KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise

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KKK terrorists numbers on the rise Mar 02, 2012
Some of our posters portray themselves as being a credible source of knowledge on terrorism and extrmists... such as this nugget:

herve wrote:..both KKK and German Nazis are exctinct.


But the reality is worse that I imagined when I had to correct the ex-Inteligence friend... the KKK is on the rise:

(And as Loonwatch quite rightly commented):
One of America’s oldest terrorist organization’s, the KKK is boasting about their increasing numbers. Whenever there is mention about such groups the Islamophobes and their supporters like to claim that they are insignificant and extinct.

Facts prove otherwise:

Increase Of Ku Klux Klan Membership In Colorado Tracks National Rise Of Hate Crimes

The KKK says their membership is “booming” in Colorado, with 12 white supremacist groups active in the state, according to a report by The Durango Herald.

Herald staff writer Chase Olivarius-McAllister reported earlier this week that Cole Thornton, Imperial Grand Wizard of Colorado’s United Northern and Southern Knights Ku Klux Klan group, claims that membership has grown steadily in the past few years.

“I’m really pleased with the kind of people we’re getting in – college-educated, professionals, teachers – even a couple congressmen. People would be amazed to know who I’ve talked with at midnight in isolated areas – it’s almost comical,” Thornton said to the Durango Herald.

A study by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a nonprofit civil rights organization based in Montgomery, found that the number of “radical right groups” in America — including hate groups, “Patriot” groups and nativist groups — increased in 2010 for the second year in a row.
In Durango, Colorado, racially motivated hate crimes rose from just three crimes between the years of 2006 and 2009, to four in 2010, and 19 in 2011, according to the Herald’s report. According to FBI data, hate crimes fell 30 percent between 2009 and 2010 in the state of Colorado.
Thornton attributed the KKK’s growing membership in Colorado in part to “whites’ low birthrate” in the country.

“We’re losing them to white homosexual relationships – they don’t reproduce – and interracial marriage – and to abortions on demand. Plus, immigration’s astronomical with Hispanics,” Thornton said in an interview with the Durango Herald.

According to U.S. Census data, Colorado’s Latino population grew by more than 40 percent between 2000 and 2010. And Denver, the state’s largest city, is now more than 30 percent Latino.
As the Latino population surged nationally in recent years, so did anti-Latino hate crimes.

The preliminary findings by the National Institute of Justice suggests that anti-Latino hate crimes rose disproportionally to other hate crimes between 2004 and 2008. Data collected by the FBI also indicates a steady rise in anti-Latino hate crimes across the country from 2003 to 2007.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/2 ... &ir=Denver



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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
French Navy -100
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Re: KKK terrorists numbers on the rise Mar 02, 2012
Whenever there is mention about such groups the Islamophobes and their supporters like to claim that they are insignificant and extinct.

Not at all like the "tiny minority of extremists".

But seriously, what are the current member numbers of the Klan?

We'll just gloss over that the Klan isn't a terrorist group.
event horizon
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
event horizon wrote:But seriously, what are the current member numbers of the Klan?

You are probably the best placed person here to answer this eh - and it is indeed a great question. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day!

The membership of the oldest terrorist group in the USA should indeed be put in context - I wonder whether they are 100 times greater in number than American Muslim terrorists... or perhaps it is 1000 times in number?

Well, when you post what the KKK membership is (they claim they are growing) we'll be able to make an estimate of the multiple.

BTW - just checking - you're not one of their new recruits are you, by any chance? Or are you like the majority of Americans who do consider them terrorists and don't make excuses for them?


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Re: KKK terrorists numbers on the rise Mar 02, 2012
I'm sure the Klan is far smaller than Hamas - which is not only viewed a terrorist group by the vast majority of Americans but also by the United States government, as well as the EU and Canada, etc.

But I chuckled at excuses being made for groups accused of being terrorists.

Sometimes I wonder if someone signs under your name when you're too busy scarfing down jelly doughnuts.
event horizon
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
Thanks for sharing your belief eh.

However, I'm not sure why you want to compare the oldest terrorist group in the USA with a Palestinian group - a bit strange that.

I said we'd be able to check how many times greater the KKK were in the USA than the American Muslim terrorists in the USA. I'm sure that even your geography can't be so bad as to confuse Palestine with the USA! :?

So, let's see the numbers. The KKK are claiming increased membership - so they aren't hiding their numbers. Why don't you ask your fellow right-wing brethren what they think their numbers are and post it here. We can then check out whether my estimate of 100 to 1000x is correct or not (it was just an educated guess after all).


