Body Scanners

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
LOL - if this is the best you can come up with to make you happy - why should I get in the way of your latest fantasy about me, granny?

herve is the attention whore - and seems to have got some kick out pm'ing me - but I have no recollection of this supposed exchange, and nothing in my outbox either. Herve may have just made it all up - but if he hasn't, I give him permission to post any pm I may have sent gertrude and then we'll see whether I was replying to 'her' or not (and what I said).

Over to you herve - prove me wrong.



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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
I think it is funny that he'd actually bring up the fact that he created multiple usernames to come into his threads to "support" him posting as himself. He's drawing attention to the big L on his forehead.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
shafique wrote:herve is the attention whore

May be that's what you thought Gertrude was! You little minx! Tut tut tut.

--- Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:52 pm ---

kanelli wrote: think it is funny that he'd actually bring up the fact that he created multiple usernames to come into his threads to "support" him posting as himself. He's drawing attention to the big L on his forehead

It gave me moments of real joy Kanelli, when Shafique used to reply in his usual condesending way, to Gertrude. It went on for months. Shafique was taken in, hook, line and sinker. That's why he is so bitter, it's made him look a total t1t.

You have to hand it to Herve. He pulled a fast one for months. I'm so pleased he let me in on his secret

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
kanelli wrote: He's drawing attention to the big L on his forehead.


Let's see whether he digs out the PM's I allegedly sent to him/her.. I predict he won't post them (if they exist at all). He's all mouth, no trousers too I suspect.

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
shafique wrote:no trousers too I suspect.

Go on! That's what you hoped for with Gertie :D


--- Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:10 pm ---

trying to make out with the ladies behind the scenes. You should come with a warning! LOL
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
al shafique was all sweet talk with gertrude, all in private PM's. Had I responded, and pushed him a little further he would have asked "her" for her panties. I am sure he does not want them anymore :lol: :lol: :lol: Gertrude account has been deleted, so al shafique knows very well I can't show any of his PM's to her.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
Oh yes, I'm sure that Shaf was hitting on an anti-Islamic female poster on the forum via PM. He's a real flirt on here! :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
May be you just dont do it for him K. Like a lot of Muslim men, he prefers blondes.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Maybe you're a shameless liar?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
When have I lied?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
You know full well you lie.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Do I? Its very admirable the way you are sticking up for your friend by the way. Has he backed off in embarrassment?
It is quite funny tho' isn't? Fancy Shafique coming onto Gertrude behind the scenes! Oh the joy!
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Hey, we'll just have to take your word for it since neither of you can produce some quotes.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Just watch him tho' Kanelli. He sounds like a bit of a lounge lizard to me! You cant be too careful these days.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:May be you just dont do it for him K. Like a lot of Muslim men, he prefers blondes.
Pffft, this is good for laughs. He is a happily married man. People have different preferences, all over the world, some like blondes, other red, other black, and some don't have no preference. But that is beside the point.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Nucleus wrote:He is a happily married man.

Shafs religion allows for 4 wifes.

Nucleus wrote:People have different preferences, all over the world, some like blondes, other red, other black, and some don't have no preference

We have seen what Arabs at Tahrir square prefer! And what makes them wild. Or was that an argument for hijab? And I agree with BM, it is kind of creepy how many Muslim posters on DF seem to have a fascination with blond.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Shafs religion allows for 4 wifes.
Doesn't mean he will marry more. Majority of muslim men marry not more than 1.

--- Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:13 am ---

I'll post the source:

Such levels of polygamy are not found outside West Africa, even in other majority-Muslim countries. The polygamy rate in Mauritania, Mali’s predominantly Arab neighbor to the northwest, is about 12%, while in Yemen and Pakistan it’s only 7%. (I haven’t yet come across polygamy statistics for Saudi Arabia or several other countries of the Muslim world; the latest Demographic and Health Surveys for Egypt and Indonesia, incidentally, don’t even mention polygamy. But rates in these countries are likely to be closer to those in Pakistan or Yemen than those in Mali or Niger.) As the chart I’ve put together below indicates, Islam is not the only relevant factor here; being in a West African society correlates much more strongly with polygamous marriage than being in a Muslim society does.

