Guns Of The EDL

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Guns of the EDL Mar 03, 2012
I have to say that I am ashamed of some of the youth of my country.

My fellow country-woman, BM is a supporter of the EDL, the English Defence League - and event horizon defends them as they share his right-wing and anti-Muslim views.

Whilst I am relieved to note that in no way are these guys representative of English people, Christianity, or even spotty English teenagers - it is interesting to compare the reality of who the EDL are with the spin that their supporters here like to put on them.

Anthony Phipps (Centre), Birmingham EDL
Liam Snaith: Middlesbrough EDL
Connor McCoy: Jarrow EDL

And more here:


The supporters of these extremists perhaps should tell the authorities and put themselves on no-fly lists?


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 03, 2012
shafique wrote:My fellow country-woman, BM is a supporter of the EDL, the English Defence League - and event horizon defends them as they share his right-wing and anti-Muslim views.

And people seriously still wonder why the atmosphere at DF is so negative.

Shaf can only troll and bait. He really cannot write one normal post.
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 03, 2012
Wow, in your fantasy world whenever a Muslim states a fact (in this case that BM and eh both support the EDL in their posts) you say this is baiting.

But I guess it is ok when you call others genocidal nutters. :roll:

The supporters of extremists seem to be in denial and in a chronic state of projection - and not to mention a very bad case of sense of humour failure. I told you, all that hating is not good for you!!


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 03, 2012
BM's country has been poked and poked again and again by foreigners like you, I can't blame her for voting BNP and supporting EDL, although I distant myself from the two.

You have a gun license, ja? Scary thought!
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 03, 2012
So you are supporting a supporter of the Nazi saluting, fascist EDL. No surprises there - but there is no need to justify your support - we all know where your sentiments lie.

And yes, I do have a gun licence- so I guess herve will be on to the police to tell them to take it away because he thinks I should be on the no-fly list, I expect!

But it does go to show, not all Englishmen who own guns (in my case legally) are as silly looking as the above!


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 03, 2012
shafique wrote:My fellow country-woman, BM

My what? The last time I looked I wasn't Mauritian. I'm English init.
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Re: Guns of the EDL Mar 03, 2012
So if posing with guns makes some members of the EDL extremists, then what are these guys:








event horizon
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Re: Guns of the EDL Mar 04, 2012
perhaps shafique will remind us when was the last time EDL members crashed into a building with a commercial passenger plane.

--- Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:45 am ---

I can only imagine my dear friend BM's revulsion when someone like shafique calls her a country woman.

But again , we see al shafique's cowardise, after all if it was true that he is British, why does not he go to a bar in EDL zone on a saturday night, get on a table and claim loud and clear that he is a country man. he won't because he knows people around will flatten his face.

I doubt al shafique has a gun licence , prove it, it s too easy to say it. and why would he have a gun, for what i know, it is moslems who attack innocent people , not the other way around, so no need for a moslem for a gun in self defense.

another mistake of al shafique, the factophobe, when he labels his pictures of EDL members as "youth", in the UK, the group of people called "youth" represents south asians, i mean just google "UK youths", all you get is moslem thugs pictures. called "youth" for political correctness and not call them what they are MOSLEMS!.
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 05, 2012
eh - thanks, I did indeed have exactly the images of Hamas etc in mind when I was posting the pics of the EDL.

Now, those living under Israeli Military Occupation and are explicitly engaged in an armed resistance as well as diplomatic efforts to lift the occupation and blockade etc, seem to be qualitatively different from English youth who have a problem with fellow English people of different skin colour.

But your point is well made - the two sets of pictures are indeed similar.

herve, you, BM et al all say that I am a Hamas supporter and because you say they are terrorists therefore I am a security threat and should be on no-fly lists etc. Leaving aside what I have actually written about Hamas and the distinction I make between the political party and terrorism (and the fact I am not Palestinian) - your logic therefore means that those who support the EDL should be considered in the same way you consider supporters of Hamas.

Therefore herve and BM should report to the authorities and turn themselves in for supporting gun-toting, nazi-saluting, EDL thugs.

Or do they have an excuse for their explicit support of the EDL?


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 05, 2012
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Re: Guns of the EDL Mar 05, 2012
Now, those living under Israeli Military Occupation and are explicitly engaged in an armed resistance as well as diplomatic efforts to lift the occupation and blockade etc, seem to be qualitatively different from English youth who have a problem with fellow English people of different skin colour.

