Women In The Past

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Women in the past Mar 11, 2012
I have always been astounded by the power of women inside the Muslim families.. I hear the same thing over, be it in an Arab, Iranian or Turkish family. Women have been ruling the household for centuries, to this day... I found this great article which explains history of Muslim woman's life very well.. And I think I now understand why Saudi women get escort drivers when they go out rather than let alone to drive themselves.. In a way really they each get treated like queens but ofcourse in the west we think of that as being restriction of woman's right...

http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/women- ... sCatID=438


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Re: Women In The Past Mar 11, 2012
A queen?? A queen decides for herself, in islam , men decide for women and they have the right to beat them if they are not obedient.

and the queen would be put to death if she decided to have several "mates", yet, for the men it is ok to have several "queens"

Thank you berrin to remind us how backwardish and dark ages moslems are.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 11, 2012
Well the article says that the woman decides for herself as well.. No no no herve, In islam men and women have equal status , what you don't want to understand is that islam defines gender duties for each, as each of them created to be whole of the other...Whereas in western societies woman and man are treated as seperate independant entities from eachother.. Western man made definition of gender equality helps gender bigotry leading idleness and anarchy at some point.. As a result family life and relationships are deteriorating as 1 every 2 marriages ends up with divorce or seperation..

I cannot see how one woman can live with four men.. Gees.. Under the same roof men would fight with eachother over her affairs, you cannot keep a man inside once he is annoyed, he would go after another woman straight away. I cannot see how one woman can serve the needs of 4 men at the same time. Poor woman she cannot be a slave, can she? You must be mad Herve... Find yourself 3 more males and try with a woman only, see if you can stand it and succeed. :) LOL..

To me islam is a straight path, a very forward religion. I am open minded and I appreciate how valuable its message for humanity..But ofcourse religion is a burden for those who do not wanna know.. Do me a favour and listen to this..especially the last 5 minutes or so...

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Re: Women In The Past Mar 11, 2012
Berrin ,"I cannot see how one woman can serve the needs of 4 men at the same time"

You see Berrin, while you see women only to serv a man, while you are so into women to be men's commodities , you completely missed my point.

I meant, how about 4 men serving a woman. not one woman serving 4 men. If she is the queen after all. How about THEM worshiping her, and them serving her.

in islam , women have no rights , period, so please dont say you treat them like queens.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 11, 2012
Beren seems to have starry eyed reverence for the Saudis and their 7th century ways.

I think they have a dying tradition. As time goes by there are fewer and fewer people who want to stay in the 7th century.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 11, 2012
I cannot hold a proper conversation with you unless you have some meaningful knowledge about islam.. You shouldn't mix teachings of islam with ignorant, ego ridden, undereducated attitude of muslim man.. These are two different issues...

Any transgression of this principle involves for him the risk of losing the favor of Allah, because his wife is not his subordinate but she is, to use the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him), 'the queen of her house', and this is the position a true believer is expected to give his wife.



--- Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:38 pm ---

blueshift wrote:I think it's a dying tradition though. As time goes by there are fewer and fewer people who want to stay in the 7th century.

:) on the contrary, I think as time goes by more and more woman will be willing to be driven than to bother driving themselves in traffic jams.. They wish but only if they could allocate resources to employ drivers :) LOL...
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 12, 2012
The worst thing I've found about Muslim men, Berrin, is that they are bloody useless at s.ex. Bloody clueless :D It's all me me me.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 12, 2012
I keep hearing the same thing over and over. Last were two muslima's complaining about that.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 12, 2012
Bethsmum , ask BB, she knows it first hand, (first hand :lol: ) why do you think she is so frustrated.
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Re: Women in the past Mar 12, 2012
Berrin, you remind me of everything I hate in this world! Seriously!
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 13, 2012
Hate is such a strong word :/
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
herve wrote:ask BB, she knows it first hand, (first hand ) why do you think she is so frustrated.

Based on experience, I can't tell you what I've found out about Muslim MEN herve, as I've only been with ONE Muslim man, Mr BB, and that is I have no complaints. :D :D I do know that Muslim men can be very generous spending money on women who they have a fling with. See it all the time in Dubai, Muslim men with white women. Such arrangements don't require any emotion, other than getting someone to scratch an itch for them. A trade off???

