Body Scanners

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
shafique wrote:Wrong thread BM - I created a thread for your silly musings about me:


Please stop the trolling.

Attention seeker!

--- Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:33 am ---

shafique wrote:Yes, my miserable click will add one more to your miserable count. So I refuse to click - sue me.

BTW - how many times have you clicked on it? You have a track record of setting up polls as gertrude and then voting for yourself as 'most credible' person on DF. I'd guess that over 50% of the hits on the link is just you sadly clicking on the link over and over again.

You're sad that way.

Ohhh bitchy!

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Truth stings does it? :D :D

BTW, I am curious. What is the count on the vid, and how many times do we think herve has clicked?


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
I don't have to click the link. I bought the book!

How many books have you had published?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
shafique , you are so ignorant , even if you clicked on

"The Boston fracture" youtube link 200 hundred times, it would still count only one! youtube remembers IP addresses.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Shafique! You silly billy :D
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
So what is the view count on the link then herve?

You sound disappointed that your multiple viewings don't increase the view count. ;)

I did look through the reviews on Amazon. There was one by 'Beth' and the majority there were people who only had posted one review (that for your book) and/or were resident near where you are. So, just your friends and fans who are posting reviews then.. ;)


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
shafique wrote:I did look through the reviews on Amazon. There was one by 'Beth' and the majority there were people who only had posted one review (that for your book) and/or were resident near where you are. So, just your friends and fans who are posting reviews then..

Ah! so you are interested! you little tinker!

I don't think the review by 'Beth' is my Beth. I will ask her though and get back to you!

I looked on Amazon for anything by you. It drew a blank I'm afraid. Can you point me in the direction of anything you have written? Anything at all? Not insurance stuff though, that's just too boring.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
So, what is the view count on herve's link then? And how many are by herve and his mates?


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
shafique ,

How would I know and why are you bovvered???

--- Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:59 pm ---

Would you like to tell us about anything you've written? Anything with lots of pictures and BIG WRITING? Anything?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Why are you bothered with what I've written? Have a word with yourself woman and post these musings in the relevant thread.

I am curious about herve's view count and estimating how many of the views are by him and his friends. It seems to matter to him - he's asking every tom, banana and harry to read the review of his bad novel..!

But sorry, I haven't written anything in crayon with pictures and all that lately - but interesting that you're requesting this level of detail. Is that the level of your reading material? ;)


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Oh please, Herve self-published his book using CreateSpace Anyone can do that if they pay to do it. How are some people so easily impressed without looking further into things? Not much critical thinking happening...

Shaf, the video is cheezy and poorly made, has something like 116 views. There are only four reviews for the book from no one significant. Check out his high quality website here - I used to make websites like that in the mid-90's :lol:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Shaf, the video is cheezy and poorly made, has something like 116 views

That's up from 54 yesterday :mrgreen:

Good piece of free advertising on Herve's behalf!
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Advertising himself is about all he's good at.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
kanelli wrote:Advertising himself is about all he's good at.

Don't forget about being a hero for serving his country in it's Armed Forces!
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
kanelli wrote:Shaf, the video is cheezy and poorly made, has something like 116 views

:D :D :D

And he said my 'one miserable click' won't amount to much... ha ha - 116!!

I'm pretty sure once you count herve, gertrude, caps, and the countless other alternatives he's invented it is far fewer than 116 real views.



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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
shafique wrote:And he said my 'one miserable click' won't amount to much... ha ha - 116!!

I'm pretty sure once you count herve, gertrude, caps, and the countless other alternatives he's invented it is far fewer than 116 real views.


That'll be 116 more views than for anything you've ever written then won't it? You have to repost your own posts on an internet forum!!



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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
What could al shafique possibly write that would be of any interest at all. The dude is a parrot izlamic propagandist worshiping a pedophile and supports a terrorist organization. BB is bitter to be an old lady, bored wife and secretly in love with al shaf.

The Boston Fracture is up to 151 in just a few hours. wait until it s picked up by Blaizing Trailers and other promoting websites.
I noticed 4 "dislikes", that could be K, BB, and al shafique. The good thing is that any bad comment from a biased moslem generate 100 folds interest from everybody else. So really, al shafique , I welcome your bad comments on youtube and amazon.

Look at what al shaf has done to DF, opening the eyes to everybody on the dark sides of islam. The more he posts , the more forumers walk away form islam and the more forumers get to know Robert Spencer and Pamella Geller
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:That'll be 116 more views than for anything you've ever written then won't it? You have to repost your own posts on an internet forum!!


Shalom Salaam,

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Is someone a hero simply because they serve in the military? What about all of the shady business they got up to after? Do heroes spread ignorance and hatred? I don't think so.

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:46 am ---

herve wrote:What could al shafique possibly write that would be of any interest at all. The dude is a parrot izlamic propagandist worshiping a pedophile and supports a terrorist organization. BB is bitter to be an old lady, bored wife and secretly in love with al shaf.

This is why it is impossible to take you seriously. What ridiculous and false statements.

