Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago

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Hamas wins Elections: 6 years ago Mar 06, 2012
A blast from the past.. here's what I wrote in Jan 2006 when Hamas won the elections in Gaza. Interesting to note that even back then, I was quite explicit about the distinction between a political party coming to power and condemning any and all acts of terrorism that they carried out or condoned (and just goes to show that all the hype about putting me on a no-fly list because I'm a Hamas supporter etc are just the usual rants of anti-Muslims who choose to ignore what people actually write):

shafique wrote:This is an interesting development and I hope that there will be a positive outcome.

The ANC and Mandela were branded as terrorists and eventually gained political power. Israel came into being after terrorists blew up the King David hotel and members of the Ergun organisation who were responsible made it to government (I'm sure that you all know that the King David hotel was the first terrorist act of modern times! I hope I'm not the only person who sees the irony of this)

What does get very little coverage though is what Hamas does on the ground - it has clinics, schools and does more to help ordinary Palestinians than other charities or organisations.

To avoid any confusion though, let me categorically state that I condemn any act of terror that targets innocent civilians. Suicide bombings are totally outside the pale of Islam in my book and the deliberate killing of women and children cannot be condoned (regardless of creed or colour).

I therefore unreservedly condemn all the acts of terror conducted or condoned by Hamas. I also unreservedly condemn all the acts of terror committed against the Palestinian people. I pray that a solution may be found that is peaceful.


My views haven't changed since then - but the sad thing is that the lot of the Palestinians in Gaza since their democratic decision has got worse under the Israeli blockade and siege, and also the mass killings by Israel in 2008 when they bombed and invaded the beseiged area of Gaza.



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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Slow day at the office?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
:roll: Stop trolling BM - you're beginning to sound like my stalker FD.

I came across this post when looking back at the flip flops that have been made in the past on DF when it comes to Fatah, who are now in the pro-Israeli guys bad books.. back when the Gazans voted out the corrupt Fatah, and for a few years after, the pro-Israelis championed Fatah as the 'moderates' etc.

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Haven't you anything more constructive to do than look up your own posts from 5 years ago?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Right, shaf you never condemned the firing a ground to ground missile from Gaza into a school bus with Zionist children. Here's your chance...
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Re: Hamas wins Elections: 6 years ago Mar 06, 2012
Sure thing FD - I'll humour your latest baiting attempt and categorically, unequivocably, clearly and unambiguously condemn the attack on Israeli children by Palestinians.

Any and all killing of children is condemned by me. When Syrian children are blown up, Palestinian children are blown up and Israeli children are blown up, I don't first check to see who pulled the trigger before condemning.

I do note that many more Palestinian mothers are grieving for their children than Israeli mothers - but all who have caused the death of their kids are as bad as each other. I loathe those who make excuses when children are killed - especially those who blame the victims.

I trust you are now satisfied. Note that in the 6 years since the above post, I haven't flip flopped one inch on this issue.

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Why didn't you condemn that black kid for kicking the old white man to death in the recent riots in London?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
What makes you think I didn't? :roll:

I suggest you go back and re-read the threads and then try and restrain yourself from trolling. This thread is about Hamas.


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:Why didn't you condemn that black kid for kicking the old white man to death in the recent riots in London?

No, he didn't condemn many terror attacks. He can speak in general, when it comes to specific attacks, the power of condemnation is not invoked.

Shaf, can humor me again, and show his condemnation of a 16y Gazan blowing himself up amongst Zionist soldiers. Let's see whether shaf condemns specific terror attempts...no didn't think so...
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
I condemn each and every act of terrorism - simple, unequivocal and clear. Just because your imagination gets the better of you does not mean I need to indulge your continued denials of reality.

I don't consider the French resistance attacking the solidiers of Nazi Military Occupiers of France as terrorists when this occured in WWII, and I similarly don't consider an attack on solidiers of the Military Occupying forces to be acts of terrorism. Attacks against Israeli civilians and attacks against Palestinian civilians are condemned as crimes - no matter who is doing the killing.

