Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics?

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Should KSA be boycotted from the Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
The PVV (the political party of Geert Wilders), is suggesting to pressure the IOC that KSA should allow Saudi women to participate in the Olympics. The party calls this apartheid and as a final measure wants to discuss boycotting KSA all together. I am not very keen on boycotting anything when it concerns sports, so I don't know yet whether the PVV has my support concerning a possible boycott, but it certainly has my support for supporting womens rights in Saudi.
Should KSA be boycotted like South Africa has been boycotted?

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
This is what i call modern oppression of the so called esteemed nations, on the value systems of other nations..

Again it's none of PVV's business.. You don't expect muslim women to strip off in sports like it is in godless tradition of judo/christian world, do you?
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
There are men that can see female athletes for what they are: athletes. And donot look for camel toes of female tennis players. You are a dirty little man, Berrin. A sanctomonious hypocrite.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Berrin wrote:You don't expect muslim women to strip off in sports like it is in godless tradition of judo/christian world, do you?

Why don't you let the women decide for themselves how they want to dress for sport?

I met some Saudi boys when I was in Dubai last time. There were 4 of them around the age of 21. They were very well educated and very nice young men indeed. (They even asked me and Beth to accompany them to Wild Wadi :D )
They all drank beer around the pool and when I questioned them about it, they said their parents didn't mind. One's dad was an Army officer, one was a doctor and one had an oil company and worked along side the Swiss government. They said Saudi was changing and for the better. It was the 'old school' who were preventing change coming around more quickly. There mothers and sisters all drove when they were abroad and really hated the restrictions put on them back home. They thought it absolutely ridiculous the way women were treated by the religious police.
With intelligent young men like these, Saudi will eventually become more liberal and women will be given the opportunity to decide for themselves what they can wear and what they can do.

Hopefully men like Berrin will not feel so threatened by women who are allowed the freedom to think for themselves.

So no, I don't think the Saudis should be prevented from participating in the Olympics. I think sport brings people together and this can only be a good thing.

Anybody got any spare tickets for the ladies beach volley ball that we can donate to Berrin? :D
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
phhhew I must be talking right and hitting a nerve there... it's ok with me if you prefere to sling mud and drain off your styla, you know you only ridicule yourself, no harm to anyone else...

Yes, I am sorry I cannot stand and defend their athletism when I am exposed to female boobs,perineum and man's crotch, showing through sporting clothes.. and yes it is perfectly alright that there are also men and women cannot stand the sight of camel toes and moose knucles.. Live with it...

As for you FD, yes only p<3n draws the attention of a fornicator, for there is no attration in camel toes to look for...
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Don't you play any sport at all Berrin?
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Of course I play...
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Berrin wrote:Of course I play...

In sports clothes?
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Why not? there is plenty of loose fit sports pants and t-shirts to choose from..
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Berrin , give me a break! People dress in clothing that is best for their sport. Being wrapped up in tons of loose fabric does nothing to enhance sports performance, overheats the athletes, and can even be dangerous. Men don't watch female sports to get an erection over what the athletes are wearing. If you get an erection over seeing female athletes you have some issues that need dealing with. "godless tradition of judo/christian world" - you are just as bad as FD and EH.

Looking at a naked body is not disgusting, and seeing the body of a sportspeople in action is actually quite amazing and inspirational. I've never seen anyone's perineum and everything else you listed - that's just absurd - no one dresses so revealing. Even if something slips, who cares! We all have the same body parts! If you are religious, can't you understand that God/Allah gave us our bodies and they are nothing to be ashamed of. Naked bodies engaging in s.exual acts is something different. It can provoke se.xual reactions and can be offensive to some because they think it should be private. I can't think of anyone I know who would agree with equating an athlete in tight sportswear with por.nography... or godlessness!
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Well I have this itsy pitsy of appreciation for Berrin, he doesn't hide. WYSIWYG with Berrin. Acting like mother Theresa and than claim people should get over it when people say jews should be fried and fed to the dogs and 'play' dumb, makes me just wanna puke.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
The Iranian women seem to have no issues with .participating in Sport and dressing according to their views on modesty. Remember the pics posted a while back of the national athletes who won medals etc at the Asian games.


As for what Geert thinks - well.. :roll:


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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Flying Dutchman , you think I condone people spewing genocide comments and hatred for Jews? Give me a break. I said you should get over the fact that symmetric made some disgusting comment a long time ago and stop making it sound like you have to be on here crusading against Muslims because this place is infested with people posting "death to Jews" comments all the time. That simply isn't true. The odd wingnut posts, but the majority of the time it is you and a handful of others posting Islam hatred on here.

If this place is always full of anti-Jew sentiment and you feel like puking, then you know where the door is. You could have walked through it a long time ago.

