Fascism And Communism?

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Fascism and Communism? Mar 31, 2006
Do fascism & communism have something in common?

Many people see fascism & communism same. the foundation of Communism is Education & liberalism, the foundation of fascism is corruption and military tradition.

"When I give the poor the food they call me a saint, When I ask the poor why they have no food, they call me a communist" - Communism

"Great masses of the people fall victim more easily to a big lie rather than a small one" -Fascism

Anyone agree?

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Re: Fascism and Communism? Mar 31, 2006
bsorc wrote:Do fascism & communism have something in common?

Many people see fascism & communism same. the foundation of Communism is Education & liberalism, the foundation of fascism is corruption and military tradition.

"When I give the poor the food they call me a saint, When I ask the poor why they have no food, they call me a communist" - Communism

"Great masses of the people fall victim more easily to a big lie rather than a small one" -Fascism

Anyone agree?

these two political structures have failed miserably and are almost history
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Re: Fascism and Communism? Mar 31, 2006
sniper420 wrote:
bsorc wrote:Do fascism & communism have something in common?

Many people see fascism & communism same. the foundation of Communism is Education & liberalism, the foundation of fascism is corruption and military tradition.

"When I give the poor the food they call me a saint, When I ask the poor why they have no food, they call me a communist" - Communism

"Great masses of the people fall victim more easily to a big lie rather than a small one" -Fascism

Anyone agree?

these two political structures have failed miserably and are almost history

Democracy and capitalism are also destined to fail...due to the gap between have and have not...
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Mar 31, 2006
Big yawn

:roll: :roll:
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Apr 01, 2006
arniegang wrote:Big yawn

:roll: :roll:


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Apr 01, 2006
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 01, 2006
it's monarchy Lionheart! the pic depicts monarchy
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Apr 01, 2006
sniper420 wrote:it's monarchy Lionheart! the pic depicts monarchy

The UAE is a monarchy...so is Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait...oh wait a minute...it's The KINGDOM of Saudi Arabia isn't it?

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Apr 01, 2006
nice one DK,

and they are all going to say "ohhhh ok then lets all become as one in the name of Islam, and close our borders and lets elect one leader and share our wealth"

yer right

:lol: :lol:
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Apr 01, 2006
arniegang wrote:nice one DK,

and they are all going to say "ohhhh ok then lets all become as one in the name of Islam, and close our borders and lets elect one leader and share our wealth"

yer right

:lol: :lol:

Now is that Communism...or Facism? :shock:

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Apr 01, 2006
i think we ought to see what Lionheart wants to call it DK - from reading his posts thats what his group would like to happen

:lol: :lol:
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Apr 01, 2006
arniegang wrote:i think we ought to see what Lionheart wants to call it DK - from reading his posts thats what his group would like to happen

:lol: :lol:

Maybe he would like to call it 'Fommunism' or, more aptly 'Cashism'!!

:lol: :lol:

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Apr 01, 2006
Socialism is the lesser of the evils, in my opinion :D
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Apr 01, 2006
Maybe he would like to call it 'Fommunism' or, more aptly 'Cashism'!!

or "dreamonism"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Apr 01, 2006
The political equasion is a circle. Communism and Facism sit side by side, left and right, divided by a very fine line at the bottom. Diametrically opposite them is Liberalism and then you work your way through progressive spectra of radicalisation until you come back to the extremes.

Where you sit in that circle depends on the historical influences upon you: Geodemographic, socio-economic or just plain point of view.

In the end we are all still in the circle somewhere.

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Apr 03, 2006
arniegang wrote:nice one DK,

and they are all going to say "ohhhh ok then lets all become as one in the name of Islam, and close our borders and lets elect one leader and share our wealth"

yer right

:lol: :lol:

Inshallah...it will be reality soon...
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Apr 03, 2006
Dubai Knight wrote:
arniegang wrote:nice one DK,

and they are all going to say "ohhhh ok then lets all become as one in the name of Islam, and close our borders and lets elect one leader and share our wealth"

yer right

:lol: :lol:

Now is that Communism...or Facism? :shock:


I would call capatilism...fascism....because view benefit from capitilism..
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Apr 03, 2006
Lionheart wrote:
arniegang wrote:nice one DK,

and they are all going to say "ohhhh ok then lets all become as one in the name of Islam, and close our borders and lets elect one leader and share our wealth"

yer right

:lol: :lol:

Inshallah...it will be reality soon...

The only problem is that the countries of the Middle East could not unite as there are too many internecine squabbles and historical vendettas going on. Now don't tell me these were created by 'The West' as they have been going on for thousands of years, long before 'The West' knew where the Middle East was. If it happens, then great. It will be like the European Union: run by beurocrats, politically ineffective and still fighting the internecine squabbles, but at least it would be using a pen and a ballot box rather than a gun and a bomb.

