They Did It! They Want To Take The Herring Away

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They did it! They want to take the herring away Mar 12, 2012
Around twenty years the anthem for the city of The Hague was written. I grew up for a large part in The Hague, and every home game of the home team started with a cheerleader show while the whole audience sings the song from the gut. There is one sentence in the song that talks the eating of a raw herring, that’s what especially people from The Hague like.
Now, after children songs, the national discrimination committee wants to change that sentence, into eating…roti or curry. WTF? What’s wrong with those people!
My grandma was one of the last The Hague women walking in traditional local clothes, because she was proud. She loved herring too. And example:

klederdracht.jpg (8.75 KiB) Viewed 777 times

She once told me she doesn’t like the new immigrants. I told her she is being racist. She replied, “this time it’s different, I can see it”.
Me: “ C’mmon grandma, new immigrants always had there way of settling in, after 2 or 3 generations they are all respected part of society. Besides, your forefarthers were also Hugonot immigrants.
Grandma: “You are a good man, dont' sell yourself out, don’t let them walk over you. Never forget where you came from, be proud where you came from, be proud of what you are, be proud what you stand for. Don’t let anybody else tell you anything else.
Grandmas was wise.

So now they want to rewrite The Hague history. I’ll start with a setup:

Oh oh, Den Haag

Just like the old days, I would really like to play in the Sharia borough,
After some praying on the street, while the parents are in the mosque.
In October we celebrate Eid, on new years eve we burn cars.
I would really like the see another Ado The Hague game in Allahparc
Oh oh, The Hague, city of immigrants,
Muhammed square, Hussein street and Fatima bridge,
Oh oh The Hague, I would never want to trade with anybody.
After a night out, get rid of the hangover with a curry

Flying Dutchman
Dubai Forums Zealot
Posts: 3792
Location: Dubai

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Re: They Did It! They Want To Take The Herring Away Mar 13, 2012
the national discrimination committee wants to change that sentence, into eating...roti or curry. WTF? What's wrong with those people!

Don't let them do it FD!! I thought it was only the British government that was soft on giving away our heritage.
I'm not familiar with your song about the Hague, the only Dutch song I could bring to mind was this.

A mouse lived in a windmill in old Amsterdam
A windmill with a mouse in and he wasn't grousin'
He sang every morning, "How lucky I am,
Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam!"
I saw a mouse!
There on the stair!
Where on the stair?
Right there!
A little mouse with clogs on
Well I declare!
Going clip-clippety-clop on the stair
Oh yeah

This mouse he got lonesome, he took him a wife
A windmill with mice in, it's hardly surprisin'
She sang every morning, "How lucky I am,
Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam!"

First they had triplets and then they had quins
A windmill with quins in, and triplets and twins in
They sang every morning, "How lucky we are
Living in a windmill in Amsterdam, ya!"

The daughters got married and so did the sons
The windmill had christ'nin's when no one was list'nin'
They all sang in chorus, "How lucky we am
Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam!"

A mouse lived in a windmill, so snug and so nice
There's nobody there now but a whole lot of mice.


I do know one great British song that would never be changed as they would never get the changes past the barmy army or the ladies of the Women's Institute in GB and that's Jerusalem!

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy lamb of god
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was jerusalem builded here
Among those dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear: o clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariots of fire!
I will not cease from metal fight;
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
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