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Missing Thread? Mar 16, 2012
I've been waiting for this story to be covered by the 'haters'. Did I miss a thread by any chance, or am I right to conclude that this is just to be expected from those who hate?

Fascinating read, and spot on I thought. No wonder the haters have been spewing out countless nazi-like 'why I hate Muslim' threads and posts recently..

http://www.loonwatch.com/2012/03/its-on ... ims-do-it/

I think I'll stick to the Music section for a while longer, the stench is less gagging there than here.


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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 16, 2012
shafique wrote:I think I'll stick to the Music section for a while longer, the stench is less gagging there than here.

Yes, you are quite amusing in the music section :D Are you a 60's love child or something?

Now back to your story. Yes, it was indeed a heart breaking story to read of so many lives lost. The soldier must have been out of his mind to go on such a rampage. I saw an interview with his lawyer this morning. It appears this was the soldiers fourth tour of duty on 11 years. On a previous tour he suffered from a head injury and on the day before his shooting spree he saw one of his collegues have his leg blown off. His lawyer has said that the soldier has never expressed any anti Muslim sentiments and is normally a mild mannered person.
Who knows what goes on in a person's mind when they are subject to what our soldiers face on a daily basis.
I'm not surprised the Americans got him out of Afghanistan asap as they were calling for his head. We've seen how they behave when a book is burned. There were foreigners assassinated who weren't even responsible for the book being burnt.
I have been watching a programme on the BBC about the marines in Afghanistan. A soldier, who had been featured in the series was blown up but he survived after horrific injuries, losing his leg and suffering brain damage. He was a married man with four young children. He said that if it hadn't been for his wife and children, he would have boarded a plane back to Afghanistan and took a machine gun and simply taken a good few of them out. A very sobering thought.

I see you didn't mention the six young British soldiers killed a couple of days previously when they Warrior was blown up by a huge roadside bomb.

That was also a very terrible act but justified according to your warped views. I would like to see you justify that to their families. And you, claiming to be British. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 16, 2012
That label is strictly reserved for Muslims, and is completely off-limits to U.S. soldiers and Americans (unless they happen to be American Muslims, in which case they are “homegrown terrorists”).

That's a good point, because Anders Breivik and Tim McVeigh weren't / aren't labeled terrorists by the media.


The New York Times reported–and other media outlets repeated this claim–that the soldier was “suffering from the stress of a fourth combat tour”. Another explanation given was that the soldier was simply drunk.

What's danios' point, exactly?

Did the same newspaper, the NYT, not also run a story trying to find reasons for Faisal Shahzad's terrorist attack in Times Square?

Faisal Shahzad House In Foreclosure: Times Square Bomb Suspect Defaulted On $200,000 Mortgage

In the past couple of years, though, his life seemed to unravel: He left a job at a global marketing firm he'd held for three years, lost his home to foreclosure and moved into an apartment in an impoverished neighborhood in Bridgeport. And last weekend, authorities say, he drove an SUV loaded with explosives into Times Square intent on blowing it up.

Oh, wait. It did. But never mind. We'll just gloss over this fact.

Idiots like danios and the author of the OP never seem to make sure their wild claims are actually accurate.

They're content with not questioning the substance they post as long as they think they have a point to make and their minions soak it up.

It took me half a minute to refute two of the article's major points. The rest is similarly garbage.
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 16, 2012
al shafique , How does it feel to be slammed in the face everyday by news telling about moslems terrorist attempts and the fact that 80% of terrorist prosecutions are against islamists. Are you a factophobe?
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
You know what's interesting is that the troll quotes an angry tirade ranting that the NYT implicitly provided some reasons for the motivation for the attack but the troll has an established history of doing the same in this forum for Islamic terrorism.

I recall the Egyptian church bombings where the troll provides a link in which it's alleged (though no group took responsibility and therefore no reason is actually provided) the bombings were in response to the fake kidnapping story of Muslim women.

This level of stupidity is unheard of - unfathomable - outside of Leftist and Muslim circles. One minute the troll's MO is to provide excuses for Islamic terrorism and the next the troll quotes hysterical rants where that tactic (it's not even the same tactic) is ranted upon by some rage boy.

These people are beyond satire. As ElderofZiyon recently noted, their logic is so convoluted that parodying their arguments doesn't help. All you can is report their arguments and hope anyone with actually rational minds can roll their eyes at this level of stupidity.

I think I'll stick to the Music section for a while longer, the stench is less gagging there than here.

Ah. Thanks for letting us know. Will you keep us informed of what you had for breakfast or how many jelly rolls you had between early and middle breakfast?

Believe me, everyone on the forum is as deeply interested in your life and posts as you seem to believe they are.

