kanelli wrote:That's pretty rich coming from you BM
And that's pretty rich coming from you too, when in another topic you're telling someone to get over a post about Jews being fried and fed to the dogs!
Get over yourself too, why don't ya?
--- Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:39 am ---kanelli wrote:There are definitely some creepy and spiteful individuals on here who look up people's real life off-forum info and even post it on the forum. They know who they are. Pathetic.
Well there's Shafique's alter ego that appeared and posted my name, including surname, all over his posts

He thought he was very clever indeed. He wasn't that clever though as I would say 75% of the people here know my name anyway. Shafique thought it was hugely funny and kept jumping in with stupid little comments too, to draw attention to it, just incase anybody missed it, LOL. Then there was that other poster who joined under my name. I welcomed him to the forum and then he just diappeared, that was a shame.
Shafique isn't the perfect English gentleman you think he is Kanelli.
--- Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:43 am ---kanelli wrote:Does FD know mesheditor or is mutual friends with others who do?
I'd hazard a guess and say not. I think it was a stab in the dark that FD's sister, if he has one, is blonde. That's because it's a widely held belief that most Dutch people are blonde.
I don't think that mesheditor has been able to infiltrate FD's personal life.
--- Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:49 am ---BTW Kanelli, it has been pointed out to me that my little munchkin probably isn't Pakistani and is probably a reincarnation of someone else who used to be on this forum. DDS once questioned why Bora was using Ian's avatar (I think it was ian, I could be wrong, it was ages ago). It was pointed out to me that DDS came to this forum months after that person left so how did he know that?
I asked DDS if he was someone else and he exited stage right and has hardly been seen since
I bet he pops in for a chat soon
--- Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:52 am ---shafique wrote:chill man, Dutch dudes are usually laid back.
Is that you getting down with the niggas Shafique?
It doesn't work for me. LOL