Red Chief wrote:Hey if you do not like stat and extrapolation find another one instead
I'm happy for you to base your view on a statistic about a survey in Wales and then extrapolate this to apply to England.
However, to me it is a bit like me sitting outside in a London park enjoying the English spring time and someone over the internet writes that it is raining in London, because he has just looked up the weather report in Birmingham! And when I politely say that I can see it is not raining.. he asks me to provide another 'report' to counter his.

As kanelli points out - every individual will have to answer whether they view themselves first as British, English, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Sikh etc.
I am saying that my view that the majority of Britons in England view themselves as both English and British is based on my birth, schooling and working in England - indeed, I've spent most of my life there. A quote from a book about a survey in Wales is not enough for me to change my mind.