Where Is The Love?

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Where is the Love? Feb 20, 2012
Is it something to do with the moon phase, or is there another reason why there seems to be an infestation of anti-Muslim hate threads on DF recently?

I've lost count of the memri specials, Raymond 'Islamophic cashcow' Ibrahim et al 'hype and hate' pieces that generalise about all Mooslims being violent, waging war etc. The hate against a religion is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda against Jews.

Where is the love?


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Where is the Love? Feb 20, 2012
< a big man hug for Shaf >
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 20, 2012



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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 20, 2012
You can be in our gang if you"re feeling left out Shafique.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 21, 2012
Ah, that's nice BM. Thanks for the invite.



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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 21, 2012
Well never let it be said that I would exclude anyone because of their race religion sex.ual orientation or even because they were just a bit of a chubber.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 21, 2012
Thanks for the clarification BM - refreshing to have a thread so far free from hate-filled rants and misinformation.

You'll excuse me if I don't make any sly digs, won't you. ;)


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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 21, 2012
Why change the habits of a life time?
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 21, 2012
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 21, 2012
We're not all as daft as you look you know.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 21, 2012
nice post :)
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Re: Where is the Love? Feb 21, 2012
The hate against a religion is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda against Jews.

I figured the hate against Jews is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda against Jews.

We have anti-Semites prowling the forums believing Jews are responsible for war and suffering.

Pure Antisemitism.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 21, 2012
ibakir wrote:nice post

Thanks. I think it is good to have a thread that is not about hatred of others (real or imagined).


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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 22, 2012
Happy to compare perceived hatred to real hatred of Jews on this forum.

Why don't we start with Raymond Ibrahim "hate" quotes the loon claims have been posted on this forum and the quotes of the Muslim Jew-hater?


The loon will change subject?

Thought so.
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Re: Where is the Love? Feb 22, 2012
As said in the OP, the anti-Muslim threads are aplenty. I also see lots of references to imagined anti-semitism by Muslims - as part of the anti-Muslim hype - so happy for you to compare the posts/threads that you think are anti-Semitic and then compare them with the number of anti-Muslim posts etc.

I'll even let you count the posts that are only anti-Israeli occupation in your tally. Let's look at the posts from 1 January this year. I'll happily check your figures.

However, do that it another thread - this thread is about encouraging more positivity. Chill out and take a break from the anti-Muslim, Allah is Satan etc fantasies you have. ;)

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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 22, 2012
shafique wrote:is there another reason why there seems to be an infestation of anti-Muslim hate threads on DF recently?

To be honest, I think we've read so many of your anti semitic and anti white posts over the last year that we've all become immune to what's acceptable on this forum.

You've set the bar and everyone appears to be stepping up to it. That's just my opinion of course.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 22, 2012
So, the anti-Muslim posts are all my fault are they. Hmmm. :)

You think I post anti-Semitic posts and that's the excuse for the presence of the hateful anti-Muslim threads. But I note that it is 'over the past year' - is that because these posts only exist in your imagination?? :) :)

I guess you are just having a laugh - this thread is a positive one about love, after all. I look forward to eh's latest statistical homework on the numbers of anti-semitic posts by DF members vs anti-Muslim posts by DF members. I trust he won't confuse the two.


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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 22, 2012
shafique wrote:So, the anti-Muslim posts are all my fault are they. Hmmm.

Yes, I think you have contributed to the way this forum has deteriorated.
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Re: Where is the Love? Feb 22, 2012
As said in the OP, the anti-Muslim threads are aplenty. I also see lots of references to imagined anti-semitism by Muslims - as part of the anti-Muslim hype - so happy for you to compare the posts/threads that you think are anti-Semitic and then compare them with the number of anti-Muslim posts etc.

Name one thread, provide one quote.

I'll be happy to compare it with your Antisemitic Muslim authors you support.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 22, 2012
shafique wrote:But I note that it is 'over the past year' - is that because these posts only exist in your imagination??

No, it's because I can only comment on the past year as I wasn't here prior to that.

--- Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:06 pm ---

shafique wrote:I guess you are just having a laugh

I'm deadly serious, as it happens.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 22, 2012
eh - You want me to do your homework for you? Again? :roll:

I'm saying let's compare the number of threads and posts by DF posters that are supposedly anti-Semitic, and the number of anti-Muslim posts and threads by you and your comrades-in-hype.