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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
event horizon wrote:Sometimes I wonder if someone signs under your name when you're too busy scarfing down jelly doughnuts

You are one funny person EH. Thank you for making me smile on a dull Friday morning :D
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
You're right BM - that was a funny line - I should have congratulated him on making a good point about giving us the numbers, and making a joke at the same time. :)

eh is indeed a joker. But let's see whether this proves to be yet another thread where he makes some claims and runs away. I'm beginning to see a pattern with most of your friends when they are confronted with their beliefs BM - the worrying thing is that you seem to be the common factor! Do you think we should get herve to investigate?! :D


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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
Do you think EH is a friend of mine? I do hope so, he makes me laugh.
Hmmn my favourite Frenchman is constantly on your mind isnt me? Me too! He's welcome to carry out any investigation he wants. :D
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Re: KKK terrorists numbers on the rise Mar 02, 2012
However, I'm not sure why you want to compare the oldest terrorist group in the USA with a Palestinian group - a bit strange that.

The KKK is not recognized as a terrorist group that I know of unlike the terrorist group Hamas that you refer simply as Palestinian.

But hey, you were trying to make a point that the KKK are "bad" and "terrorists" because most Americans view the KKK as terrorists.

Interesting point. But don't most Americans correctly view Hamas as terrorists?

As far as a comparison between Hamas and the KKK, I'll let the reader see if they can distinguish the two when they dress up:



They also share pretty much the same views on Jews:

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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
event horizon wrote:The KKK is not recognized as a terrorist group that I know of

It just happens to be on of the oldest terrorist group in the USA. You're not very good with facts are you eh? :roll:

Geography is not a strong point with you either!

But no matter - when you finally get round to asking your fellow American KKK buddies what they think their number is, we can see whether I was right that they are 100x more in number than American Jihadist terrorists.


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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
It just happens to be on of the oldest terrorist group in the USA. You're not very good with facts are you eh?

So the KKK are recognized as a terrorist group in the US and membership is illegal?

Didn't know that.

But no matter - when you finally get round to asking your fellow American KKK buddies what they think their number is, we can see whether I was right that they are 100x more in number than American Jihadist terrorists.

False comparison, obviously.

KKK members aren't terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

You need to compare KKK members who are terrorists to Muslims who are terrorists.

Then we can look at the number of Hindu or Sikh terrorists in the US and find out why there are so many Muslim terrorists compared to Sikh or Hindu terrorists.
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 02, 2012
Oh, we're back to differing definitions on terrorism again are we?
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Re: KKK terrorists numbers on the rise Mar 02, 2012
This topic is non sense as usual, no surprise here from al shafique, propagandist in chief.
KKK members went from 6,000,000 to 6,000 in last count. 1/1000 th down, that is extinction.
I guess al shafique never learn divisions to the thousands.
KKK is not listed on terrorist organizations, because they don't blow up buildings, kill innocent poeple in mass, and don't go on jihad chanting allahu akbar. They just don't fall under the definition of terrorism.
they are just a bunch of uneducated, unorganized idiots and haven't really attacked anyone or done any terrorist acts for a hundred years or so, merely occasionally burning a cross , that does no harm to anyone.
On the other end buring a koran, kills people.
According to al shafique's despair who endlessly tries to deceit people that mooslem terrorists are not dangerous , even skin heads, the black panthers or the hells angels should be labeled terrorists too, so he can divert the attention from the real terrorists.
Reality is that Hamas and mooslems terorrists are far more dangerous, they are listed on terrorists organizations, they kill innocent people and crashes commercial airplanes into buildings, while they don't blow themselves up.
They always justify their attacks on the qran.
If passengers have to go through security check ups and body search, it is solely because of moslems terrorists, not because of KKK members.
you can claim to be a KKK member at the airport, they will look at you like an idiot, but they will let you board an airplane, try claiming you are a mooslem member of al qaeda or hamas.
Wonder if al shafique is on the no fly list for supporting Hamas , a terrorist organization.
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
Why is it that the anti-Muslims all seem to be pathologically drawn to what-aboutery arguments?

At least herve has given us his estimate of the KKK numbers - 6000 (although, given the usual credibility of herve's statistics - he's going to be wildly wrong yet again). Also herve doesn't seem to have a grasp of the concept of being 'extinct'! ;)

So, for my estimate of the clan being 100x more numerous than American jihadist terrorists in the USA, we'd have to have less than 60. If they are only 10x as large, we'd have to have 600 or fewer American Jihadists in the USA.

As for eh considering the KKK not a terrorist organisation - when, in his opinion, did they stop being terrorists - given that they were declared a terrorist organisation by the US goverment in the 19th century? When did the KKK last carry out an act of domestic terrorism?

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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
:drunken: Boom!
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
herve wrote:Wonder if al shafique is on the no fly list

Yet another herve fantasy/conspiracy. You've got to hand it to him though - his fantasies do help him in his day job - writing bad novels, and inventing posters to post in favour of his books. ;)


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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
shafique wrote:writing bad novels, and inventing posters to post in favour of his books.

Says the local insurance man! I love Herve's books, I can't wait to get to the bit about the Chubby funster Shafique!
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
oh you must have read my novel then, for you to know it s bad. Funny you say that anyways when i get the highest ratings.

Coming from you , it is a compliment anyways, it means i get the message out, and you dont like it. so it works. the truth hurts is not it?

