Body Scanners

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Body Scanners Mar 03, 2012
I don't really like queueing, especially in airports so I have the egate in Dubai and until recently the Iris scanning method of entry into the UK.
Manchester airport and Heathrow (I believe) are discontinuing the use of the Iris scanners as they aren't time efective.
We now have full body scanners to check for hidden objects about our persons.
I've flown to Canada and the US recently and didn't see any body scanners so I'm not sure which other countries have adopted their use besides the UK.
You have to adopt the position and put your hands behind your head and stand perfectly still for about 15 seconds. When the staff are satisfied you are told to move on. I recently saw a picture of what the people who are operating the scanners can see and it wasn't a pretty sight. I won't post it here as it may offend some but it is available on google. It's quite graphic although you can't really make out any facial features.

To be honest it doesn't really bother me what people can see of my body on a scanner. One is much the same as another, but there can be more or less of it. I don't think everybody will feel like this but what else can you do if you're called forward for a full body scan?

So what happens if you object to the scan on religious grounds and can you? I don't know! How do you feel about your wife being scanned and her body being seen in this manner. Does it offend you?

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Re: Body Scanners Mar 03, 2012
I think you know that Muslims will say they don't want their bodies scanned, both men and women. You know full well from your read on Google that everyone has the right to refuse, but it results in a pat down in a separate room and can be conducted by a male for a male and female for a female.

Next inane topic?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 03, 2012
kanelli wrote:Next inane topic?

Well you can always move on if you don't like it! That's too much to ask as you clearly can't help yourself :D
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 03, 2012
I like the iriscan too BM. Its 190 Euro a year, and gives you free lounge at Amsterdam, cheap and valet parking at preferred parking places and of course quick entry. A lot of American airports are also in, but regrettably not the UK. It's easier for me to enter the USA than the UK :-(, while the UK is part of the Union. Island mentality. Just kidding.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Technology just gets better and better at scanning through clothes, but it would be nice if there were certain things that were just between husband and wife - like what we look like naked.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
While standing in a long line, a man said out loud "the terrorists have already won". He had a point somewhere.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:I like the iriscan too BM. Its 190 Euro a year, and gives you free lounge at Amsterdam, cheap and valet parking at preferred parking places and of course quick entry. A lot of American airports are also in, but regrettably not the UK. It's easier for me to enter the USA than the UK , while the UK is part of the Union. Island mentality. Just kidding.

Wow! i still had to pay to park (or get my son in law to drop me off) even with Iris, but it was free! It saved me queuing behind Wasim and the kids. :D Sadly it's history and I have to line up behind the millions who we dish our passport out to.
I visited Canada in May 2011, I struggled to understand the immigration officer when he asked me where I was staying in Canada. :D

--- Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:26 am ---

blueshift wrote:Technology just gets better and better at scanning through clothes, but it would be nice if there were certain things that were just between husband and wife - like what we look like naked

Well, the airport personel will see hundreds of bodies every day. I doubt if they will remember what BM or your spouse looks like. I always give them a big smile :D
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:It saved me queuing behind Wasim and the kids.

Have you made peace with your son in law..Seems like you had another grandchild as well.. :)
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Berrin wrote:Have you made peace with your son in law..Seems like you had another grandchild as well..

No Berrin, I haven't. I've heard there are 3 kids now. :?: I think they must be going for a football team. Islam FC. :D
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
I thought you did when you wrote about being dropped off... Congratulations for having three grandkids.. They must be so beautiful and I hope you won't be missing out on their babyhood or the childhood..
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
100% of suicide attacks in passenger planes are moslem.

Hence, prevent moslem from boarding our planes and you won' t need body scanners and stand in line.

Remember that when you go through security check, take off your shoes and surrender your tooth paste, it s because terrorists chanting the name of allah are the cause of this.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
herve wrote:Hence, prevent moslem from boarding our planes and you won' t need body scanners and stand in line.

Who would be the "our" in "our planes?" Stop Muslims all over the world from travelling? Brilliant idea. :roll:

There is a website that you might want to join, if you're not already a longstanding member.

