Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother

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Racist Thugs spit on 4 year old and Beat up Mother Mar 18, 2012
This from the Daily Mail in the UK.

As loonwatch points out:
No Islamophobia to see here, no racism. These racist thugs must have appeared out of no where.

It’s also interesting that the Daily Mail chose to highlight the fact that the victim of the racist attack, store owner Saly Chowdhury “refuses to sell alcohol in her store.” Why is that important??

Anyway, I'm sure that most of my fellow Brits will condemn the racist thugs for this attack on a woman and child. What cowards these racist thugs are!!

Racist thugs spat on four-year-old girl and beat up her mother in a sickening attack in her corner shop
by Leon Watson

Racist thugs spat on a four-year-old girl and brutally beat her mother in a
sickening attack.

Saly Chowdhury was left with a black eye and facial injuries after two men and a woman tried to steal two boxes of crisps from her shop, the Hendon Valley Stores in Sunderland.

The incident took place on last Friday at 4.40pm when the mother-of-four ran out of the shop after the thieves and accidentally locked herself outside.

When the trio started hurling racist abuse at her, she fled to her home nearby.

But they caught up with her and spat on her four-year-old daughter Ousha, shoved her seven-year-old daughter against the wall and thumped her 13-year-old daughter in the face.

The gang then turned their attentions to Saly, 31, punching her in the face, tearing out chunks of her hair and choking her with her scarf.

Saly, who also has a nine-year-old daughter, managed to free herself and get herself and her children inside to safety.

And just 12 hours later the mum-of-four was back behind the shop counter, determined not to let the vicious thugs get the better of her.

Saly, who refuses to sell alcohol in her store, said: ‘I had to close my shop on Friday and I lost business. ‘I’m not letting them do that to me again. It was scary and it’s worrying going back to work but there is no need for this behaviour. ‘I have many great customers who know me and I know them. If this is all about stealing, then please speak to me first and we can see if something can be sorted out.

‘The problem of people coming in here and stealing things is getting worse and worse.’

Northumbria Police yesterday said the incident ‘simply won’t be tolerated’.

An investigation into the attack has been launched and is being treated as racially aggravated.

Sergeant Tom Connor, who covers the area, said: ‘This type of behaviour is despicable.’

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -shop.html


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
Oh dear!

I was more interested in the link at the bottom of the page to this story

Moroccans demand change to Islamic penal code after girl, 16, kills herself because judge forced her to marry her RAPIST
Online petition after case of teen who swallowed rat poison in protest
Women's rights activist describes horror as 'recurring phenomenon'
'Law protects public morality but not the individual'

Angry Moroccans are demanding a change to the country's strict Islamic penal code after a 16-year-old girl killed herself after being forced to marry her rapist.
An online petition, a Facebook page and countless tweets expressed horror over the suicide of Amina Filali, who swallowed rat poison on Saturday in protest at her marriage to the man who raped her a year earlier.
Article 475 of the Moroccan penal code allows for the 'kidnapper' of a minor to marry his victim to escape prosecution, and it has been used to justify a traditional practice of making a rapist marry his victim to preserve the honour of the woman's family

'It is unfortunately a recurring phenomenon,' she said.'We have been asking for years for the cancellation of Article 475 of the penal code which allows the rapist to escape justice.'
The victim's father said in an interview with an online Moroccan newspaper that it was the court officials who suggested from the beginning the marriage option when they reported the rape.
'The prosecutor advised

The incident throws more light on the way women are treated in Islamic countries

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z1pQoc353T
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
So, being a troll, you chose not to explicitly condemn the thugs who beat up a woman and even pushed one daughter and spat on another. :roll:

Stop the hate BM - start a new thread for your anti-Muslim posts (and try reading the story more carefully - it is about Muslims protesting for change!). More here, without the Daily Mail spin:

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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
It's quite funny that you call me the hater. LOL How long did it take you to find that story?

For the record, they couldn't have done a very good job of beating her up if she was back at work after 12 hours.

Fact not hype.
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
Your denials fool no one.

I also note that you're now making excuses for the racist thugs and belittling the victim who bravely went back to work. It's a shame more of your 'friends' don't share her work ethic. I'm just so pleased that most Brits aren't as hate-ful as you are.

Why can't you bring yourself to condemn the racist thugs explicitly?

(For the record, it took about 2 seconds to find the story as it was on loonwatch.com. )


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Re: Racist Thugs spit on 4 year old and Beat up Mother Mar 18, 2012
It is indeed a despicable attack, but I do not see in the article how and why it is a "racist" attack, what is the basis for this claim?
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
shafique wrote:Your denials fool no one

What denials?

--- Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:15 am ---

shafique wrote:It's a shame more of your 'friends' don't share her work ethic

All of my friends are gainfully employed.

--- Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:16 am ---

shafique wrote:Why can't you bring yourself to condemn the racist thugs explicitly?

Why didn't you condemn the Muslim rapist?

--- Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:18 am ---

herve wrote:what is the basis for this claim?

It's Shafique showing his true colours.

Being in the Music section for 48 hours hasn't lightened the load any.
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
Let s see if he explains how this attack was "racist".
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
First, I congratulate herve for agreeing this was a despicable attack. Indeed it was.

herve wrote:I do not see in the article how and why it is a "racist" attack, what is the basis for this claim?

Let s see if he explains how this attack was "racist".

Well, let's see if we can clear up your confusion herve.

I'll just quote the bits from the Daily Mail article for you:
Racist Thugs...

When the trio started hurling racist abuse at her, she fled to her home nearby.

But they caught up with her and spat on her four-year-old daughter Ousha, shoved her seven-year-old daughter against the wall and thumped her 13-year-old daughter in the face.
Northumbria Police yesterday said the incident ‘simply won’t be tolerated’.

An investigation into the attack has been launched and is being treated as racially aggravated.

herve - you can e-mail the Daily Mail and the police and ask them to explain to you why it was a racist attack if you are still confused.

Let me know if I can clarify further.

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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
So if understand you al shafique, you say it is a racist attack because the Daily Mail said it. so you are just repeating...like a parrot. you used to be a little more critical before.

as far as i am concerned, i dont buy anything in the paper, if it is not clearly explained. They say racially aggravated, racist attack, but I dont see why. do you?

I dont think it is, I may be wrong, but unless you tell me why, I still beleive it is not a racist attack, it is a despicable attack, but not racist... without any further details and explanations, Imean did they call her names about her race, her skin color? It cant be about her religion of course so we have to eliminate that, since islam is not a race.

I am not going to waste my time sending them a inquiry, I thought you would , so you could clarify this point , since you said yourself that it was a racist attack, now we know you said without knowing actually.
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
Thanks herve - once again you are stunning us with your insights and analysis.

Racist Thugs attack a woman and children, and you question me over why the Daily Mail and Police call it a racist attack. The way your logic works is really fascinating.


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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
You really are quite rude and unlike any British gentleman I've ever met Shafique. Don't they have manners as part of the test these days or did you just get out of your hammock the wrong side, this morning?
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
I thought I was quite polite about herves massive failure in comprehension - asking what it is about the article which starts with 'Racist Thugs' makes it about a racist attack. His question spoke volumes about his powers of observation! ;)

But I note, we have yet another of your posts devoted entirely to me!


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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
shafique wrote:I thought I was quite polite about herves massive failure in comprehension - asking what it is about the article which starts with 'Racist Thugs' makes it about a racist attack. His question spoke volumes about his powers of observation

Failure of comprehension is due to the poor grammar and English skills of the person who wrote the article. :mrgreen:
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
shafique wrote:I thought I was quite polite about herves massive failure in comprehension - asking what it is about the article which starts with 'Racist Thugs' makes it about a racist attack. His question spoke volumes about his powers of observation!

But I note, we have yet another of your posts devoted entirely to me

What a total tosser you are. You wonder why no-one wants to debate with you when you just try to belittle what anyone says.

You're just an insignificant little sh.it washed up on some beach somewhere.
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
BM: Charming.

Yet another post all about me! :roll: Why don't you just stop trolling? Your blood pressure will thank you for it.

At least herve denounced the attack, and asked politely why the attack was racist. You could learn some manners from him.

Bora Bora wrote:
shafique wrote:I thought I was quite polite about herves massive failure in comprehension - asking what it is about the article which starts with 'Racist Thugs' makes it about a racist attack. His question spoke volumes about his powers of observation

Failure of comprehension is due to the poor grammar and English skills of the person who wrote the article.

:D :D

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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
A little brown turd bobbing around in the Indian Ocean
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Re: Racist Thugs spit on 4 year old and Beat up Mother Mar 18, 2012
Minority women in Pakistan face harassment: Study

Around 74 percent of Pakistani women from minority communities -- Christians and Hindus -- were sexually harassed, while 43 percent faced religious discrimination at workplaces in 2010 and 2011, a study said.

Around 27 percent of minority women faced discrimination in admission to educational institutions and were forced to take Islamic studies for absence of any alternative subject, said National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) executive director Peter Jacob.

A study titled "Life on the Margins" conducted by the commission with rights activists, media and people from various walks of life has just been released.

