Get your facts straight, Bora. Roma were just as bad off as the Jews under Nazi occupation. They were fewer in number and so fewer died in the Holocaust.
Jews were the poster children for undesirables for the Nazis because the Jewish issue had greater resonance/importance for a variety of reasons - many reasons being logical; such as longer established presence in Western Europe, larger numbers and greater awareness in society as a whole. Roma were (and are) lived in the periphery of European society. So, it's obvious why Jews would be in the Nazi craw more than other groups.
Homosexuality was not openly practiced during that time period as Judaism was. Homosexuals were out of the public eye so they would not have been the Nazi's primary target. Other reasons be be found for other targeted groups to explain why Jews were the supposed primary focus of the Nazis.
And just because history doesn't remember non-Jews dying in concentration and death camps doesn't mean it didn't happen. Nearly half the victims of the camps were non-Jews. Most of them were Eastern Europeans but many Roma also died. I don't know what Roma numbers were in Nazi occupied Europe to compare with the number of Roma that died in the camps, but it's perhaps safe to assume they were just as likely to be rounded up as Jews.
As far as camps? There were different types of camps to begin with. But Roma, homosexuals, communists and others wore specially designated badges identifying them for the reason for their being in the camp.
Pretty much what some white people (Ayran?) want to do to Muslims.
More hyperbole as usual. Not only are you not a "phobe", "loon" or "hate-monger" for making this claim - as you would be branded if you made the claim that some Muslims want non-Muslims put in death camps - but you refuse to demonstrate your claim on any logical observation or consistent evidence based platform that would then be used for Muslims.
Non-Muslims want to throw Muslims into camps?
Your evidence?
And could that same evidence be found in the Muslim world. Ergo, can the same conclusion be made of Muslims because it's based off the same evidence?
I await your response.