Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts

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Stop the Hate: Highlight hate posts Mar 03, 2012
There seems to be small hard-core group of posters that can't resist posting anti-Muslim comments, and aren't actually interested in any debate/discussion (or indeed a recognition of reality).

It seems futile to discuss with them.

Of course, hate posts are a matter of perspective - and some haters will deny their hate.

To help them, and to save time, I will now on just post to say:

I consider the above to be an example of anti-Muslim hate posts that have in the past not led to any reasonable exchange of views. I therefore consider this trolling and will not respond unless a valid point of discussion is raised.

Number of such posts since 3/3/12 =

I predict you'll be seeing a lot of this, and it will be interesting to see how quickly we get to 10 posts, then 100 etc.

I'm hoping that the hate posts will reduce, and fully expect that there will be some bizare attempt to label my posts... but so be it. If the hate posts reduce, it will be worth it - at least it should stop the wasting of time with these posts.


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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
You should come to England. We have a vacancy for a comedian as Frank Carson died recently.
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
Hatefull posts:

-Shafs reaction towards me defending countries that provide freedom of religion to Ahmadi's:

shafique wrote:Your resemblance to Nazis who hated a whole religous community is getting more and more apparent by the post FD.

The kicker, Shaf is an Ahmadi himself. Yeah, I know. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Another hatefull post, suggesting transferring Ahmadi's:

Berrin wrote:By now, I am sure all the Ahmadies know that theirs was a sect established by the British intelligence for physological warfare against the orthodox muslim jihad which was rejecting British rule or emperyalism in india..

Humans are complex creatures they are free to worship for what they want, surely Ahmadies have the right to their own belief system but sunni muslims who represent the core islam also have the right to claim that what Ahmadies worship is outside the folding of islam...

According to islam, guidance is very clear for those who are under continous clash with each other, first and most we look at the example of the prophet,

when he was delivering the final message of Allah, the polytheists of Mekka who were the locals, didn't want his message and faught against him and belivers continuously even though Allah was behind the messanger and his believers.. Despite this fact, we see no instruction given to fight back or any kind of natural punishment against the polytheists of Mekka, cause they too have the right to disbelief in Allah and his messengers... So instead Allah instructed the prophet to migrate to Medina to bring an end to hostility between them which obviously gives right to everyone for life... Only after the migration of believerst that islam started to thrive in Medina and spread to Mekka and so on..

So in the name of humanity and peace we can apply this same rule for Ahmadies of India(who are in minority)against the majority of sunnies..

Secondly, there are ayaths in quran that allows muslims to combat corruption... One of the punishments is to exile them instead of applying capital punishment.. Since Ahmadies aren't commiting crime, it's perfect that they should either accept the validity of quranic verses and move out elsewhere or leave islam all together..
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
LOL FD, That's a simple solution instead of fight and kill. Everyone has the right to life remember... Your sympathy towards Ahmadies only prosper under your dislike against islam isn't it FD, not that you like any of them really..
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
Actually for years I lived closed to an Ahmadi community (dont know which branch) in The Hague, and they seem very decent people, and very community minded. They have a tradition to clean the streets after NYE. Respect, achi, respect! Did they receive threats from Muslim community? Yes!
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
Now what has decency and community mindedness got to do with secterian belief, they claim to be islam and you seem to hate both muslims,immigrants and their community mindedness alltogether.. Can't you see your own contradictions. Tell me more about it... Why the huge support? What have you got going against sunnies?
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
I donot hate community minded people, whatever gave you that idea? I donot hate immigrants at all, whatever gave you that idea? Never thought about, but I just realized the majority of ex girlfriends were non-whites, including a Muslima. You never heard me speak of the "colored feral underclass", now did you?

Muslims? OK, I donot like how many Muslims show their disrespect to my country, and/or what they stand for, many things contradict my values. Its not hate, its a dislike of an attitude. It doesn't mean at all I dislike a Muslim, for being Muslim. And perhaps, just perhaps, I am extrapolating male Moroccan attitute too much to Muslims. At times I host Muslims from the Peninsula, and I treat them with respect and make sure they can fulfill their religious duties as much as possible, which seems to be important to them. I like sushi too :-). When they ask, I respect. When they demand, it's another story.

Let it be told that I would never suggest or encourage in any way any kind of violence towards anybody because of their religious believes, nor any suggestions of ethnic cleaning.
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
Normally people don't practise disrespect, if there is respect to their value systems..You do realise that they come from culturally different background I remember having exchange of posts with you regarding characteristics of individualist and collective minded society differences..At that time you just seemed to have a lot of problem with their collective attitude.. Just dig out some of your earliest posts to remember..
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
shafique , sounds good!
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
kanelli ,

That means you too Kanelli!
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
Are you trying to control how I post? I thought you were too cool for that?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
kanelli wrote:Are you trying to control how I post?

And stop the fun? No way!

--- Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:53 pm ---

kanelli wrote:shafique , sounds good!
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 03, 2012
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 04, 2012
There is no hate in telling the truth about islam. it s just facts, and they come from their very own book and actions, what s wrong in quoting moslems.

For instance, if anyone in the free word had said:
"we cannot use the shari’a as a source of legislation because it can disrupt the balance of society" he would be immediately called a hater and an islamophobe, right?

But no one can call Nadia Chaabane, a member of a small modernist group in Tunisia that advocates for gender equality and separation of religion and politics, a racist and a hater. He is the one who said that. ... ng-process

So how can it be hate to quote him, if he is telling the truth, and no moslems are calling him a hater.
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 05, 2012
Hey folks - good to see that the initiative has generally been well received.

If you happen to think you aren't posting a hateful post, then carry on and others will either label it a hate post or they won't. If they do, perhaps you'll stop to consider why they consider it as such.

For example, I do not consider herve's post above to be an example of the hate and hype posts. I do agree with him that stating the truth about Islam is not a sign of hate - and indeed questioning some people's interpretation of Islam is not only valid but something I think more should be done of.

It is the anti-Muslim generalisations that are not intended for debate that will be labelled.

As for FD - you do accept that your Ahmadi neighbours in the Hague say they are Muslims, worship as Muslims etc and do the acts of charity etc you mention in the name of religion. It seems odd therefore that you routinely talk about 'you Muslims' and generalise about all who follow Islam. Just think it over next time you post - and, as I say, we'll point out when yo step over the line again.

(this is the first post I've read in a few days... so here's hoping that there are no 'hate and hype' posts posted recently)

Stop the hate guys.


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Re: Stop the Hate: Highlight hate posts Mar 21, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:Your frequency of going to strip clubs, gay clubs and socializing with prostitutes (amongst other things) is affecting your thinking


I would like to react to that.

Gays bar:
I think I mentioned I was invited once by a lesbian to a come to a gay/lesbian bar. According to BB visiting gay bars affects your thinking. I have rarely seen anything as homophobic as that. I mean, being around gays/lesbians messes with your brain? Really?

I join FD in condemning this hateful statement.

I look forward to others who denounce these types of Homophobic views.

What if Bora Bora had said this about Muslims instead of homos.exuals?

Strange this thread is only about naming alleged "anti-Muslim" hate.

Wouldn't it have been wiser to condemn all hate instead of one target group?

Seems the author has a certain agenda to push.

Sad, really.
event horizon
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Re: Stop The Hate: Highlight Hate Posts Mar 21, 2012
event horizon wrote:Wouldn't it have been wiser to condemn all hate instead of one target group?

You should take your own advice.
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