive enough.

I do not understand why muslims have become so in tolerant and so touchy about their religion yet they always claim that in islam there is no force yet they deny that in every action of their daily life.

Do you think all ills of muslims are caused by west, well in that case I think you are so dumb to be eaily manipulated, put the blame on west and sleep.

Your leaders are corrupt because you yourselves are corrupt, GOD will put the same kind of leaders to a nation that the nation deserves- no offense please.

What you should be doing is by your action of great manners, preach islam so that the people who do not know about islam can really leran from your actions. I do not think that you chose your sperm yourself to be born in a muslim family. I belive its better to be a muslim or christian by choice then by birth.

And I also belive if some one truly without any prejudice seeks the truth GOD will for sure open his heart and he will be on the right patch, GOD is not un just, otherwise whats the meaning of hell and heaven if people are to follow a religion just because he was was born in a certain religion family. I belive every one of us in our lives have been guided by GOD in some way to seek the truth.

arni , knight and kanelly did try their best to reason with both liban and lion heart, thanks to them for participating in the thread. At times, they went biased as well, closing their ears on some of the nice things said by liban and lionheart. You should not see who is saying the righteous words but see what he is saying and take the good part and leave the bad or which you do not like.

At one point some one from these people even pointed to liban or lionheart that they are reading Kuran and yet they have been told in essence to stay away as they do not know about kuran, as if liban or lionheart were born with the wisdom.

I therefore invite arni, kanelli and knigh to please cont reading Kuran and I pray that one day they will become muslims and true muslims. In the early days of islam the worst people who were opposed to islam became the defenders of islam later. So you never know whats the ending of a person before he dies.

I am sorry if I hurt any one from my remarks.
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Apr 03, 2006
Thank you for that post 2010, it does put things in perspective for me very well, and has made me stop and think.

I can only speak for myself, but i am here to learn, in addition to having a laugh and make fiends with people of different nationalities and faiths. I hope that with this understanding i will become wiser, more tollerant and enjoy re- discovering things i was taught at school ( as in religion).

It is coincidental your post arriving today, because some of us have, i hope reached a better understanding about tollerance and respect.

Thank you
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Re: greetings Apr 04, 2006
I therefore invite arni, kanelli and knigh to please cont reading Kuran and I pray that one day they will become muslims and true muslims. In the early days of islam the worst people who were opposed to islam became the defenders of islam later. So you never know whats the ending of a person before he dies.

I am sorry if I hurt any one from my remarks.

Welcome 2010, and to support Aniegang, thank you for this post. It's nice to read someone who has taken the time to read all the rantings that go on here from both sides and try to put some sense or reason to them. You are right, we do sometimes get on our relative soapboxes about certain things, but then isn't that the nice part about having a point of view on a subject and being able to express it? We try to reason from an objective point of view, but we are sometimes the victims of our own cultural upbringing.

Personally, I believe that everyone has the inalienable right to worship who or what he believes, however, wherever or whenever he wishes, without interference from anyone else. Its called 'Denominational Freedom'. In the same way, no-one should try to force their own personal religious beliefs upon another as we should all be free to decide if we want to worship or not.

I have already stated in other posts that I claim to be 'Jedi', purely as it is a fictional and fantasy term that people can relate to, as an example to show that I do not have any particular 'side' or preference for structured or intitutionalised religion. I like to think I am therefore 'neutral' as far as I can be and speak more from the overall point of view of humanity and the planet. The marketing expression is 'Thinking outside the box' I prefer to refer to it as 'Thinking outside the known universe'.

Try this little exercise, it's great fun! Imagine you are from an alien planet and are sent to observe the goings-on of the civilisations on planet earth. You have to write a totally objective report and submit it back to your superiors on...planet 'Zog' (a name that came to mind for the sake of the exercise). Remember, you are not influenced by ANY of the things on this planet. Start by describing, in the clearest and simplest terms possible, the workings of say a TV set and the typical content that it contains. Don't worry about the technical working of how pictures and sound appear, just describe it as you would see it...for the first time ever.

Once you have done that, try to explain the simplest human emotions, love, hate, physical relationships between men and women. After that...try and explain the reasons why nations argue and fight and why. You might have a great time doing it and it certainly opens one or two peoples eyes to the often ludicrous nature of our society. It can be hilariously funny and painfully sad all at the same time.

Once again, thank you for your post and I am sure Arniegang, Kanelli, Liban and Lionheart will join me in congratulating you on having the courage and moral turpitude to bring us all to task with just your first post! Don't worry about hurting anyone's feelings either, we are all pretty thick skinned in here!

Keep it up! Maybe we have another Moderator in the making? Enjoy playing the alien game!


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Re: greetings Apr 04, 2006
danielmex2010 wrote:Hello Folks,

I liked one thing in his threads that he does not distinguishes between an arab muslim and a non-arab muslim, which is lacking a bit with Liban.

