Most Israelis Against Iran Attack

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Most Israelis against Iran attack Mar 08, 2012
In a poll by Haaretz, 58% of Israelis polled are against an Israeli strike on Iran without US support/backing.

The poll also showed that Netanyahu's Likud is still popular.. but that on this specific point Netanyahu has failed to convince the majority of Israelis:

On the one hand, he and his party seem to be in top political form. On the other, 58 percent of those polled opposed an Israeli strike on Iran, without U.S. backing.

Thus it seems Netanyahu has not convinced those for whom he has been repeatedly threatening Tehran.

Even so, half the respondents said they are relying on Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to handle the Iran issue.
.. ... n-1.417282



Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 08, 2012
shafique wrote:In a poll by Haaretz, 58% of Israelis polled are against an Israeli strike on Iran without US support/backing.

Any surprise there?

And about 80% of American citizens (not the government)don't want to see America in another a war period. They feel if Israel wants to attack Iran they can go it alone. The other 20% are being told to go join the Israeli military if they want a war.
Bora Bora
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Re: Most Israelis against Iran attack Mar 08, 2012
You failed to mention how many Israelis want to go to war against Iran, if they have US backing.
Your poll reflects only the opinion without US backing.
I am sure most Americans want to kick iranians @sses before they get nuclear weapons.
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 08, 2012
Americans have no right to enforce this so long as they continue to have nuclear weapons and further develop nuclear technology themselves. Every country in the world should be forced to get rid of all of their nuclear weapons. There is no moral ground to stand on to say that some countries are allowed to have them and some are not.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
Kanelli - agree, there's no moral basis at all for opposing Iran's nuclear ambitions. Israel has them, North Korea, Pakistan and India have them. Israel has attacked neighbours so many times in her short history, whereas Iran hasn't in the past few centuries.

But that is academic as long as the US continues to use its head and not follow Israel's intentions. Let's hope that the tail does not start to wag the dog!


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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
al shafique, would you shoot in the back British soldiers if they were going to war against iran?
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
herve wrote:al shafique, would you shoot in the back British soldiers if they were going to war against iran?

How many times have you asked me this type of question. When you were pretending to be a girl you asked me this again.

Do you think my answer has changed?

I would back my fellow British soldiers and if I was called upon to fight as a British person, I would indeed fight. However, there's pretty little chance of us going in to attack Iran, so this hypothetical is silly. You do know that there are British Muslims in the Army who have died for their country in Afghanistan, don't you?

You are silly as a girl as you are when you are not pretending to be a girl.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
Whatever you say al shafique, as a soldier I would make sure you or any of your guild are not behind my back. Interesting you bring up Afghanistan, 2 weeks ago, a muslim soldier shot 2 US soldiers in the back of the head, in the rest zone of the base. What a fatal mistake to trust a muslim and put him in arms.
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
I consider the above to be an example of anti-Muslim hate posts that have in the past not led to any reasonable exchange of views. I therefore consider this trolling and will not respond unless a valid point of discussion is raised.


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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
No insulting girls Shaf :D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
The valid point is that a "trusted" moslem afghani soldier, in arms, in the rest area, shot 2 US soldiers in the back of the head, they were unarmed and were shot from behind, for izlamic reasons (burning of the quran)

In Fort hood in the US, a US soldier, moslem , shot US soldiers for islamic reasons
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
I consider the above to be an example of anti-Muslim hate posts that have in the past not led to any reasonable exchange of views. I therefore consider this trolling and will not respond unless a valid point of discussion is raised.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
kanelli wrote:I consider the above to be an example of anti-Muslim hate posts that have in the past not led to any reasonable exchange of views. I therefore consider this trolling and will not respond unless a valid point of discussion is raised.

That's plagiarism! That's not good coming from a co-author!
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 09, 2012
herve wrote:as a soldier I would make sure you or any of your guild are not behind my back. Interesting you bring up Afghanistan

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." ---General George S. Patton

--- Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:14 pm ---

["herve"]You failed to mention how many Israelis want to go to war against Iran, if they have US backing.Your poll reflects only the opinion without US backing.I am sure most Americans want to kick iranians @sses before they get nuclear weapons.

Comprehension failure at its very best. :lol: :lol: Maybe you can get gertrude to break it down for you as to where you went wrong?

Don't speak for the American people herve. I am on US forums where the majority of Americans speak out about how they don't want another "war" and don't want to be brought into a war by another country, that being Israel. The majority is of the opinion that if Israel wants to attack Iran then do so without bringing the US into it, as it should be. If Iran were to get into direct conflict with the US or attempt to attack US soil, that would be another matter for Americans.

Are you of the opinion that America should attack every country that has nukes?? Would North Korea be on the top of your list?
Bora Bora
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 14, 2012
Surveys find only 43% of Israelis support striking Iran's nuclear facilities, while 62% of Americans would back military action. ... ?id=261862
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Most Israelis Against Iran Attack Mar 14, 2012
Flying Dutchman ,

A majority of Americans would back a US strike against Iran if given evidence that Tehran was building nuclear weapons, even if it led to a surge in fuel prices.

­A Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Tuesday that 56 per cent of Americans would support US military action against Iran if it was proven that the country had a nuclear weapons program underway, while 39 nine per cent of Americans were against military intervention

Claims are not proof, and to date there is no proof.

The poll also indicated that those who supported a military solution were more likely to be Republican. Seventy per cent of Republicans would back a strike, compared to only 46 per cent of Democrats and 51 per cent of Independents.

Repubs are warmongers.

I gather you don't know how "polls" are run. :roll:
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