Your cheezy book promo video will earn far more dislikes, guaranteed. Why? Because it is terrible.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
kanelli wrote:s someone a hero simply because they serve in the military?

Without a doubt.

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:12 am ---

kanelli wrote:Your cheezy book promo video will earn far more dislikes, guaranteed. Why? Because it is terrible.

Is that how you judge people? How very shallow you are.

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:21 am ---

Oh God I can feel a lecture coming on.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Kanelli, your opinion is nothing, you are biased from the start, anything critical of islam is cheesy to you. My message gets delivered no matter what you say and you dont like it, hence your reaction. On your end, you have nothing to deliver , and you deliver nothing.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
herve wrote:Kanelli, your opinion is nothing


--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:24 am ---

herve wrote: On your end, you have nothing to deliver , and you deliver nothing.

Expect a lecture on ethics!!!!!!!

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:25 am ---

Death by Kanelli. Yawn.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Yes, I only judge Herve based on his cheezy youtube video, nothing else... :D Boy have you got me pegged! Ha ha ha!

You fawning all over Herve because he's ex-military, is handsome (according to your tastes), and has a French acccent (oh, and hates Muslims too of course), are pretty shallow criteria for liking someone, especially with ample evidence out there that speaks to his shady past and lack of credibility.

Herve, I certainly have nothing to deliver in regards to hate propaganda about Islam. You're right on that!

Anyone with a brain can see your amateurish video and webpage for themselves, as well as take two seconds to look up your "publisher" to realize that you are self-published and have not been picked up as an author or marketed by any major and reputable publishing company. You've got four book reviews on your site by nobody of any influence or significance. And BM whines about people bigging themselves up on the Internet. You are doing exactly that with nothing to back it up but a hate propaganda fictional book. There is no way I'd waste my time reading your book, and I doubt very many other people will either.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
What did I tell you? Death by Kanelli.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
Oooh, I feel so jealous of herve and his 116 views on youtube.. how will I ever live down the shame!! :D

I've had articles in 'sad' Actuarial magazines that have wider readership than his novels and certainly have had more than 116 views of the blog you guys stumbled across I wrote to document our move to Dubai. Your failures are so funny it is painful.

:D :D

116 hits! RTFLMAO


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
The ultimate "bored to death" read, an acturial article!!!!!! :lol: , go ahead self publish it, :lol: according to K it is free and easy. Anyways You and K have this in common, nothing to write about. You cannot even afford shoes and you live on subsidies in the UK, thanks to your free health care British passport, so how could you upfront the $20,000 cost to self publish.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
herve wrote:so how could you upfront the $20,000 cost to self publish.

I think someone should be asking you that question. I recall that during your trial someone very close to you testifying on your behalf drew a blank when asked about a questionable tidy sum of money. I believe the response went something like this: I don't recall/remember. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
And I did respond... nothing wrong in selling a property to buy a new one, documented and all in the clear and a slap in the face of the 11 top lawyers lined up against me.
Yourself , as a jobless, bitter old woman, bored house wife, you probably have no clue about hubby's incomes.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
shafique wrote:I've had articles in 'sad' Actuarial magazines that have wider readership than his novels and certainly have had more than 116 views of the blog you guys stumbled across I wrote to document our move to Dubai. Your failures are so funny it is painful.

Oh so you've remembered your blog now? You had selective memory failure a couple of days ago!

Now you're fantasising about 'insurance bloggs' - that has to be the weirdest fantasy yet!!

You're the one who has to tell us about this 'insurance bloggs' fantasy of yours. What a weird imagination you have

'Insurance bloggs' - and now you're developing this fantasy? Really?

What jolted your memory? It's not another case of 'my gun is bigger than your gun' is it?

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 07, 2012
herve wrote:Yourself , as a jobless, bitter old woman, bored house wife, you probably have no clue about hubby's incomes.

You really think you know me??? I'm a lady of leisure herve. Not at all bitter, but quite happy with myself and my life. Bored? With you and Dubai, but in general no. Unlike you and your wife, I actually know everything about our finances. We're a team herve!!!! I also know that he doesn't take money that doesn't belong to him. It's nice to know and proud of the fact that I have a husband that has so many wonderful qualities: honesty, confidence, self respect, high self esteem, highly respected, among so many other qualities that make him who he is. One of his principals is that he would never taken ill gotten gains to put a roof over our head, food on the table, or clothes on our back. We have a tremendous dislike for people who think that it's OK to steal and like and provide for their family with ill gotten gains, especially where children are concerned. We wonder how people can sleep well who do such things. I ask very little of him, and he gives me the world.

Your wife was clueless about your money. Just because your wife doesn't know about your money or secrets, don't assume that all men are the same as you.

PS: Someone born in 1956 isn't exactly a spring chicken!!!!! :D My husband is younger than you. PMSL!!!!

PPS: Don't bother reporting hubby to HLS, he has UAE and HLS clearance, which was needed for when politicans and dignitaries from the US, along with people from other countries that came to Dubai as he would be in their company or meeting with most of them. :D
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