Your desperate attempt to justify your hatred of Muslims, and silly attempt to smear me as a fellow supporter of violence against civilians, is failing yet again. Isn't it time you gave up this silly belief of yours?


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
There you go, told you, shaf cannot condemn a specific suicide bomber, he can only talk propaganda, when push come to shaf, a pig can put make-up on, but its still a pig.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
I don't condemn attacks against soldiers no. I do condemn all terrorist attacks.

Perhaps this is the source of your hatred for those who oppose Israel's military occupation - do you view any attack on soldiers as terrorism?


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:a pig can put make-up on, but its still a pig.

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
shafique , do you consider hamas attacks as terrorist attacks?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
The problem with FD is that he's trying to convince people that the pig he fantasised about exists. Let alone the lipstick on the pig.

Fail. Again.

Herve - read the OP and the highlighted bits. I do consider suicide attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas to be terrrorist attacks and specifically denounced these, and those it condoned. I don't distinguish between those who kill children etc based on their chosen religion - I condemn them all.

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Attack near the Egyptian Israeli border a bit north of Elat months ago, was that terrorism shaf?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
What do you think?

Was the primary target soldiers or not? If it was the IDF they'd make an excuse about not targetting civilians.

Where the attackers launched an attack against a civilian bus, containing civilians - edit and shooting a car with civilians in it - that was clearly an act of terrorism. Happy?

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Whenever a specific examle is given, no condemnation. Shaf is a terrorist is a suit, who hates jews.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012

All specific and general examples of terror attacks have been condemned by me. You've just tried to spin some isolated attacks against soldiers as terrorism, and failed.

By contrast, the only people who have made excuses for the killing of civilians - indeed one poster makes excuses for the religiously motivated terrorist Baruch Goldstein, have been pro-Israeli posters.

This backs up polls which show that Muslims are less likely than other groups to justify violence against civilians.

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
No matter how you want to window dress it, if somebody claims the killing of a pregnant women serves something, it is a pig.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Stop with your fantasies already. You've called me a jew-hater and a terrorist in a suit - how low can you go? You lied in the post above, saying I didn't condemn specific terrorist attacks - just below a specific condemnation of a terrorist attack! :roll:

You are sad - your hatred is so deep you are now imagining and spinning posts out of control.


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Hey, I never claimed the killing of a pregnang woman serves something. I never endorsed a text claiming jews are the root of all evil in the world.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Stop spinning. You've lied already above, and now you're desperately trying to salvage your failure.

I've always condemned any act of terrorism, including any attack on pregnant women. Produce the quote if you think otherwise and stop acting like a coward and liar. Take ownership of your hatred and stop projecting on to others with baseless accusations.

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Are you saying you never said the killing of a family, including children, served to highlight the occupation? I'll give you one chance to humbly apologize to me.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
I am calling you a liar and a coward. Produce the quote and show us why you are labelling me a terrorist in a suit, when in reality I have condemned each and every act of terrorism.

Stop spinning FD - it is sad. Produce the quote or apologise. And please don't selectively quote - show the quote and then admit that I condemned the act of terrorism.

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012

The pig:

The target and timing is pretty clearly aimed at the peace talks in the US - and serves to highlight the fact that on the Palestinian side, the theft of land and presence of illegal colonies on land captured in 1967 is an issue that won't be swept under the carpet of spin.

The rest was make-up for the pig.

But it goes further in referenced thread:

The fact the pregnant woman and three others were illegal colonists does not excuse their killing, but does explain why they were targeted.

Jews living in Judea and Samaria explains why there are targeted!!! Like jews are not allowed to live there. This is in line by the way with the PA and Hamas, a possible future Pali state to be judenrein.

Here is gets really bad, and I am mean really bad. Here is poster Shafique defending Hamas, calling the killing of a family, including a pregnant women, a natural response. Yes, killing a pregnant woman is a natural response somehow. How can that be, it's beyond me.