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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
All you can is report their arguments and hope anyone with actually rational minds can roll their eyes at this level of stupidity.


event horizon wrote:Will you keep us informed of what you had for breakfast or how many jelly rolls you had between early and middle breakfast?

It's because of the stress and trauma caused by the Occupation.
When people sitting next to him on a plane and his built-in side impact system hangs over both sides of his chair, I am quite certain the Occupation will be blamed.

* starting to worry a bit about myself, as I seem to 'get' the 'logic' *
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
I guess he'll have to blame the milkman on the Zionist occupation as well.

Jelly gut hasn't seen his feet in the past decade. No way did he make any babies recently.
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
event horizon wrote:That's a good point, because Anders Breivik and Tim McVeigh weren't / aren't labeled terrorists by the media.
Robert Fisk have something to say about that:
As Europe's white population fled, the continent would become "reprimitivised". Author Kenan Malik – incorrectly claiming that Steyn also said that Muslims "were expanding like mosquitoes" – has pointed out that there are currently 13 million Muslims in Europe out of a population of 491 million. To outnumber the majority by 2020, Muslims would have to increase their numbers 20-fold in just over a decade. I suppose this is why every act against humanity is now attributed so quickly to Muslims. Yes, of course, Muslims – or those who claim to be Muslims (though this is at times a dodgy argument) – have committed individual crimes against humanity, the 11 September 2001 attacks being the most terrible example. But did that merit The Sun's headline after right-wing Norwegian killer and self-styled crusader against Islam Anders Behring Breivik – who drew on Steyn's work in his proto-Nazi "manifesto" – murdered 77 people in Oslo and a nearby island last year. It read: "Al-Qa'ida Massacre: Norway's 9/11."

Needless to say, the Islamophobes, after ritual condemnation of Breivik, largely avoided referring to him as a "terrorist" – a term reserved for Muslims – and called him "mad" instead. I notice that this is exactly how Israel deals with its own "terrorists" (by their own definition of the word). The mass murderer Baruch Goldstein, who slaughtered 29 Palestinians in the Hebron mosque massacre in 1994, was always referred to as "deranged" rather than a "terrorist". Thus his act, like Breivik's last year, was de-politicised, de-"terrorised".

Back in 2006, a Brussels schoolboy, Joe Van Holsbeeck, was murdered at the city's central station for his MP3 player. Paul Belien, a far-right Catholic conservative journalist (now an adviser to the Dutch politician Geert Wilders), published an op-ed article headlined "Give Us Weapons". Muslims, Belien wrote, are "predators that have learned from childhood... how to slaughter warm herd animals". Imams were asked to hand over the Muslim murderer. Then newspapers revealed that the killers were Poles. And then – worse still – Roma! Ian Buruma found the real perspective when he wrote that "aggressiveness is seen as a sign of genuineness and the showing of anger a proof of moral integrity".

http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/co ... 47335.html
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
In a very perverted way, Brievik and Goldstein have become the hero's of the goons. I am sure everybody remembers how wild and gung-ho poster Shafique went over Brievik.

When asked nobody can ever tell me one name, even one name, concerning the following attacks by heart:

-7/7 London


-Nr.4 bus bombing in Tel Aviv

-Nr. 18 bus bombing Jerusalem

-Dolphin disco bombing

-Netanya Passover bombing

-Tel Aviv bus station bombing

etc. etc.
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
Interesting collection of excuses and what-aboutery arguments above. The thread title and the linked to article are fully justified by the replies from the anti-Muslims above.

Goldstein is indeed a hero of some, and revered as a saint by his fellow religious extremists. But no Muslim views him as a hero - and it is event horizon continues to refuse to condemn him as a religously motivated terrorist. As for spin about Brievik and McVeigh - we see yet another obsessive fascination with me by the anti-Muslims. Creepy that - not least because it is a fantastically imagined strawman.

As for names - can you tell me the names of the 16 victims, 9 of them children, massacred in cold blood by Sgt Robert Bales? Where are their pictures? Where is the news report that calls Bale a 'Terrorist' or even mentions his religion? (As the article in OP points out - if he was a Muslim and had killed Americans, these 'facts' would have been mentioned. Just look at Fort Hood - an American soldier goes on a shooting spree and his religion is mentioned and he is called a terrorist in the press. Here a soldier massacres children, and we don't see a mention of the word terrorist or even his religion.)

I'm reminded of Galloway's question about whether the Sky News presenter could name any of the victims of the family that was blown up on the Gaza beach:

The stench of hypocrisy and hatred is intense. Chill out guys.


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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
That didn't take long for you to come back shaf. You are not much of a-man-a-man-a-word-a-word kinda person.
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
The thread title and the linked to article are fully justified by the replies from the anti-Muslims above.

