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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
melika969 wrote:FD, Take care and Good luck!


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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
melika969 wrote:I don't agree with you Shaf.

Well, let's put this down to another point we have differing views on. No problems.

I know that I did not step over the line in any of my posts, but all those who were banned did. I did not see Bora or kanelli go as extreme as BM et al did either.

But of course, I admit I am biased on this point as I was at the receiving end of much of the insults.

FD - I'm not the one who banned you and I really don't mind if you choose to continue posting or leave - as I said before it is your choice. I have never held back on expressing my opinion on what is posted before, and all I've posted in this thread is sincerely what I believe.

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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
shafique wrote:
melika969 wrote:I don't agree with you Shaf.

Well, let's put this down to another point we have differing views on. No problems.

I know that I did not step over the line in any of my posts, but all those who were banned did. I did not see Bora or kanelli go as extreme as BM et al did either.

But of course, I admit I am biased on this point as I was at the receiving end of much of the insults.



As I said I think if Bora got suspended, you and K should got suspended as well. She was much less involved in fights than you two. At least that is my observation, And I am sure you stepped over lines many times in your posts. But the reason you did not receive the temp ban is nobody reported you. Or they were late!
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Mel - as I said, I'm biased and it is for others to judge whether I stepped over the line or not. I honestly can say I didn't - indeed I'd argue I showed restraint. I agree I was in the thick of the discussions - but you know I don't back down easily, and yet within the torrent of posts, I didn't cross the line in my mind.

I disagree with your view that Andy only bans based on reports - or on when the posts are reported. Given that all those who were banned were previously suspended, it would indicate to me that it is behaviour of the posters that is to blame.

But hey - let's agree to disagree. Those that were banned can obviously post if they choose, and can choose to post in a way that won't get them banned. eh survived for a long time, but recently went over the top with 'satanic cults' and joined in with the personal insults which had nothing to do with forum posts.


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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
shafique , please show some decency and refrain from your mud throwing.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
I disagree that there is any mud throwing in this thread. I've been polite in the way I've expressed my views, may I suggest you do the same in this thread of yours.

I also note that rather than criticise those who were throwing out personal insults recently, you rather chose to side with them. In my mind, it is not credible of you to play the victim card here.

Take responsibility. Your choice whether to stay and post or leave.


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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
shafique wrote:I disagree that there is any mud throwing in this thread.

Posters already succeeded shafique. Your baiting and trolling involves mud throwing. I have already been called a spoiled brat and a liar (which is fine with me if it makes others feel better), there is mud throwing, name calling and baiting. You succeeded shafique. I just wanted to say goodbye. Shame on you shaf. From now on please try to show decency, or just open another thread where you can fight. Please not here. Thank you very much!
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
shafique wrote:Mel - as I said, I'm biased and it is for others to judge whether I stepped over the line or not. I honestly can say I didn't - indeed I'd argue I showed restraint. I agree I was in the thick of the discussions - but you know I don't back down easily, and yet within the torrent of posts, I didn't cross the line in my mind.

I disagree with your view that Andy only bans based on reports - or on when the posts are reported. Given that all those who were banned were previously suspended, it would indicate to me that it is behaviour of the posters that is to blame.

But hey - let's agree to disagree. Those that were banned can obviously post if they choose, and can choose to post in a way that won't get them banned. eh survived for a long time, but recently went over the top with 'satanic cults' and joined in with the personal insults which had nothing to do with forum posts.



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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
^Mel - agreed! ;)

FD - if you look back, I wished you well and only commented after you answered S&O query about why you were banned. I think it is perfectly valid to express my view that your assertion that an avatar got you banned is stretching the truth.

Your posts got a response - and blaming others for your posts is the opposite of taking responsibility.

Indeed, you could argue that trying to blame your avatar for your banning, and hence sluring the admin here, is an example of mudslinging. But I won't argue that.

I am more than willing to take responsibility for my posts and have been brought up to be mindful of doing any shameful actions. Accusing me of mudslinging is rich.

As I said, if you are leaving - goodbye. If you are staying, I hope that you can take responsibility for your posts and post without people characterising you as a spoilt brat etc.

(And you know - I will answer each and every unfair accusation thrown at me)

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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Please open a thread in FC or so something, instead of you continue mud throwing in this thread, thank you.
And I am free to assume what I want, as long as I didn't receive a reason. Thank you.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
I repeat, I don't agree that I've thrown any mud.

I wish you well if you choose to go, I wish you well if you choose to stay. I suggest you re-read the posts in this thread.


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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Three days and counting and we are still doing goodbyes ! The dramatics, spin, false allegations, infantile name calling and what aboutery don't stop, even in your "dying moments" you can't help yourself, typical FD. What is the point of this whole excercise, your saving grace moment or your final act which you take a bow with a thunderous appluase from the audience which leaves an indelible impressions in their minds ?

Could have been, if you would have sat on your hands after your first post and left quietly but you went back to being your regular self very shortly after that. Even I felt some sympathy for you after reading your OP, but seeing your relapse in to your former self at the flip of a coin, I feel the ban is fully justified and well deserved.

And if you have any diginity left you will stop making a further mockery of yourself and quietly melt away into the night and not carry on with this charade but knowing you I strongly doubt that will happen.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
I hope now you feel better DDS. I see real determination to pick a fight from the usual posters. Sorry, I will not join with throwing mud from the sewer.

I wish you well too DDS. Thank you.

And again, the more you post, the more I will reply.

And I leave with my head high and chest in front.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
All the best FD.

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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012

Thanks shafique. All the best for you too.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Mel, I guess no one reported my posts to Andyba. I highly doubt he'd have given me a free pass if there were many reports about my posts. I agree though, that my conduct deserved a suspension. This time I got off lucky, but I don't plan on doing anything else to gain a suspension or ban in the future.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Exactly K, That's my point. I'm glad that at least you feel responsible for your contribution. :)
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
I do, and will behave. :D Any suspected aliases go on my foe list and I will be ignoring them.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
melika969 ,

Hi Mel, long time, how are you doing? I see that Andy is banning left right and centre, I have not really had the time to go into the reasons, interesting turn of events though.
sage & onion
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
sage & onion ,

Hey Sage, how are you? I'm enjoying my New years holidays with Family. Yes things got out of control around here. Apprently the fights were going on for a long time. I have not been around much during last months, except for last few days.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 27, 2012
FD! DF will be a dreary place without my good looking Dutch friend. It was fun to read your posts. Personally I much prefered to read your real life stories and interact with the person than just read a load of words written by some avatar that proved to be soul less. I see you are being lectured by people who hardly contribute to this forum and those who think they own it! Sorry we didnt manage that Heinekin the other weekend, next time I hope! Wink face.
You are a star FD x
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 27, 2012
Thank you NS. You make me blush.
We will get that Heineken, and you know it! :D It wasn't my last time in the UK this year.
I never told you about the magical Sunday I had in London, after spending the night with friends. Home made English breakfast in the garden, the sun was out, and we had a wonderful long walk along the Thames. We had great conversations and laughed a lot. It was a special day for me, I'll remember that day. We finished with lunch with a Heineken. You can take the Dutchman out of Holland, but you can't take Holland out of the Dutchman. :D I love London!
Next week Tel-Aviv for Passover, also looking forward to that of course!
XOX to you, and an air kiss from the finger tips to DF. All is said and done, and wishing DF all the best!
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