There is nothing wrong with anyone's upbringing and anyone's view of women.
2 girls : one is a prostitute, one is probably a chastity church girl but they are both dressed the same way. I dont know who's problem it is but its a problem. Why is it a problem? Because they act in very different and contradicting ways. If you meet the whore first then the church girl you will automatically assume the church girl is a whore as well. If you meet the church girl first then the whore, you'd assume the whore is a church girl as well.
Our brain just works that way, if you meet a guy wearing a kandoura on the road you will assume he's arab . simple.
If there are 2 guys: one wants a whore and one wants a virgin, they are gonna find it difficult to get the right girl. That's where the problem arises

A hooker and a nun look pretty different , but if they didnt, your telling me there won't be a problem :S
Actually I still think Chappelle explained it better

--- Feb 27, 2012 ---
And if the man thinks she is a ´whore´, then what?
...then if he wants a whore he will go upto her and ask her to bang him on the table and she would get offended
...or if he didn't want a whore but a girlfriend then he would ignore her and she would loose out on prince charming