Hi Lisa! It is Lisa I take it from your username?
Where do I start? What would you like to know? I had 3 completely different experiences with my daughters.
My eldest was born in Cyprus, her dad was in the army and we were posted there for 2 years. I'm trying to think back to when I found out I was pregnant, obviously it was about 7 months before I gave birth, but I can't remember how I found out. I was about 2 weeks overdue with the baby and one afternoon I went into labour with avengence. I had my first pain and then 10 minutes later, I had another one, from then on they came every 3 minutes. I told my husband that I was in labour and he insisted he had his tea before we went to the hospital. He made himself steak, chips and onions whilst I lay on the bed.
We finally got to the hospital and I was admitted. In those days ladies were given an enema, which was most unpleasant but did save you any embarrassment in the later stages of labour, if you get what I mean?
What really sticks in my mind about being in labour was my husbands breath, he stunk of onions. I'm not sure if that was why I was sick, but I was, all over the floor.
I hadn't (or I should say he hadn't) left anytime for pain relief so I gave birth totally aware of everything and not drugged up to the eyeballs. It took 6 hours from start to finish. I remember her being born and the midwife put her on my chest. She opened her eyes and looked at me and I recoiled in horror, I wanted a boy! There was no sudden rush of love like you read about in the books but she did grow on me

She turned out to be a very lovely little girl who was the spitting double of her dad. Thankfully that was all she interited, his good looks.
--- Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:35 pm ---I conceived my second daughter while we were still living in Cyprus and we moved to Germany when I was a couple of months pregnant. With all the moving bit and my other daughter, who was still a baby and the fact that it was winter in Germany and I couldn't drive, I never had the pregnancy confirmed. When I finally got round to seeing my doctor, I was about 36 weeks pregnant (I think).

I never had a days illness with her. I went into labour and was rushed into a German hospital as the army one was about 2 hours drive. I was admitted and a couple of hours later all the pains stopped. The germans are a funny lot and they would not let me leave the hospital. I ended up being in that hospital for 2 weeks before they finally decided to induce her. I told my husband what time all this was going to happen but he was delayed on army business, or so he claimed, as he missed it all. I think he was put off the first time when I was sick on his shoes
She was the most beautiful baby, after I got over the shock of having another girl

All that and I didn't speak a word of german. I did by the time I was discharged.
--- Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:48 pm ---Beth is my youngest and she was born in England. She does not have the same father as my two eldest girls but is the double of them, even the one who looks like my ex husband, which is a bit worrying
I didn't go into labour as such, but my waters broke when I coughed, the day before she was due. I told her dad about it but he didn't seem overly concerned and managed to get 8 hours sleep in (I can pick them, can't i?) I wasn't in labour, so I could see where he was coming from when he said there was no rush! She was born two days later. Unfortunately it was all very quick at the last minute and he missed the birth. I couldn't be bothered to wait for him
Beth is my favourite. I think I'm allowed to say that as she is quite a bit younger that her sisters and they had left home at this point. It's a standing joke that she is my favourite and is refered to as such

by her sisters.
It wasn't a shock giving birth to another girl as I had prior warning with the wonders of modern technology.
Now I have to get back to work but if I can help you with anything else just ask!
Don't worry if you don't get that instant rush of love, it will come to you eventually. You will be very tired and things can look bleak if you're knackered but all will be well if it isn't initially.
Good luck and I hope everything goes without a hitch! If you can laugh your way through it, it will help.
Keep us posted Lisa!!!