If you're not a member, it's right up your alley and you may want to take a friend or three with you. I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Berrin wrote:I thought you did when you wrote about being dropped off... Congratulations for having three grandkids.. They must be so beautiful and I hope you won't be missing out on their babyhood or the childhood..

I have three daughters Berrin. My eldest daughter is expecting her first baby in June and the whole family is so pleased as we didn't think it was going to happen.
I don't know if my middle daughters children are beautiful or not as I haven't been allowed to see them. If they take after their mother, they will be good looking kids. I saw her son once when he was a few weeks old. She attempted to make contact just before Christmas but unfortunately I was out at work. She promised to call back but never has. I think her husband forbides her having any contact with any of her family, not only her mother. Her children won't know any of their mother's family and as her husband has no family of his own in this country, they are missing out all round. It's the kids I feel sorry for, Berrin.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
They can travel all they want and use their own airplanes, bora, moslems are not allowed on Elal planes unless they are rubber gloved, so why not extend Elal policies to all western planes.

You can t deny the fact that all these security procedures are because of moslem terrorists
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
herve ,

I don't need you to tell me why security at airports is at the level it is. Remember, I'm American - I know about 9/11. I also know people of different religions who died in that attack. I have also read books on the attack. So don't think you are going to educate me.

All western planes? Are you suggesting that every western country should not allow Muslims to travel in or out of the country, even if they are citizens of that country, for instance Muslims who are citizens of the US, like me should not be allowed on a plane? Yes, let's create a police world!!!! Why stop at allowing Muslims to travel? Why not move them all to one area of a country and build walls and electrified fences. Governments can create GPS centers and inject Muslims with GPS chips. Yeah, that's the ticket!!!!! :drunken: :drunken: And, and, government should allow every non-Muslim to carry a lethal weapon because you just never know when a Muslim will go ballistic on a non-Muslim. Are you feeling it herve???
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
:shock: Herve is seriously saying that Muslims should not be allowed to fly on any airline but a Muslim one? How ignorant can you be Herve!

--- Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:12 pm ---

BB, I bet Herve would agree to all of that.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
herve wrote:They can travel all they want and use their own airplanes, bora, moslems are not allowed on Elal planes unless they are rubber gloved, so why not extend Elal policies to all western planes.

The profiling of elal, not just elal, but also for all planes leaving Israeli, I completely agree with. Seperating flights is wrong.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
kanelli wrote:
Herve is seriously saying that Muslims should not be allowed to fly on any airline but a Muslim one? How ignorant can you be Herve! BB, I bet Herve would agree to all of that.

Don't question his level of ignorance, it has no boundaries. I'm sure he would agree K. Funny thing is, he had no problem lining his pockets with and helping himself to Arab money did he?

To say ALL Muslims should not be allowed to travel is evidence of his hatred to ALL Muslims. I would think that anyone who has such hatred wouldn't put a foot in a Muslim country.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Kanelli, again: 100% of suicide attacks using passenger planes are committed or attempted by moslems, fanatics justifying their attack in the name of allah and the qran. You cannot deny these facts.

Israelis have banned moslems from boarding their passenger planes unless they are thoroughly profiled and scrutinized. I favor these policies and would rather fly in planes adopting their policies rather than seating next to an underwear moslem bomber. Are you saying that Israelis are ignorant too?

It is true that it is a minute minority of moslems who commit these mass killing crimes, but the majority of moslems alway deny this fact and do nothing to stop their terrorists, hence they support these terrorists.

I never said moslems should be segregated on different planes, dont misquote me, I said this:"They can travel all they want and use their own airplanes, bora, "
which means if they dont like it, they can fly their owns, get profiled or get out. That s excatly what elal does.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
herve ,

Note to International Airlines: Create segregated airplanes for Muslims.

Come on herve, man up and address what I asked you in my post. One of which was: would that concept apply to me as an American citizen? Would I would have to travel on a "Muslim only" plane? What if I lied and said I was an atheist? Or would Muslims have to get a tat on their forehead with a big "M" on it so they can be identified wherever they go?