The research, based on interviews with minority women, was led by Jennifer Jag Jivan and Jacob and assessed by three prominent minority women, Asiya Nasir, Ernestine C. Pinto and Pushpa Kumari.

Jacob said the study looked into social, political and economic conditions of minority women with a baseline survey conducted in 26 districts of Punjab and Sindh, the two provinces where 95 percent of minorities in the country lived.

As many as 1,000 Hindu and Christian women were interviewed.
The study looked into issues such as legal disparity, laws concerning minorities, religious and gender biases, forced conversions that affected everyday life of minority women.

During the study, it was found that only 47 percent of minority women were educated, lower than the national average -- 57 percent.

He said the living and economic conditions of women, assessed through income, savings, health and education placed minority women on the margins of social and economic development.

Though 55 percent of minority women saw the social environment as conducive to multi-religious living, around 62 percent of respondents were of the view that in the wake of a religious disturbance, a majority of people would not stand with them.
The study while noting the discrimination related to the Constitution of Pakistan, blasphemy laws and education policy, has recommended policy corrections and safeguarding women's rights.

http://www.deccanherald.com/content/234 ... sment.html

What does it say when you post one story about a single incident over another story revealing an endemic problem in a Muslim country?

If there is "Islamophobia" in Britain over one issue of people not liking a lady and her child, then wouldn't there be Kuffarophobia in Pakistan - and a million times worse than in Britain?

From the article itself, I see no evidence the robbery was race based. They robbed the store and then get back at the lady when she's vulnerable after she chased them out. So is hitting the lady and her child less worse than the names they called her?

I mean, seriously, why would the attackers, if they are of a different race, stop short of calling her racial slurs? They've already robbed, chased and attacked the woman. What if they called her other names but not racist ones? Would that have been better?
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Re: Racist Thugs spit on 4 year old and Beat up Mother Mar 18, 2012
BB , care to explain why the attack was racist, other than saying it is because it is in the title like the parrot al shafique? You are a moslem and wear the veil, would an attack on you be "racist" eventhough you are caucasian?
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
eh - what is it with you and whataboutery arguments? What has some racist thugs in the UK got to do with Pakistan! :roll:

herve - ask BM to explain to you what the difficult words in the DM article mean.. she thinks I've been insulting you with my patient explanations. :roll:


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Re: Racist Thugs spit on 4 year old and Beat up Mother Mar 18, 2012
no al shafique, you have just said it was a racist attack but failing to explain why, you have to be more convincing than that, calling it racist without facts wont convince anyone.
Please also explain how it is racial when someone attacks a moslem (islam is not a race) and it is not, when a moslem is the perpetrator of an attack, haven't you notice in these cases the media and yours likes conveniently call the moslem thug "youth" and not "moslem"
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
herve wrote:BB , care to explain why the attack was racist, other than saying it is because it is in the title like the parrot al shafique? You are a moslem and wear the veil, would an attack on you be "racist" eventhough you are caucasian?

Where did I comment that the attack was or wasn't racist??? Are you in your usual state of confusion and inability to comprehend? :lol:

I wear a veil? Well, that's news to me!!!!
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
Back so soon? That must have been one hell of an evening :drunken:
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
Bethsmum ,

Miss me??? Dinner was lovely. We don't need to get p.iss drunk to have a good time. :D
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 18, 2012
Bora Bora ,

That must have been a quick dinner :P Big Mac and fries?
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 19, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:That must have been a quick dinner Big Mac and fries?

Yup, with cheese. :mrgreen: And last week we went to an outdoor concert and ate shwarma and hotdogs, and then went to a nightclub and drank champagne all night. But you know what? We have a great time wherever we are because we are together. :D Nothing like being with the one you love, and who loves you back. :D
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 19, 2012
I really think Herve, BM, and EH have no idea how moronic they look with their comments in this thread.

The attackers hurled racist insults and behaved disgustingly towards this woman and her children. Coming up with other links that show how bad Muslims are is not relevant to this thread.
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 19, 2012
kanelli wrote:I really think Herve, BM, and EH have no idea how moronic they look with their comments in this thread.

You mean threadS don't you?
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Re: Racist Thugs Spit On 4 Year Old And Beat Up Mother Mar 19, 2012
Just an appalling attack, absolutely no need for it at all. Anyone who can't see this is just plain stupid.
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Re: Racist Thugs spit on 4 year old and Beat up Mother Mar 19, 2012
Kanelli, do you have any links, I could not find any articles quoting the "racial" insults. People are di$gusting with each other everyday, fighting for a parking spot or whatever, but di$gusting does not mean racist.
BB wears the veil because she is moslem, would the slur "raghead" applied to her, make it racist though? never heard of a caucasian feeling insulted for being called "white".
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