I am Mother Theresa compared to you guys (wait, that isn't saying much is it! :lol: ), and you know it. That's why you are so pissed off.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
kanelli wrote:give me a break! People dress in clothing that is best for their sport. Being wrapped up in tons of loose fabric does nothing to enhance sports performance, overheats the athletes, and can even be dangerous.

you give me a break. I was asked if I do sports in private. Yes I do and I dress as I wish, noone stops me..

I loose or I win it's up to my performance, clothes don't do performance, it's human skills and coordination. you get used to any kind of clothing after a while and you're allowed to change during breaks..I never heard wrapped up clothing as being dangerous..give me an example...

If dress code changed in favour of modest outfit nothing would change, it is a matter of getting used to it...

kanelli wrote:Men don't watch female sports to get an erection over what the athletes are wearing. If you get an erection over seeing female athletes you have some issues that need dealing with. "godless tradition of judo/christian world" - you are just as bad as FD and EH.

LOL. Muslims advocate decent dressing not becouse they think man would ejaculate but becouse of their belief system..

kanelli wrote:Looking at a naked body is not ing, and seeing the body of a sportspeople in action is actually quite amazing and inspirational.

Sorry, Allah says Muslims should lower their gaze when they are faced with inappropriate human site..

kanelli wrote:I've never seen anyone's perineum and everything else you listed - that's just absurd - no one dresses so revealing.

FD will give you the relevant links, I fear he may accuse me with p<3n obsession again.. I can't risk myself :)

kanelli wrote:If you are religious, can't you understand that God/Allah gave us our bodies and they are nothing to be ashamed of. Naked bodies engaging in s.exual acts is something different. It can provoke se.xual reactions and can be offensive to some because they think it should be private.

If I were you I wouldn't talk so pretentious Since you have not much knowledge about religion and what is revealed..

Suppose that the whole world order was in the hands of muslims, therefore muslims setting the rules of sporting events, would you be able show objection to their style of modest dress codes? No. of course not... There you go... there is fine line between belief and non belief... It's so unfortunate that western world has lost the track of guidance long long time ago..
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Yes, the first time someone hangs themself on the high jump and needs to be cut down would be a good indication that the clothing needs a re-think.

Berrin, you think Islam is the way to go, and others think their religion is the way to go. Atheists think you are all on the wrong path. That's the way it goes. You can't tell me that I'm being pretentious and that I know nothing about religion, especially after your comments! They take the cake!

--- Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:20 pm ---

If the world was under Islam, would there be music or dance or sport? Guess it depends on whose interpretation of Islam reigns, right?
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
kanelli wrote:If the world was under Islam, would there be music or dance or sport? Guess it depends on whose interpretation of Islam reigns, right?
Yup. If it was sufi interpretation then it would be everywhere. j/k. Sufi normally have nothing against music. Actually to my studies of Islamic history, music was generally accepted till they took it to the extreme, and some scholars just developed a disgus.t for it. That is the reason you find till Imam Nawawi, a general acceptance of music. But a little later there is an era of excess of music, and you see fatwas against music left and right in that era. These days people don't know where the actual dislike of music is orginating from.

--- Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:33 pm ---

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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
That's what I mean, Islam has many interpretations, just like every other religion. I don't know why some pretend that there is only one true form. Every other religion has been claiming the same but the "true" form hasn't been found yet either!
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
K., you claiming people should get over hate posters who post jews should be fried and fed to the dogs, is a sign of your hatred. You claiming solving the IPC is solving many problems in the world and most of the ME is showing hate, as if Israel is to blame for many ills of the world. Claiming eh is on the same level as Berrin is showing your hate. Claiming somebody who endorses a text claiming jews are the root of all evil in the world is not antisemitic is showing your hate. Its subtle, but it is most certainly there, no doubt.
Contrary to you I substantiate my claims, you are just producing hot air. And come on admit, you only cometo DF to stir things up and nothing else. I am not the only one who noticed the 'coincidences'. Really pathetic.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
kanelli wrote:Yes, the first time someone hangs themself on the high jump and needs to be cut down would be a good indication that the clothing needs a re-think.

:) Do you know ninja worriors are warriors in full costumes :) Have you heard of ninja warriors wipe out held in Japan and America... :) this man in his loose pants doing the worlds most difficult obstacle Courses, no diffuculty at all..He is sweating not becouse of his pants but becouse of obstacle diffuculty and mucles strength required...wrapping up is not in his way and cannot be in any kind of sports..

Watch his spider walk his legs are wide apart and moving very fast..

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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
kanelli wrote:That's what I mean, Islam has many interpretations, just like every other religion. I don't know why some pretend that there is only one true form. Every other religion has been claiming the same but the "true" form hasn't been found yet either!
Why I'm a muslim, strict monothiesm, Quran, and Salat. All other things are secondary which may or may not be similar to other religions.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
kanelli wrote:That's what I mean, Islam has many interpretations, just like every other religion. I don't know why some pretend that there is only one true form.