You keep on focusing on Israel. When did Israel go to the top of the list as a role model for all other countries? Do you understand what was behind 9/11?? Simply put herve: America got hit because of it's support to Israel. Extreme fanatics festered their hatred of Israel onto America. The same way you fester your hatred on Muslims.

You speak to the majority of Muslims herve?? Let's see, the estimate of Muslims in the world is about 2 billion. But I'll narrow it down for you: there are about 7 million Muslims in the US alone. Just how many of those 7 million have you interviewed? Please post a reliable source to support your statement that the majority of Muslims (2 billion) are in denial. I've yet to come across a Muslim who is in "denial" as to who is responsible for the mass terrorist attacks.

I see you are working hard at fighting terrorism, or would that be making money off of terrorism. :drunken:
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:When did Israel go to the top of the list as a role model for all other countries?

Airline security wise, Israel is a role model. Would you support the hijacking of a elal plane with only Jews inside in trade for the release of Pali prisoners in Israeli jails Bora?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Airline security wise, Israel is a role model. Would you support the hijacking of a elal plane with only Jews inside in trade for the release of Pali prisoners in Israeli jails Bora?

Stop with your sillyass questions.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
You would be placed on the blacklist when given such nonsense answer to a very simple question when profiled. You would have all alarm bells ringing, including in US airports!
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Profiling and scrutiny should apply to all moslems and converts. Many terrorists perpetrators are american citizen convert to islam. You are a convert, but an educated and nice woman despite the poison you spill on me, and obviously not a terrorist or supporter of terrorism.

On the other end al shafique is one who constantly deny that moslems terrorists are the major threat and openly supports a terrorist organiation such as HAMAS. Even recently, he associated EDL members to islamic terrorists, it is a deceitful maneuver to water down the islamic threat, because no EDL members have ever been caught attemptin a terrorist attack on airplanes and as such do not qualify to be on the no fly list.

I never said moslems should be segregated, you are misquoting me, I said they should fly their own planes if they dont like profiling. If profiling of moslems had been implemented , 911 would not have happened.

everytime there is an attack, TSA respond with more measures, after 911, no more pocket knives on board, after liquid explosive attempt, no more tooth paste, after shoe bombing, everybody has to take off their shoes, after underwear bomber, body scanning, so what s next, i tell you what s next, body cavity bomb, fake pregnant woman, or someone with an implanted bomb. which will be followed by everybody traveling naked and body cavity searched. However All these attack have one thing in common and one thing only, and it is allah and the qran, therefore, dont t you think it is much more effective to address this issue and line up moslem for profiling, instead of stripping everybody, children and christian gran Ma's in a wheel chair?
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
The difference between security in Israel and the ROW, is Israel is looking for the terrorist and the bomb while the rest is only looking for the bomb. As we have seen in the past, terrorists always invent new ways to get their bomb undetected on a plane. Therefore, better look for the terrorist also.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
The problem with the ROW is that looking for the terrorist is politically not correct, since 100% of suicide attacks on passenger planes are from moslems terrorists , looking for the terrorist is looking for a moslem.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Not necessarily. AFAIK the most recent thwarted El AL bomb attack in Tel Aviv airport came from a Caucasian non-muslim female, carrying 'a present' from her Pali friend.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:You would be placed on the blacklist when given such nonsense answer to a very simple question when profiled. You would have all alarm bells ringing, including in US airports!

Really??? You actually know every reason that would put someone on the blacklist? The US would blacklist someone because they didn't show alligence to Israel? Get real FD.

How's this for an answer: I have two alligences (1) to my country - the US and (2) to myself. I don't have an alligence to any other country than my own, to any religion or to any ethnic group. I believe in live and let live.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
Flying Dutchman , and Herve I've flown with Muslims countless times and I am never afraid. After my husband could have been blown up in a bomb attack by a mentally ill teenager in our city, I realize that terror can happen anywhere and by anyone. I'm not more afraid of Muslims when I am travelling or going about my daily business.
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Re: Body Scanners Mar 04, 2012
kanelli ,

Why are you posting on my inane topic?
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