Image ... this-town/
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
I think they all desire Shaf! That's the only reason that can explain their obsession with him. :lol: (Poor Shaf!)
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
shafique wrote:Let's see whether he (herve) digs out the PM's I allegedly sent to him/her.. I predict he won't post them (if they exist at all). He's all mouth, no trousers too I suspect.

As predicted. ;)

As for the obsession with me - it is creepy isn't it. What sad lives they must lead - they fantasise about my private life!! :D :D


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
As if i was going to keep your sweet pM's to Gertrude, anyways, since you did not get it the first time, you obviously miss the end part of the bone marrow, i told you, Gertrude 's account has been deleted, how could I pull your PM's?

I laughed my head off, imagining you falling off your chair when Andy said I was Gertrude. Do you talk to vegetables when you go to the market too?

BM knew all along I was Gertrude, and she was laughing too. You are pathetic .
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
shafique wrote: I predict he won't post them (if they exist at all). He's all mouth, no trousers too I suspect.

The girly man is predictable. What a loser - making up a girl persona to back up his posts. Pathetic indeed. :roll:

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012 are the one who got fooled around for months, like a complete idiot, sweet talking to me and inviting me , not knowing it was me, and I am the loser? man , you should look at yourself in the mirror. I made you big time, easy, do you remember when I told you that i was pulling your strings, and you did not get the clue did not you.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Your fantasies are getting more and more desperate girly man. What particular post to Gertrude were you most proud of? Most of her comments were silly and easily dealt with.

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Herve, you created the user accounts of capsicum and gertrude because you aren't man enough to let your posts stand for themselves. You created your own fan club and spent time alternating between accounts to try to make yourself look better and play games with people. You also used it to conceal unethical behaviour like posting someone's name.

We all got a kick out of how you denied the multiple user accounts, then hid with your tail between your legs after Andyba and BM confirmed publicly to everyone that you were behind those two user accounts. Shaf quoted instances where you were berating others and accusing them of posting under other user accounts, while you were the one doing it all along. Hypocritical loser!
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
People, I think we need to go easy on Shafique.

There can be nothing worse for a man to discover he has been coming onto another man. Unless he's gay of course.

He is obviously having mixed feelings of revulsion and embarrassment and this can explain his desperate posts.

Poor Shafique. Life will never be the same again for him on DF but cheer up Sunshine, todays news is tomorrow's chip papers.

That's if people let it drop of course :twisted:

--- Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:04 am ---

kanelli wrote:Andyba and BM confirmed publicly to everyone that you were behind those two user accounts

Miss Marples is on the case. It should all be resolved soon.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
herve are the one who got fooled around for months, like a complete idiot, sweet talking to me and inviting me , not knowing it was me, and I am the loser? man , you should look at yourself in the mirror. I made you big time, easy, do you remember when I told you that i was pulling your strings, and you did not get the clue did not you.

And who do you think looks most absurd, stupid and a nutter than someone who intentinally treated you well while you were fooling around. That's how pathetic, miserable and a looser you are... Now I could add on a few more words as you deserve but I'll leave it there to behave..
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Berrin wrote:stupid and a nutter than someone who intentinally treated you well while you were fooling around

I think it was Shaf that wanted to fool around Berrin. He got caught out and now he has to face the music. It's only a bit of fun but I'm sure Shaf feels terribly embarrassed.

Let it be a lesson to him, to make sure he knows a man from a woman before he makes a move :bom:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:He is obviously having mixed feelings of revulsion and embarrassment and this can explain his desperate posts.

I am looking forward to the day BB will have a good go at you, couse so far you are the only one she refrains herself from reprove and tolerates your shameful behaviour and comments for the people who have no mal intent..
Come on BB you seem to be her best visiting friend in Dubai.. Don't you have a good piece of advice to BM :) may be she will value your opinion eh :)
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Berrin wrote:Come on BB you seem to be her best visiting friend in Dubai.. Don't you have a good piece of advice to BM may be she will value your opinion eh

Little manipulator.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 09, 2012
Sorry BM I am not bound to beleive in what you say for whatever reason, having witnessed your awful comments and treatment of one another.. I will be on Shaf's side until you prove him of his guilt..
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