Again, no argument, you are a factophobe, do you have anything to respond to my post about the wrong and deceitful assumptions you make about the KKK.

I think you should be black listed, after all you support hamas , a terrorist organization, as such you qualify to be on the no fly list.
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
herve wrote:I think you should be black listed,

Let me know what the FBI/Homeland security have to say after they finish laughing. ;)

As I said, your fantasies are funny - but they are verging on FD creepiness now.


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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
shafique wrote:Let me know what the FBI/Homeland security have to say after they finish laughing.

As I said, your fantasies are funny - but they are verging on FD creepiness now.

What about MI5? They could be interested!

--- Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:47 am ---

or MI6 even?
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
Yes, they could also do with a laugh - why not. Let's share the fun.

Herve does apparently know my name after all. :D


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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
Since you had to mention my book and insult me, and although it is out of topic, i still have a right to respond to your rant and post a professional review of my book.

Reviewed by Anne B. for Readers Favorite
Herve Jaubert begins "The Boston Fracture" with a description that made me want to fly to the Caribbean and scuba dive. In my mind's eye I could see the blue waters, the colorful fish swimming by, the coral reefs, and the bubbles floating to the surface as Floyd enjoyed the solitary peace of the depths. FBI Senior Agent Floyd Allister, an expert diver assigned to San Juan, was on a diving vacation with friends when he spotted something in the depths that should not be there. Something wasn't right; the seasoned investigator followed his instincts and began investigating. What he discovers filled him with fear. He turned to his CIA connection for assistance. His investigation led to an Al Qaeda terrorist plot to cause a nuclear explosion in the Boston Harbor. The unthinkable happens, the consequences are wide spread, and the United States has to face a disaster unlike any the citizens have ever imagined. The economy is affected, the death toll is beyond belief, Muslims are dancing in the streets proclaiming their victory, and Americans are grief-stricken and angry.
It is difficult to know just how much of a summary I should give when writing a book review. Too much and I ruin the book for others; too little and I don't tempt you to read this book and you definitely need to read this book. This is not your typical terrorist plot to destroy America book. Herve Jaubert goes at this plot from a different angle. I was originally captivated by the vivid descriptions in the book, and then I was captivated by the non-stop action, the action built to an intense crescendo. There are several important characters in this book and each has been well-developed or at least developed enough to more than fulfill their roll. I'd like to comment also on the reactions that take place in this book: anger, fear, revenge, etc. The reactions are very realistic. We all would like to think we would take the higher road in any given situation but would we really? As I read this book I thought of the TV series 24 starring Keifer Sutherland. This book would make a fantastic movie or perhaps a TV series. I look forward to more books by this author!
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
shafique wrote:Herve does apparently know my name after all.

You big yourself up on the inernet. What do you expect?
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
BM - so now it is my fault that herve's ego writes cheques his body can't deliver? Empty claims about no-fly lists - how pathetic. ;)

herve: How do we know Anne B isn't gertrude?

It is from a blog site after all:


Surely you could also have left some comments too. :roll:

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Re: KKK terrorists numbers on the rise Mar 03, 2012
As for eh considering the KKK not a terrorist organisation

You mean I take the matter of fact position that the KKK are not a terrorist group?

What a strange way of avoiding the fact the KKK are not designated terrorists and therefore Klan members are not automatically terrorists.

when, in his opinion, did they stop being terrorists

By your logic, I can ask the same about the Muslim Brotherhood - when did the Muslim Brotherhood stop becoming terrorists?

Ergo, all members of the Muslim Brotherhood are terrorists.

Except the Muslim Brotherhood is not recognized as a terrorist group by the United States.

Ergo, membership in the Muslim Brotherhood does not make one a terrorist according to the United States government.

given that they were declared a terrorist organisation by the US goverment in the 19th century?

They were?

If they were, they obviously are not today.

So you can do your own research and find when they were no longer declared terrorists.
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
Way to go eh - not answering questions is your speciality. I should count the threads in which you are avoiding questions - must be a DF record currently. ;)

But we've moved on - herve is bigging up his novel and posting reviews (after saying I should be on the no-fly list). His failure is more funny than your defence of the Klan.


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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
shafique wrote:BM - so now it is my fault that herve's ego writes cheques his body can't deliver? Empty claims about no-fly lists - how pathet

He has a point! Why should I have to spend hours checking in for my flight in case you're having a bad day and decide today is the day you want to claim your 40 virgins? That's friggin inconvenient!
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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
He indeed has a point - a very funny one, about putting me on the no-fly list because of his hatred of Muslims. It would be even more hilarious if both of you tried to follow through on herve's latest hair-brained rant about Muslims. ;)

But I also find it funny he felt the need to post a review of his work of fiction - and if I recall correctly, he named a character after a DF poster. ;)


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Re: KKK Terrorists Numbers On The Rise Mar 03, 2012
shafique wrote:he named a character after a DF poster.

Yes you! LOL Fame at last :D
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