It probably helps to accurately portray both the EDL and Hamas rather than claiming that an EDL member who poses with a gun in his bedroom a) represents the EDL and b) hates people because their skin color.

But lying and deceit is your specialty.

Anyway, anyone can look at Hamas' long track record on Jews to determine that they are indeed Jew haters like many of the like minded Muslim posters on this forum.

And I wonder what's "qualitatively different" between the pictures of gun culture from Palestine to EDL members in their homes posing with guns?

I also note you brought up Christianity in your post but I couldn't see any Bibles being held by those who posed with their guns. On the other hand, we see Palestinians clutching their Koran in one hand and a gun in the other. Scary mentality.
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 05, 2012
al shafique , do you have anything more relevant when you attach pictures of EDL at home with "guns"

one appears to show off with an air gun, the other with a crossbow. compared to the full auto assault rifles displayed by the Hamas terrorists, sorry "resistants" in al shafique vocabulary.

How could you possibly have a gun license when you cannot see the difference between a full auto assault rifle and a cross bow, you are a joke, :lol: :bounce: :lol: if you had a gun one day you would probably harm only but yourself. Get a T shirt instead and buy some shoes.
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
herve wrote:How could you possibly have a gun license

I really hope you are not going to come up with YET ANOTHER conspiracy fantasy about me. Now that would be funny.

eh - you ask why EDL members don't hold any books aloft. Get real, how many of them have ever read a book! :roll:

As for you and herve making excuses for the EDL - why am I not surprised. They share your hatred of others after all. I'm glad they don't have the resourcefulness of Brievik - and if you had clicked on the link, you'd have seen other EDL members with very real guns indeed:Image
Bob Fleming: Colne EDL
Jonathan Simon: London EDL

Facts, not hype.

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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
People posing with firearms in their homes. Fascinating, but I don't see how this compares (or is qualitatively different or worse) than militant culture in Palestinian territories and other parts of the Muslim world - especially where we see the conflation of religion and militancy.














event horizon
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
What is your argument, that the Palestinians fighting against a Military Occupation have access to better arms than the nazi-saluting EDL?

Err, duh!

The EDL nutters shared the same right-wing ideology that you and Brievik also shared. Here's their hero:

Your whataboutery argument is both desperate and funny.


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
Ok, I give in. Your gun is bigger than my gun. :alien:
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
I presume you mean the pic of Brievik with his gun! ;)


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
No, I meant the Hammas ones. I thought this was a competition? I give in, you win!
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
Again with the trolling? This thread is about EDL and their guns. The resemblance to Brievik's pic and the ones pasted by eh don't change that.

You still support the EDL despite these pics, don't you?


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
I give in! Your gun is bigger than mine. What else can I say?
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
Trying saying nothing if you can't stop trolling. ;)

After all, all I did was ask:

shafique wrote:You still support the EDL despite these pics, don't you?


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
Jesus! You're never satisfied. I said I give in, didn't I? Your gun is definitely bigger than mine. No contest.

Shafique 1

BM 0
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
No need to get stroppy - you should be proud of your nazi-saluting 'gang' that you support. Don't get gun envy with eh's chosen pictures.





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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
There's no need to be googling any more! I've told you! I know when I'm beaten! I give up! You got me!

Your gun is bigger than mine. No contest.
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012

I suggest you don't look at the thread below which shows that your EDL buddies are prone to support armed violence. I guess it is a good thing that one supporter of the EDL has admitted defeat! ;)

Ordinary Brits 1, EDL nazi-saluting thugs 0

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
Yep. I give up. No contest. Your gun is miles bigger than mine. I know when I'm beaten.
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
Yes you are. Well and truly beaten. ;)

Ordinary Brits 1, EDL nazi-saluting thugs 0

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012

Surely you mean

Second generation immigrant 1

Proper english person 0
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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
Err no, I write what I mean - not what you imagine I mean.

I'm disappointed that someone with close links to the British armed forces supports nazi-saluting thugs.. but there you go, these are freedoms our forces fought for (including some of my relatives, I might add).


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Re: Guns Of The EDL Mar 06, 2012
shafique wrote:(including some of my relatives, I might add).

Respect to the pan bashers.
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