Body Scanners

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Geez, and you say I am thick. As you can plainly read, I am no longer discussing your inane topic, but rather discussing FD and Herve's ridiculous posts about profiling Muslims in international travel.

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
kanelli ,

Whatever! :P
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
herve ,

Fortunately I live in the US. If you think the US has it wrong, then why not move to Israel where they have it down to a science? Don't be surprised if you find Israelis who don't share your hatred.

herve, herve, herve. It was only AFTER 9/11 that Muslim issues came to the forefront in America. Maybe Lockerbie should have been a heads up?? When you say that Muslims should not be allowed to fly unless they have their own planes, but Jews, Christians, Hindus, etc. can fly together, that is segregation. Obviously you don't understand the concept of segregation. Try and make a black friend and he will tell you all about segregation. Or if black people make you uncomfortable then read about segregation in the 50s and 60s in the US.

You think Americans are pleased being groped when going through the detectors? You think elderly Americans like to be humiliated? You think parents like to see their children having a stranger putting their hands in places they shouldn't be?

The world is a mess and it is what it is. And people like you contribute to the mess with your hate. You seem to think everyone else is consumed with hate, but for some reason you think that you're not. Go through life herve never seeing yourself in the mirror for what you are.
Bora Bora
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Strangely enough, nobody ever showed any problem with Dutch people travelling alone profiled as drug traffickers.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Young people travelling alone can often be profiled for drugs or whatever. It has happened to me. I know a European woman stopped and strip searched at the airport after flying to the States from Jamaica.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
kanelli wrote:Young people travelling alone can often be profiled for drugs or whatever.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
oops, misread!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
kanelli wrote:They likely are being profiled.

Correct, I never claimed otherwise. And yes, I experienced it. I never complained about it like a small child.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
You just like to whine about how Muzzies are all dangerous :D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
herve wrote:Profiling and scrutiny should apply to all moslems and converts. Many terrorists perpetrators are american citizen convert to islam. You are a convert, but an educated and nice woman despite the poison you spill on me, and obviously not a terrorist or supporter of terrorism.

So I should be profiled is that what you are saying?
Bora Bora
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
come on BB, don't exagerate. we may have different opinions, you sure hate me and wish me dead, but you don't qualify for being profiled, you are not a threat at all. :wink:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
I think it was FD who said you should be profiled. He was implying that you would agree with a whole plane of Israelis being held hostage for the release of Palestinian prisoners.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
herve wrote:come on BB, don't exagerate. we may have different opinions, you sure hate me and wish me dead, but you don't qualify for being profiled, you are not a threat at all.

I leave exaggeration, spin, and lies to the rogue master spy. Three skills that master spy's are supposed to be good at. I really don't see how you lasted as long as you did in spite of the fact that you aren't very good at exaggeration, spinning and lying.
Bora Bora
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
Hey, herve and BM have threatened to report me to the authorities in the States and UK to put me on the no-Fly list because of their assessment of my threat to others (and seemingly based on the fantasy that I'm a Palestinian terrorist or something similar ..:roll:

Now herve is saying that he 'knows' Bora wishes herve dead! :shock:

I guess this is just like he 'knew' that the internet hoax about Hamas child weddings was true (even producing as evidence a photo analysis of a bridesmaid wearing a ring.. lol), or his theory that I'm DearJohn etc etc.

herve - you should stop writing bad novels, take up comedy - you could be the next Peter Sellers!


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
shafique wrote:herve and BM have threatened to report me to the authorities in the States and UK to put me on the no-Fly list because of their assessment of my threat to others

Hahaha Very funny!

It's the way you tell 'em. You're a comedian :D
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
I dont think we ever gonna see a post from shaf, without trolling and baiting.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
shafique ,

Well I got the all clear from herve. :D Apparently I can travel with a mixed group as he doesn't perceive me as a threat to security. I guess he's still assessing my husband's status as I'm still waiting for herve to get back to me. :shock:

I wouldn't be surprised if our rogue master spy doesn't have our names and will be reporting us to HLS. They'll probably stop us from boarding a plane and ask my husband if that's a stick of dynamite in his pants :D , put me through the scanner and make sure that one of my kidneys isn't actually of mold of C-4 and assume that our intent is to go to the loo together to join the Mile High Club and go kaboom!!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
Well, I've been in 3 countries in the past few weeks and was waiting for the 'Will you please step over here ... we've had a report from a rogue master spy that you should be detained...' :) :)