You quoting memri-specials is not evidence of DF posters being anti-semitic - but rather your anti-Muslim smear tactic of generalisations about Muslims.

Let's compare the numbers, not the hype.


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Re: Where is the Love? Feb 22, 2012
I don't agree any thread is anti-Muslim.

So, anti-Muslim posts stand at 0 and anti-Jewish post stands at > 0.

Just provide one anti-Muslim quote from Raymond Ibrahim et al posted on the forum and we'll compare it to the antisemitic Muslim authors you agree with.

So, I guess we now go back to what I expected:


The loon will change subject?

Thought so.

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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 22, 2012
So eh, count how many threads and posts by DF posters are anti-Semitic in your mind. List them please.

I'm still laughing at your view that there are no anti-Muslim posts on DF. This fromll the lad who says the God of Abraham is Satan and Islam is a satanic cult! :roll:


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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 22, 2012
I'll start with six quotes from DF, and then Shaf can post his six anti-Muslims posts.

From the religion of peace:

the Jews are a curse on this planet... They are like a disease. They infest and spread like vermin.
I curse the evil Jew. And as far as I am concerned. Hitler was a BIG LOSER because he couldn't finish what he started...

the Israelis/Jews all over the world don't deserve to be wiped off the planet. True... They deserve much worse

Millions.... Who says millions? The Jews and the victors.... Whatever... Anyways, the point here is that Islam is more important than HUMANITY... So billions can die today but the greater injustice lies with blasphemising Islam.

Kill them all, and let the world rest for good.
Egyptions, Aramaens, Assyrians, Romans, Arabs, Spaniards, Iranians, Europeans/Germans, it seems all nations took part in smashing those Jews. They all hated Jews for valid reasons, just like our reasons today.

I can't help not expressing my unsatisfaction with Hitler for failing to accomplish his mission

you still wonder why all nations took turn in slaughtering the filthy apes the Jews are??
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Re: Where is the Love? Feb 22, 2012
LoL. Didn't Belgianmorrocan once accuse you of being Jewish and threaten you or something?

I'll add my own quote of pure Jew hatred:

The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude....But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles.

This doctrine seems to have imprisoned the world in its grip.
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Re: Where is the Love? Feb 23, 2012
Which particular DF poster typed those quotes about Jews?

Aren't they all actually cut and pastes that you guys included in your anti-Muslim hate threads and posts? Isn't that the reason none of the supposed quotes have links? :roll:

Major failure.

So far 0 actual anti-Semitic quotes from DF posters, only some anti-Muslims quoting their own posts! I think my point is well made.

Keep up the good work boys and thanks for the laughs and showing that my original post was correct.

Show some love my boys - and stop imagining that quotes you get from anti-Muslim websites can be projected onto other DF members. :roll:


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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 23, 2012
You can check them all out Shaf. The last one is from Symm. The more I read your posts, the more I am convinced you are a dangerous genocidal maniac.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 23, 2012
If you had given the links, I would have checked them out indeed and seen when they were posted and who posted them.

eh chose to quote your post, where you selectively misquoted Karmi. So hardly an exameple of a DF poster writing anti-semitic post - unless eh thinks you are anti-Semitic!

But your name calling and imagining of others being ill or genocidal is just a further example of why I started this thread. Chill man, stop imagining that you're better than your fellow DF posters.

Show some lurve. ;)


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Re: Where is the Love? Feb 23, 2012
we muslims are taking over europe.there is even a shari'a court.what a blessing from ALLAH.alhamdulilah!the jews are traveling back to israel because there bussines collapse long time ago in antwerp diamont sector.That's not new!

Of course Mr. flying dutchman else she was the next victim and the Dutch government could no longer her beschermen.Durf you once our prophet mohammed to criticize in a Muslim country? I also think you're going out like Theo Van Gogh, you had to criticize Islam or you think you're the only Dutchman on this forum who hate Islam and still lives in a Muslim country? Feel the oppression that now you must live among the Muslims! so we feel in europe.! but not long meer.we may take vote and now we enjoy the rights and european wetten.what TCHU think about that!!



Same pond scum as many of his coreligionists on this forum.
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Re: Where Is The Love? Feb 23, 2012
Freakshows I tell ya!
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