Body Scanners

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
herve wrote:The ultimate "bored to death" read, an acturial article!!!!!!

I agree. And yet, as I said, I probably got a wider readership than you! ;)

When I finish laughing, I'll think about your advice about self publishing etc. LOL

I suggest you concentrate on tackling Bora's systematic destruction of your arguments.

(BM, stop embarrassing yourself. You talked about an 'insurance blog' - and this remains a fantasy of yours)



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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
BB and Kanelli, what is it that you have accomplished? I have only seen stripper mentality from you.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:BB and Kanelli, what is it that you have accomplished? I have only seen stripper mentality from you.

That's funny, coming from you. Your frequency of going to strip clubs, gay clubs and socializing with prostitutes (amongst other things) is affecting your thinking (not that it is intellectually high by any means).
Bora Bora
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Stripping mentality belongs in the stripclub, it becomes sad when it's practised outside!

What have you accomplished BB?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote:I agree. And yet, as I said, I probably got a wider readership than you!

My blog is bigger than yours!!! LMFAO

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:50 am ---

shafique wrote:(BM, stop embarrassing yourself. You talked about an 'insurance blog' - and this remains a fantasy of yours)

I thought you just said you had a blog but a couple of days ago you couldn't recall it?

I can understand your embarrassment about that! Don't dwell on it to much.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:I thought you just said you had a blog but a couple of days ago you couldn't recall it?

You really must stop with these weird fantasies you have about me - I created a thread where you could post these at your leisure.

I have repeatedly told you that you must have imagined the 'Insurance blogg' that you think I had. Now you're imagining I denied ever writing a blog.. have a word with yourself woman and start actually reading what is posted.

Have a fantastic day - try not to dream up any scary posts!

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
I hope you don't keep repeating yourself on your blog as much as you repost your posts here!

Now that would be boring.

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Your desperately trying to be funny BM - and failing. My blog was from 2006 and only covered our move to Dubai. Haven't blogged for years on it. (and it still got more than 116 hits!)

My published actuarial articles are the ones that I think have had wider readership than herve's bad novels. You really should try and read what is posted for a change.


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote:My blog was from 2006 and only covered our move to Dubai.

Wow. I bet that was interesting.

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:21 am ---

shafique wrote:(and it still got more than 116 hits!)

It's early days. :D

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:24 am ---

shafique wrote:My published actuarial articles are the ones that I think have had wider readership than herve's bad novels

What makes you think that? Do you know how many books Herve has actually sold? And weren't your articles just published in a magazine?

There's a world of difference in having an article published in a magazine and someone buying your book. But you don't really need me to tell you that do you?

Green just isn't your colour is it?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
kanelli wrote:There is no way I'd waste my time reading your book
Bora Bora
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Have a nice day BM - you're trying to hard. Herve's a loser, and you're a loser's cheer leader.


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote:Herve's a loser

Not in my book! He's a hero. When was the last time someone called you a hero?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
kanelli wrote:There is no way I'd waste my time reading your book

It's selling at a discounted price on Amazon. A few used ones are available at even a lesser price. I guess those people couldn't get their money back. :lol:

At the rate it's selling, and at that price, I doubt he will be able to cover the cost for all his self-promotion. :D :D

He stated that there would be a movie based on his first novel. Still waiting. Maybe it will make it's premiere showing at the Dubai Film Festival. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote:and you're a loser's cheer leader.

Happy to wear that badge!

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Have a nice day - I'm glad we end on a point of agreement. Loser's cheerleader suits you well. Wear the badge with pride.


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote:Loser's cheerleader suits you well. Wear the badge with pride.

You didn't tell me the last time someone called you a hero? Was that when you last wrote on your blog? Come on, don't be shy. That's not like you!
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
LOL - so much for ending on a point of agreement! Loser.


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote:Loser

I can't call you a hero can I?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
As I said, please post your musings about me in the appropriate thread. ;)


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Some people choose to go out and fight for their country and some choose to sit at home and blog about getting Pickfords in to do the removals.

Don't be embarrassed about it Shafique. Everyone is different.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Yeah, you continue to make excuses and fight for herve - he's acting quite like the hero these days, isn't he? ;)

And you're not seriously criticising ME for writing about removal men in a 6 year old blog about our move from the UK to Dubai are you? Seriously?

It's quite sad that you went and read it! What a sad life you must lead.

Perhaps someone else called BM has been starting innumerable inane posts about the trivialities of her life?

You guys are a laugh a minute. But we're laughing at you. ;)


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
herve , actually, when I co-authored my book I didn't pay anything. The publishing comany paid everything. I'm still receiving book royalties after 7 years, but not much anymore. Unless you are a hugely famous author, you don't make much from book royalties. So Herve, seeing that you have paid $20,000 dollars, plus more for the cheezy video and website, all I can say is that you must have a lot of money to burn because you won't be seeing much of that back!

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:53 pm ---

:lol: BM should definitely have a blog.

I'm certainly laughing! :lol:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
don't tell me that herve PAID to have his book published. OMG - so much for all that grandstanding etc - what a attention seeker! ;)

LOL - no wonder he's so desperate for random Muslims to click on his video link, and posting reviews by his friends on internet forums. He's as successful as marketing as he was at the submarine biz. ;) :D

Just kidding - BM says we need to have a sense of humour.. :D :D


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Naval man.......Naval officer man.

That's a tough call.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012

Q: How can you recognize a French veteran?
A: Sunburned armpits.

:D (BM doesn't think Muslims have a sense of humour)


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Well done!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Now this is more like it! I can feel the lurve!!
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
Kanelli, what book did you co author, care to give us the title, is it on Amazon, Barne & Nobes? I am not afraid to click on the link.
Publishing houses dont pay much authors, about a buck per book. They foot marketing costs though. Self publishers on the other end, get $7 to $12 per book. This is one of the reasons why so many publishers and book stores go under. With today technology and internet no need for publishing houses anymore if you can afford the publishing, editing, marqueting cost. A good story can generate a million downloads easy on kindle and bring $7M to his author with no middle men.
I was shocked to see how many people are in the food chain when a book is published. no wonder why a author gets $1 out of $29
I am not going to give you any figures, but i am far out my costs, and Uncle Sam is very happy with the taxes I pay.
Somebody like al shafique would have to pay twice though, he cant afford it anyways, but not only he would have to pay to publish his boring to death cr@p, he would have to pay people to read it :lol: .
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
I think she must have writers block if the last book Kanelli published was 7 years ago. :D

Probably geared towards toddlers.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 08, 2012
The Boston Fracture, hit 200 views and up , not too bad after 24 hours.
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