kanelli wrote:give me a break! People dress in clothing that is best for their sport. Being wrapped up in tons of loose fabric does nothing to enhance sports performance, overheats the athletes, and can even be dangerous.
you give me a break. I was asked if I do sports in private. Yes I do and I dress as I wish, noone stops me..
I loose or I win it's up to my performance, clothes don't do performance, it's human skills and coordination. you get used to any kind of clothing after a while and you're allowed to change during breaks..I never heard wrapped up clothing as being dangerous..give me an example...
If dress code changed in favour of modest outfit nothing would change, it is a matter of getting used to it...
kanelli wrote:Men don't watch female sports to get an erection over what the athletes are wearing. If you get an erection over seeing female athletes you have some issues that need dealing with. "godless tradition of judo/christian world" - you are just as bad as FD and EH.
LOL. Muslims advocate decent dressing not becouse they think man would ejaculate but becouse of their belief system..
kanelli wrote:Looking at a naked body is not ing, and seeing the body of a sportspeople in action is actually quite amazing and inspirational.
Sorry, Allah says Muslims should lower their gaze when they are faced with inappropriate human site..
kanelli wrote:I've never seen anyone's perineum and everything else you listed - that's just absurd - no one dresses so revealing.
FD will give you the relevant links, I fear he may accuse me with p<3n obsession again.. I can't risk myself

kanelli wrote:If you are religious, can't you understand that God/Allah gave us our bodies and they are nothing to be ashamed of. Naked bodies engaging in s.exual acts is something different. It can provoke se.xual reactions and can be offensive to some because they think it should be private.
If I were you I wouldn't talk so pretentious Since you have not much knowledge about religion and what is revealed..
Suppose that the whole world order was in the hands of muslims, therefore muslims setting the rules of sporting events, would you be able show objection to their style of modest dress codes? No. of course not... There you go... there is fine line between belief and non belief... It's so unfortunate that western world has lost the track of guidance long long time ago..