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Apr 03, 2006
You say that these have been going on for thousands of years before the West knew about the existance of the Middle East.

Interesting you say that.

The Middle East has been in the eyes of the West since the days of the Roman Empire and subsequently the Byzantine Empire.

You say the Arab world has been fighting historical vendettas for thousands of years and thats why it has never been cohesive...

Explain the Ummah that lasted over 800 years then.... Betcha can't since you argument is based on a fallacy.

Current divisions are a product of Western carved borders creating artificial states like Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, etc... States that never really existed in the historical books....

Only some Arab countries like Morocco or Egypt or Syria or Iraq have any historical basis and even with that, they were still linked in the Ummah in a sort of EU, except that this was a highly effective one.

These carved states were propped by the West through the installation of "friendly" leaders like the Kings/Sheikhs/Emirs of the Gulfs states as examples or our recently deposted "friend" President Hussein who was as Rumsfeld put it in the 80s "one of Americas best friends".
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Apr 03, 2006
Liban, should Canada and the US be one because of their history? What is wrong with Lebanese wanting to be Lebanese, and Jordanians wanting to be Jordanians etc. Do all the people in the Middle East really want to live under one Ummah? Also, there are such things as regional groups, so it isn't just a matter of who officially made lines on a map.
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Apr 03, 2006
the intentions of communism are good...the intentions of fascism are shown good but its pure capitalism. and one important thing Stalin had nothing to do with communism, he was a betrayer of communism. I would call his regime Stalinism. Nazis werent socialism like they said, it was just an excuse to get through people.
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Apr 03, 2006
kanelli wrote:Liban, should Canada and the US be one because of their history? What is wrong with Lebanese wanting to be Lebanese, and Jordanians wanting to be Jordanians etc. Do all the people in the Middle East really want to live under one Ummah? Also, there are such things as regional groups, so it isn't just a matter of who officially made lines on a map.

Nation states in Arabic culture is a new concept and is destined to failure. Look at what is happening in Western created states throughout Africa and the Middle East...

Grasshopper, unless you are an Arab, you know little of what Arabs want. Ask Yshimy or Intimacy what their thoughts are on the Ummah and you will see that we are all brothers. Also we three come from three different countries, but we are all from the same proud nation and people.
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Apr 03, 2006

Lets be totally frank here, if the reality was as you wish, it would end up with factions just kicking the shit out of each other and blowing themselves up on a daily basis.

Just 35 years ago the UAE were at each others throats.

It will never happen.
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Apr 03, 2006
arniegang wrote:Liban

Lets be totally frank here, if the reality was as you wish, it would end up with factions just kicking the shit out of each other and blowing themselves up on a daily basis.

Just 35 years ago the UAE were at each others throats.

It will never happen.

You are a nay sayer Arniegang and it is sad.

The UAE were at each other throats... Interesting.... Thats why they became one... Right....

Only a learned individual can teach others Arnigang. Remember that.
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Apr 03, 2006
They became ONE Liban because the UK govt, brokered the deal in 1971 i think.
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Apr 03, 2006
arniegang wrote:They became ONE Liban because the UK govt, brokered the deal in 1971 i think.

Sure... God Bless the Queen... :roll:

Its remarkable you have lived to your age by seeing only black and white.
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Apr 03, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:They became ONE Liban because the UK govt, brokered the deal in 1971 i think.

Sure... God Bless the Queen... :roll:

Its remarkable you have lived to your age by seeing only black and white.

Ok Liban you asked me to "start" in the other thread so i will.

There was no need for that sarcsm in your reply to my post. We were just talking about respect. Your post above does not even attempt to address my quite polite point regarding the formal formation of the 7 Emirates in 1971.

If you disagree with that, or have an alternative view point, it would have been nice to have read a post from you debating as such.
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Apr 03, 2006
Also... The UK didn't broker any deal. It returned the Trucial Agreements back to the uniting Sheikhdoms. A treaty it imposed on them in the 1800s....

Thank you for demonstrating how little you know about a subject you try to get your nose into....

Think and learn Arniegang... You may just surprise yourself yet!
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Apr 03, 2006
Serious debate is impossible with you Liban. You can be so disrespectful.
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Apr 03, 2006
Arniegang, I am unsure how one can go around debating historical facts.

Its like someone debating whether or not the Shah was deposed in Iran in 1979.... :)

I don't see anything disrespectful in me saying that you do not know much about UAE history. Its a fact and all I said is that you need only read up on it to learn more and that when you know little or nothing of something that its usually better not to speak of it for your own credibility...

Thats all Arniegang :D
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