What does that even mean? Never mind. You're spewing random statements. You don't even know what you mean.

Goldstein is indeed a hero of some, and revered as a saint by his fellow religious extremists. But no Muslim views him as a hero

Wow. What a great insight. No Muslims view Jewish Goldstein a hero. Do any Muslims view Muslim Abu Musab al-Zarqawi a hero by any chance?

As for spin about Brievik and McVeigh - we see yet another obsessive fascination with me by the anti-Muslims. Creepy that - not least because it is a fantastically imagined strawman.

Really? FD has a great point. We know the names and faces of Breivik and McVeigh. You certainly have done your part in mentioning them on the forum. But how many of the Muslim terrorists have become individualized like the above two?

(As the article in OP points out - if he was a Muslim and had killed Americans, these 'facts' would have been mentioned. Just look at Fort Hood - an American soldier goes on a shooting spree and his religion is mentioned and he is called a terrorist in the press.

Actually, it wasn't in the beginning, liar. Idiots like you and danios rely on innuendo and foggy memory than actual facts.

His religion was mentioned after it became apparent he acted in the name of his religion.

As for names - can you tell me the names of the 16 victims, 9 of them children, massacred in cold blood by Sgt Robert Bales? Where are their pictures?

Right back at you. Give us the names and pictures of the 13 women and children killed by the Taliban yesterday.

http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/pakist ... -bomb.html

Someone who isn't an idiot would probably realize that since Afghanistan is a feudal country, the victims probably don't have pictures.

I'm reminded of Galloway's question about whether the Sky News presenter could name any of the victims of the family that was blown up on the Gaza beach:


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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
I seem to recall that Rumsfeld met Saddam more times than Galloway, and didn't he sell him arms etc? - eg:

As for the long what-aboutery post - doesn't change the fact that the thread title is correct and we still haven't seen any reference to Bales being a terrorist. Danios was spot on, denials from the resident troll doesn't change that.

So, no idea what the names of the 9 children killed were? How about their photos? (I agree, Bales is as bad as any other murderer of civilians.)


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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
I'll put my money on one of them being called Muhammed.
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
Danios was spot on, denials from the resident troll doesn't change that.

You have to be clear what Danios was right about because he was dead wrong on a number of claims he made in his rant.

So, no idea what the names of the 9 children killed were? How about their photos?

Are you dimwitted or reading impaired?

Go and read my previous post.

As for the long what-aboutery post - doesn't change the fact that the thread title is correct and we still haven't seen any reference to Bales being a terrorist.

Terrorism has a specific definition - look it up.

Postal workers or students on shooting sprees aren't labeled terrorists either.

I seem to recall that Rumsfeld met Saddam more times than Galloway, and didn't he sell him arms etc? - eg:

And that has what to do with Galloway meeting and praising dictators? Oh, wait, that's one of those what-aboutery arguments, right?

Can Galloway name any of the victims of Assad's crackdown?
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
Galloway didn't sell Saddam any weapons, he visited Iraq on charitable business. Do yourself a favour and use Google - however, I can understand your discomfort at the fact Rumsfeld met Saddam more times!


Danios' article has obviously got you rattled. No photos or names of the victims - spot on. No mention of the label terrorist for Bales, spot on - etc etc. But more to the point, this major story wasn't one you chose to cover. Only anti-Muslim threads and posts. :roll:

Your insults are weak, young one. You haven't actually addressed any of the points Danios made - just some weak what-aboutery arguments and the usual strawmen. Such as it always was.


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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
Well, you certainly prove over and over again you're beyond stupid.

When are you going to address the "logical" reason you have for opposing an infertile brother-sister from marrying?
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
Yet another epic fail. This time combining insults with a strawman fantasy. :roll:

Rumsfeld must be a hero of yours I take it.


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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
But more to the point, this major story wasn't one you chose to cover. Only anti-Muslim threads and posts.

I must have slipped up posting the recent story from Saudi Arabia of the Grand Mufti calling for the destruction of churches.

I'm sure you would have covered that and numerous other threads I post if I hadn't.

But seriously, what does "human rights supporter" Galloway meeting dictators he's never disliked (or refused bribes from) have to do with Rumsfeld?

Did Rumsfeld sell more weapons to Saddam than Brazil, East Germany, North Korea, France, Egypt, Soviet Union China, etc?

Why the need to mention Rumsfeld after your boy Galloway is exposed as a hypocrite?
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 17, 2012
why does al shafique start all his posts with "epic fail"
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Re: Missing Thread? Mar 18, 2012
herve wrote:why does al shafique start all his posts with "epic fail"

Cause he is a Wayne Carr
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