It didn't happen.

herve wrote:I think you should be black listed, after all you support hamas , a terrorist organization, as such you qualify to be on the no fly list.

shafique wrote:Let me know what the FBI/Homeland security have to say after they finish laughing.

herve fires a blank yet again. :D

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 05, 2012
shafique ,

He thinks just because the gauge on his intellectual tank is stuck on "E" it means "Enough". One should understand that coasting downhill really doesn't require any fuel. :D I know the price of gas is going up in the US, but intelligence is free. Someone needs to put a few gallons in the tank, at least enough to make a fairly decent argument. :lol:

--- Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:05 pm ---

shafique wrote:herve - you should stop writing bad novels, take up comedy - you could be the next Peter Sellers!,

Well he's certainly no Ian Fleming. He should stick to doing what he does best. I think he's doing an outstanding job as Inspector Clouseau. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Al shafique and BB how ignorant of you, how can you say anything about my thriller without having read it.
Buy it, put a negative critic if you want, but at least read it or $hut up.
In the mean time swallow the trailer it s up and running: The Boston Fracture ...
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Well done Herve :D Not everyone can say they have had at least two books published. You must be very proud. I know I would be.

Some only get to write on internet forums!
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
I'll tell you what is ignorant herve. And I'll also show how scarey you are a person.

I gave thought as to your proposals on how to fix the Muslim population that you seem to think are the cause to the problems of the world. You seem to think that to profile, segregation, persecution, etc. would fix the root of the problem.

Once upon a time, not very long ago, there was a little man who sat in jail and put pen to paper with this thoughts. He had too much to say about his political and his hateful religious views that it required him to write two volumes. He was consumed with the thought that a certain religion was the cause of the problems of the world and elimination of that religious group would make for a better world, starting with his own country. This little man rose to power and by taking baby steps, profiling, segregating and slowly persecuting that particular religious group, the end result was one of the most horrific historical tradegy that this world has come to know. Your thinking is so closely related to his that if you had your way, you would repeat history.

Anyone with any sense and familarity with the book and this little man's thinking can see how your thinking is so very much in line with his. For anyone to deny such would be a hypocrite or in agreement with your thinking - I don't know which would be worse. It would be a smack in the face to the memory of those very people who suffered, some who are alive to this day.

The English translation of that book is "My Struggle". It seems that you too are struggling with the existence of Muslims and you clearly think that Muslims are the root to the evil that exists in the world we live in today and are taking pages from the book I refer to.

Guess who the vile little person is that wrote the book and left a black stain on history that will never be forgotten? Guess what religion he thought was the evil of the world?

PS: Buy your book? You have to be kidding. Take the time to watch your link? Not interested.
Bora Bora
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012 ...
The Boston Fracture

Come on bora, you are just a click away. I know you ll do it, you burn to click on it, it s ok, you dont have to say it, just predend you did not , ok?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
herve wrote:Come on bora, you are just a click away. I know you ll do it, you burn to click on it, it s ok, you dont have to say it, just predend you did not , ok?

Once again you claim to know what I will do. I guess my post didn't register with you. No surprise there herve.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Bora Bora wrote: I guess my post didn't register with you. No surprise there herve.

Disappointed with Inspector Clueless, but not surprised either.

His whining is getting annoying though - if anyone clicks on his youtube link, let us know how many of his friends have watched it. I'd do so myself, but then I'd be increasing the 'watched' count by one.. ;


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
You're looking more jealous by the day Shafique. Green is really not your colour.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Wrong thread BM - I created a thread for your silly musings about me:


Please stop the trolling.


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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
al shafique, if you clicked on it , you would see in the credits who endorsed "The Boston Fracture": one of your favorite writer and speaker on the truth about islam, whom you call islamophobe .

Do you think your miserable click will make a difference, anyways.?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
herve wrote:one of your favorite writer and speaker on the truth about islam, whom you call islamophobe .

Is there someone else on DF who wrote a "book"? :shock:
Bora Bora
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 06, 2012
Yes, my miserable click will add one more to your miserable count. So I refuse to click - sue me. ;)

BTW - how many times have you clicked on it? You have a track record of setting up polls as gertrude and then voting for yourself as 'most credible' person on DF. I'd guess that over 50% of the hits on the link is just you sadly clicking on the link over and over again.

You're sad that way.


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