Why don't you tell us what you found out about Muslim women? :mrgreen: No need to evaluate your experience with spics. They're right up there, or to be more accurate, down there, with Chicanos and Cubans living in barrios. Hot blooded, broken in and trained by the age of 15. :D You can always take the girl out of the barrio, but you can't take the barrio out of the girl. :wink: :lol: :lol:

I did meet a French man a very long time ago. I can't tell you anything about the s.ex department because he stank so bad I couldn't get within 3 feet of him. Thought I stepped in dog poo until I realized the stink was coming off of him. I guess that's why France is popular for it's perfume - the French use it to mask their body odor. :shock:
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
herve wrote: ask BB, she knows it first hand, (first hand ) why do you think she is so frustrated.
Read that now, that is pretty low calling another forum member like that. But I'm not surprised coming from you.
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Re: Women in the past Mar 14, 2012
I did not see you surprised when she wished me dead. coming from you it does not surprise me.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
The goon squad threatens with violence and death, wants one or more ethnic/religious group(s) death or supports ethnic cleaning and pushes others to leave the forum. Still everything is somebody else's fault. I call that the Great Disconnect.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
Tools :roll:

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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
Nuc, you are a parrot. You cannot argue your own views (if you have them at all), you can only communicate through posting vids and pics.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
There is a saying: "Don't argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Oh and here is another one for ya:
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
Nice Nuc, real nice!
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
herve wrote:

I did not see you surprised when she wished me dead. coming from you it does not surprise me.

Put the quote up where I said that.

--- Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:25 pm ---

Flying Dutchman wrote:The goon squad threatens with violence and death, wants one or more ethnic/religious group(s) death or supports ethnic cleaning and pushes others to leave the forum. Still everything is somebody else's fault. I call that the Great Disconnect.

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Re: Women In The Past Mar 14, 2012
Can you already formulate in your own words why jews were pushed out everywhere they lived, or is that still to difficult for you?
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 15, 2012
Bora Bora, this is your post

Re: Judge Taking Case Serious: Underwear Bomber

... he tried to bring down a passenger plane, this is grave! OK herve, I'm jumping up and down, punching the wall, screaming at the top of my lungs - Die you bastarD, die!!! Burn in hell!!! Do you feel better now??? :roll: Experiencing some wood over my outrage herve??
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 15, 2012
herve wrote:Re: Judge Taking Case Serious: Underwear Bomber... he tried to bring down a passenger plane, this is grave! OK herve, I'm jumping up and down, punching the wall, screaming at the top of my lungs - Die you bastarD, die!!! Burn in hell!!! Do you feel better now??? Experiencing some wood over my outrage herve??

You are so dumb it's pathetic. I wasn't referring to you, you idiot. You have a serious problem with comprehension. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so stupid.
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Re: Women in the past Mar 15, 2012
Well...between your approximate english and your hatred toward me, you made pretty obvious it was directed to me.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 15, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:You are so dumb it's pathetic. I wasn't referring to you, you idiot. You have a serious problem with comprehension. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so stupid.
I don't think he is that stupid. Intellectually dishonest, yes.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 15, 2012
Nucleus ,

I like you Nucleus! You are a man of few words but you hit bulls eye everytime. I like your photography too :D
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 15, 2012
Nucleus - I agree with Zonker, you hit the bullseye consistently.

This was spot on!


The hatred is just oozing from this forum these days. And the funniest line I read this morning was 'there is no Islamophobia'. You got to hand it to the haters.. they know how to tell a joke! :D


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Re: Women In The Past Mar 15, 2012
Oh God the Muslims are out in force this morning.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 15, 2012
herve wrote:Well...between your approximate english and your hatred toward me, you made pretty obvious it was directed to me.

Approximate English?? :lol: :lol: I'm not English, I'm American and English is my first language herve, and clearly not yours. Hatred?? It's a forum you boob. I don't have enough crayons to draw you pictures to help you to comprehend that it was a response to you wanting me to denounce the bomber. You really overrate yourself to think that I could have an emotion where you are concerned, other than having a good laugh at your ignorance.
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Re: Women In The Past Mar 16, 2012
Thanks! :D
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