I am sorry if I hurt any one from my remarks.

a bit.......!!! hell no he believes only arabs have licence to get houris in heaven..... :x
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Re: greetings Apr 04, 2006
sniper420 wrote:
a bit.......!!! hell no he believes only arabs have licence to get houris in heaven..... :x

When the hell did I ever say either that there are whores in heaven or that Arabs have "a liscence to get whores in heaven"... :?
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Apr 04, 2006
DK.... Seriously dude, your Sci-Fi wet dreams are too much :lol:
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Apr 04, 2006
I really appreciate your post danielmex2010. Sometimes it is very helpful to have an outside person comment. Far too often the same group of us are discussing in these hot topic threads and our behaviour is predictable to each other. We might be closing our ears or falling prey to biases more often than we should be. Thanks for having the courage to contribute to this thread!

Lionheart, I meant to mention earlier that I am happy to see more of your voice coming out in this thread rather than cut and paste from other sources. (If only we can get you to remove that huge picture signature you have at the end of every post!)
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Apr 04, 2006
Liban wrote:DK.... Seriously dude, your Sci-Fi wet dreams are too much :lol:

Yeah, but did you try it? Go on! Dare yah! You may find out how much fun it is to be an real alien! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Apr 04, 2006
kanelli wrote:(If only we can get you to remove that huge picture signature you have at the end of every post!)

OK people, I think you all should be sitting when I say this. Have a glass of water ready too incase you need one.

Here is goes....

*deep breath* with you K-k-Kanelli....

*deep breath once again*

*ahh that water tastes good*
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Apr 04, 2006
Dubai Knight wrote:
Liban wrote:DK.... Seriously dude, your Sci-Fi wet dreams are too much :lol:

Yeah, but did you try it? Go on! Dare yah! You may find out how much fun it is to be an real alien! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Ummm... sure.... OK....

Coo-Coo... :lol:
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Apr 04, 2006
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:(If only we can get you to remove that huge picture signature you have at the end of every post!)

OK people, I think you all should be sitting when I say this. Have a glass of water ready too incase you need one.

Here is goes....

*deep breath* with you K-k-Kanelli....

*deep breath once again*

*ahh that water tastes good*

Ooh, I'm going to keep this post for posterity! :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 04, 2006
kanelli wrote:Ooh, I'm going to keep this post for posterity! :lol:

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Apr 04, 2006
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:(If only we can get you to remove that huge picture signature you have at the end of every post!)

OK people, I think you all should be sitting when I say this. Have a glass of water ready too incase you need one.

Here is goes....

*deep breath* with you K-k-Kanelli....

*deep breath once again*

*ahh that water tastes good*

That sound you all heard in the background, was the thud as Arniegang fell off his chair!

There is a flag flying high over SZR!!!

Now all we have to do is get someone to agree with Sniper and the world will be complete!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Apr 04, 2006
You missed the army parade and the fighter flyby parade by the air force... World leaders have been calling from all over to present their good wishes....

George Bush even shook Saddam Hussein's hand and embraced Ahmadjeddin of Iran... And who can forget the hugs and kisses between Olmert of Israel and Assad of Syria to bless this great day...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I need to wake up now...
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Apr 04, 2006
Feel free to agree with me anytime you like Liban. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 04, 2006
kanelli wrote:Feel free to agree with me anytime you like Liban. :lol:

Of course....

I ask the same of you also :)
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Apr 04, 2006
Dubai Knight wrote:
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:(If only we can get you to remove that huge picture signature you have at the end of every post!)

OK people, I think you all should be sitting when I say this. Have a glass of water ready too incase you need one.

Here is goes....

*deep breath* with you K-k-Kanelli....

*deep breath once again*

*ahh that water tastes good*

That sound you all heard in the background, was the thud as Arniegang fell off his chair!

There is a flag flying high over SZR!!!

Now all we have to do is get someone to agree with Sniper and the world will be complete!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Sorry for the delay in replying. DK was in fact correct i fell off my chair and banged my head in shock.

Oi Liban why cant you agree with me and Knight as well, fekin favourtism that you have singled K out

:lol: :lol: :lol:

K copy off the post and stick it on yer wall behind yer computer. Next time Liban and you seriously disagree you will have something to throw your darts at.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Apr 07, 2006
Sorry for the late reply; I'm very busy these days. I'm back to developing my software, and actually these may be my last replies on the forum.

Lionheart wrote:If Saudis, Jordanians, Kuwaitese, Emerites,etc could go all the way to Afghanistan to fight against superpower the USSR or Iraq to fight against another superpower Americans...than don't see why they cannot fight against their oppressive governments to bring about change..

What are you suggesting here... physical fighting? Extreme solutions generate extreme results, esp. in the case of failure... I don't think it is worth the trouble. Why not simpler solutions like demanding more transparency, accountability, and democracy?

Lionheart wrote:For starters China minds its own business...China is closer to Mid east than Europe or America...Mid east and China have been doing business far longer than Mid east and the West... China is not the one arming and protecting Isreal...etc

It it is dependant on prevailing politics... doesn't really matter who it is, it could be US, UK, China, or even a Muslim country.

I'll say, it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness. I don't mean any country named in this discussion is darkness.
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Apr 09, 2006
Mahathir Mohammad had it right.

Muslims should use brains over brawn. Inshallah we will apply this soon!
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