I Need Help... Desperately Sorry Its Out Of Topic Here

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i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here Feb 18, 2012
i will be in Dubai couple of days to get my girlfriend out of her house.
She is 23 year old holding Malaysian passport and she is living with unreasonably strict parents in Dubai for holidays.
My girlfriend and I have been together almost a year and her parents just found out that we are dating few days back.
The parents took her everything that i could talk to her, our communication channel broken down for a several days.
and even they have been imprioning her at the house and the parents keep her passport in the safe so that she cannot able to go somewhere else. She has been abusing by their hands and words. I really want to help my girlfriend as her man but unlickly I have neither connection in Dubai nor people to ask about this problem. You guys would be my savior..
Here is my question.. as above stated her problems, can I just go to police station and calim that she is abusing by her parents and imprisoning in her house, would this lead to her get passport? That's all she needs right now.

Thank you so much guys
Wish us luck

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Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here Feb 19, 2012
Don't go to the police! The police will question you and on what basis you make such accusations. They will ALSO ask you what is the nature of the relation between you and your gf. "dating" is illegal in the UAE, and any admission from you or accusations by her parents of $exual relation (outside the marriage) between you and your gf) will land you in jail as certain as day follows night. A $exual relation is not limited to intercour$e. A "deep" kiss or even texting romantic messages is considered $exual and warrants an immediate arrest.
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Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here Feb 19, 2012
but we are 'dating' in Dubai, I will just pretend I am a guy who is going to help her situation..
so.. which means we have no options to take?
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Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here Feb 19, 2012
What's the hurry Romeo? Are they arranging a marriage for her or something?
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Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here Feb 19, 2012
cuz she needs help.. her parents abusing her by their hands and words! women have no right to raise their voice to get their freedom in Islam country?
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Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here Feb 19, 2012
You want to tell that to the police too? You are going to find yourself in a world of problems.
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Re: I Need Help... Desperately Sorry Its Out Of Topic Here Feb 19, 2012
Well, the human rights situation in Dubai is not great, but what makes you think she wants to leave her parents or her religion? Herve has a point - you can't say anything bad about Islam here, it will get you into serious trouble.
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Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here Feb 19, 2012
i didn't mean to offense the islamic culture here, i was just wondering how does it work.
it's not what i want, its what she wants to leave her parents.
I guess she has to solve her problem on her own? I am just trying to give her little help not only as her friend but also her boyfriend.
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Re: I Need Help... Desperately Sorry Its Out Of Topic Here Feb 19, 2012
It would be simple if she were a fairy tale princess held in a tower by a black knight you could ride in on your horse in your shining armor.

This is reality though and is going to be more complicated. You can't solve this yourself - she needs to talk to her parents.

Anyway is this a Muslm & non Muslim romance? If so, life would be a lot simpler if you found someone else.
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Re: I Need Help... Desperately Sorry Its Out Of Topic Here Feb 19, 2012
culandy ,

In your first post you say that your girl friend is 23 and staying with her parents for holidays. Does that mean that her holiday will come to an end and she will return home? If so, then can't you just wait until that time?

If this isn't the case, can't she go to a lawyer and find out her position as the law stands?

It won't help her if you go to the police and find yourself in trouble. Becareful and don't do anything on the spur of the moment without thinking things through.

Good luck to you and your girlfriend.
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Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here Feb 19, 2012

Thanks your saying, I am afraid that she cannot go back to where she was studying due to her parents lock her up in her house. She cannot even go out without them so yeah..
I guess I have to be here till she actually needs my help.
Thanks guys it really helped alot
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Re: I Need Help... Desperately Sorry Its Out Of Topic Here Feb 20, 2012
culandy , That's a very sad story!

I can't imagine what it must be like to be locked up and not allowed out without your parents at 23 years of age.

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