Hamas said the attack was “a natural response to the crimes of the Israeli occupation and its settlers.”

So shaf, are you gonna man up and humbly apologize, or continue with your terrorist methods of discussion.

But lets try again with a very simple question. Shaf, do you uncontionally condemn violent attacks on jews living in Judeau and Samaria? Yes or no? This is your chance to show you are not a terrorist. Yes or no?
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
shafique wrote:And please don't selectively quote - show the quote and then admit that I condemned the act of terrorism.

You really couldn't help yourself could you.

shafique wrote:Whilst Fatah controls this area, it is the military wing of Hamas that has taken credit for what it calls a 'targeted killing' but is nothing more than a terrorist act that has killed 4 settlers/colonists. There is certainly no excuse for killing civilians in targeted attacks or bombs etc - so those celebrating the killings are as bad as those who celebrate and condone other killings of civilians - and the cycle of killing will surely continue with more civilians being killed as a result of this killing.

The target and timing is pretty clearly aimed at the peace talks in the US - and serves to highlight the fact that on the Palestinian side, the theft of land and presence of illegal colonies on land captured in 1967 is an issue that won't be swept under the carpet of spin.

The fact the pregnant woman and three others were illegal colonists does not excuse their killing, but does explain why they were targeted. It was disheartening, but predictable, that the reactions of other colonists was to call for the blood of Palestinians in retaliation. But what is expected, as in much of the Palestinian issue, what colonists want, colonists will get. I just hope I'm wrong (this time).

As everyone can see when they read it in full, I condemned the act of terrorism. I expect an apology now.


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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
Are you sure you have all the necessary qualifications down before you can condemn something Hamas does?

Wouldn't want to actually condemn Hamas itself as most of your "countrymen" would.

Or their hateful, genocidal and Antisemitic rhetoric which you have made consistent excuses for over the years.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) exposed another disconcerting video of 'Palestinian' incitement against the Jewish people. The video relays a Hamas preacher from Khan Yunis, Gaza, which aired on Al Aqsa TV on February 24, declaring that the Al Aqsa mosque cannot remain under the control of "apes and pigs."

"We say load and clear: The struggle for Palestine is not a political struggle. It is a purely ideological struggle. It is a clear religious struggle between Islam and Zionism. It is a struggle between Truth and Falsehood, between Islam and heresy, between light and darkness, between good and evil," the preacher stated.

"We cannot possible accept (Al Aqsa) remaining under the control of those whom Allah described as a bunch of apes and pigs, the scholars of whom Allah described as asses carrying books, or as a dog that pants when you beat it and pants when you don't."

"After all these description of the base position that befits them -- these contemptible people cannot lord over the great people, these slaves cannot lord over the masters. The masters today are all the Muslims," he continued.

I look forward to your condemnation of Hamas' hate preachers.
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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
shafique wrote:As everyone can see when they read it in full, I condemned the act of terrorism. I expect an apology now.

FD is starting new threads.. I'm waiting for the apology.

--- Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:15 pm ---

shafique wrote:To avoid any confusion though, let me categorically state that I condemn any act of terror that targets innocent civilians. Suicide bombings are totally outside the pale of Islam in my book and the deliberate killing of women and children cannot be condoned (regardless of creed or colour).

I therefore unreservedly condemn all the acts of terror conducted or condoned by Hamas. I also unreservedly condemn all the acts of terror committed against the Palestinian people. I pray that a solution may be found that is peaceful.

What I said in 2006 applies today - the desperation of FD and to find something I said which contradicts this has failed many times in the past and has failed spectacularly today.

We've had whole threads on Hamas and anti-semitism to counter the numerous PRIOR threads started by the two ronnies, and in all that I've never condoned the killing of civilians - where as FD and eh have both made excuses when civilians are killed.

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Re: Hamas Wins Elections: 6 Years Ago Mar 06, 2012
yes master
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