You decide if something can be performed according to moral principles of islam.

Like it has nothing to say against instrumental music. In fact you can even sing as long as you don't use provocative foulmouthed lyrics that would violate human tought and attitude.. Muslim sing hymn with instruments in which they praise creation of their lord, prophets etc. In the old days muslims used to treat mentally ill patients with relaxing music...

Muslim women can dance but all on their own away from man's sight.. In the hadiths the prophet of islam used to be invited to wedding celebrations where they used to play drums, singing along. He wouldn't go but didn't stop them either..

And yes muslims can do all sorts of sports as well, the council would decide the boundaries for men and women to comply..

I'd like to say that currently there is no muslim nation being run according to the true essense of islam... We will see that if muslims get their political liberty and freedom without the oppression on islam..
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Berrin wrote:And yes muslims can do all sorts of sports as well, the council would decide the boundaries for men and women to comply..

What council?

Berrin wrote: We will see that if muslims get their political liberty and freedom without the oppression of islam..

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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
FD, I just skip over your posts now because they are nonsense. You are constantly implying things about people when their own words say otherwise. That smacks of desperation.

--- Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:35 pm ---

Berrin , I don't want to live according the "morals" of Islam. They seem particularly paternalistic and male chauvenistic. Music, art, theatre etc. are often quashed because they are outlets of expression and even political commentary. They are hard to control. I don't have to be Muslim to agree that foul-mouthed lyrics and gyrating half-naked women is distasteful. Atheists can feel the same way. The difference is that I can choose not to view that kind of entertainment and can educate my kids as to why it is degrading and negative. I used to hang out with a group of Iranian ladies in Dubai and we'd eat and dance together. It was great fun. Still, I enjoy going to a club once in a while and dancing, especially with my husband and other couples, single friends both male and female. I wouldn't want someont telling me that is immoral, because it is just dancing! I'm not humping anyone's leg there! I think the whole separation of men and women (and making women cover most of their bodies while the men wear what they want) is oppressive and relegates women to a separate sphere in society. When I look at women in primarily Islamic countries, they don't enjoy nearly the same rights as I do living free in the West.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
kanelli wrote:You are constantly implying things about people when their own words say otherwise.

Consistency is certainly not your strongest point.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
You're a lost cause FD. Really, it ok for you to believe what you want to believe in your own little world. No one can stop you.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 02, 2012
Yes, I know you are a champ of hollow words, without substance. No substance, just propagandist slogans.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 03, 2012
in high competition, even hair on the head makes a difference, in the hundreds of a seconds that makes an athlete wins. if moslem athletes decide to cover him/herself, he/she will never , ever, win, over other athletes who have skin suits or more aerodynamic suits, which happen to be more revealing. Moslems dont need to be boycotted, just let them lose the competitions and look ridiculous in their awckard outfits. it s quite funny actually.

I remember watching the cirque du soleil in dubai, with those performers in their beautiful skin suits, i looked at the audience, the emirati's covered head to toes , they were embarrassed, it obviously conflicted with their culture.

Music. ? what music, what talent?, there is no Pavarotti, James Brown, or the Beatles in the moslem world, music is forbiden unless it is directed to their god.
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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 03, 2012
Sorry FD I corrected my typo... You no longer need to fight over me with Kanelli :) God I am having such a great laughter.. :)

herve wrote:if moslem athletes decide to cover him/herself, he/she will never , ever, win, over other athletes
Herve you remind me my persistent 3 year old niece... She uses the same language when she gets annoyed and so stubborn...
herve wrote:who have skin suits or more aerodynamic suits
Tell me how far they can push with aerodynamic suits... While the non muslim athletes put trust in aerodynamic suits, muslims would in their fitness and muscle power.. With fraction of seconds winning would not be through aerodynamics but combination of fast manoeuvre, science of technique, skill, fitness, weight/height ratio, lung capacity, breathing strength and pure luck a lot of the time..
herve wrote:Music. ? what music, what talent?, there is no Pavarotti, James Brown, or the Beatles in the moslem world, music is forbiden
Obviously you haven't been looking out for muslim talent...why not? Pavarotti is specific to italy but if I try hard I may find you one muslim like him...

Here we are I found one. looks like Pavarotti has a muslim brother in Turkey.. God If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know anything about him Herve :)

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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 03, 2012
herve and his rants about Muslims - pure hate.

And yet his friends all enable him. Sad that.


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Re: Should KSA Be Boycotted From The Olympics? Mar 03, 2012
shafique wrote:herve and his rants about Muslims - pure hate.

And yet his friends all enable him. Sad that.

Silly Billy! Herve is a sweetie. I love him to bits. You're only jealous that you have Kanelli in your corner Shaf! LOL
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