UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage

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UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage Feb 10, 2012
Many of our izlamic residents deny that islam condone pedophelia. All of them are constantly saying that no Moslems, none, want to bring the elements of Sharia that are incompatible with Western law into Western countries.
This message caught on youtube is clear evidence of their hidden agenda and that some Muslims push for the legalization of pedophilia. However there is no indication as to where the video comes from.

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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 10, 2012
the law in UK is as it is and everybody have to obey it. If they love their wifes they can stay with them in Saudi instead leaving them, that's what I thing. Beeing in Muslim country I obey their law and rules, if I didn't want I would just leave.
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 11, 2012
Herve does love his conspiracy theories doesn't he!

This is clearly a hoax from one of his blogger friends - and an old one, given that Gordon Brown is shown in it.

The hilarious thing is that the video shows a still from the internet hoax about Hamas weddings (which herve also was certain was true, until FINALLY seeing the light), but also a still from a non-Muslim real paedophile: ... 3BZs#t=95s

The guy above is an American cult leader - Warren Jeffs - convicted in the US! Not a Muslim!!

What a fail! ... eader.html

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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 11, 2012
Oh another hoax?

But how, you said it yourself, you said would promote implementation of sharia in the UK and agree to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages so moslems can have several wives and marry their cousins and sisters.

So it is not a hoax, since the likes of you agree to what is on this video.
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
Yes, the video is a hoax.

The fact that it features Warren Jeffs who was the president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints shows that whoever made it was not a Muslim.


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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
Where is the hoax when yourself and most of moslems agree to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages in the UK. It s all proven to be true to me by facts and statements by moslems
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
It is a hoax.

Just because you want to believe the video is true, doesn't make it so. Explain why you think it is not a hoax - when it contain Warren Jeffs! :roll:


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Re: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage Feb 12, 2012
shafique, would you vote yes, or would vote no, to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages?

I have no clues as to who is warren Jeff something, hence i can respond to your question. however the vid is about muslum marriage restriction
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
The video is a hoax herve, stop wriggling and trying to impose your distorted views on Islam onto Muslims.


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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
shafique, would you vote yes, or would vote no, to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages?
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
Hoax, herve, hoax. Deal with it.

Why would I vote on a hoax vote? :roll:

As I showed you before, Islam does not condone forced marriages or paedophillia. So your whole premise is a hoax.

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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
your vote would clear the fact whether it is a hoax or not.

The video says muslums want to abolish restrictions on muslum marriages. so IF you would not want to abolish those restrictions, that could make it a hoax, but if you (like a majority of muslums) seek to ablish those restrictions, then it is not a hoax, it is the truth

--- Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:08 am ---

restrictions include, marriage between cousins, polygamy (you already said you are in favor polygamy) and marriages with minors, also called pedophelia.
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
Why would I vote for a hoax based on your view of Islamic teachings? Really herve, your desperation is getting silly now.

Your whole question is based on this hoax video and a conspiracy theory of a 'hidden agenda'. This agenda only exists in your imagination herve - live with it.


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Re: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage Feb 12, 2012
So you mean that it is not true that muslums want to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages in the UK
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
There is no push, the video is hoax and your whole belief that there is a hidden agenda is as real as the Hamas child marriage hoax. Wake up herve.


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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
I really hope it's hoax
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
Not really any need to hope - it was produced in 2009 and no one really takes it seriously (outside of herve and his like-minded anti-Muslim bloggers).


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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
Must be another hoax.

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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
herve - thanks for the video. You do realise that it is all about UK muslims speaking against cousin marriages don't you?

Not one of them said they were in favour, and they were saying that those marrying cousins were being emotionally blackmailed to do so.

But what has this got to do with your hoax in the OP? This one is of Muslims in the UK speaking out against cousin marriages!

What a failure on your part. Again.


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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
so the hoaxes are only the reports you don't like. how predictable you are.
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Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage Feb 12, 2012
Try and keep up herve. I'm finding exceedingly hard to believe you were ever an 'intelligence officer'! :roll:

The hoaxes are the ones that are the one's that are made by anti-Muslim numpties who think that Warren Jeffs is a Muslim or think that bridesmaids are brides!


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