Allah Is The God Of The Bible

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Allah is the God of the Bible Feb 04, 2012
There is a Islamophobic myth floating around that Muslims worship a different God than Christians or Jews. The theory goes that the Allah of Islam/Quran is actually a pagan Moon-god of pre-Islamic Arabs.

This theory is baseless and has been debunked comprehensively - and I give a link at the end to one such comprehensive treatment of this theory. Full references are given there for the information below.

In this post, I just want to extract some highlights that show categorically that Allah of the Quran is the same God/Yahweh/YHWH of the Bible.

First, note that pre-Islamic Arabic speaking Christians and Jews referred to God as Allah. Christians baptised sons with the name 'Abdullah' (slave/servant of Allah) - incidentally also the name of Muhammad's, pbuh, father. To this day, Arabic speaking Christians and Jews refer to God as Allah and is what is in Arabic Bibles.

Now, let's turn to the Quran and the categoric statements on the subject:

Do not argue with the People of the Book [the Jews and Christians] except in the kindest possible manner, save those of them who are oppressive, and say: “We believe in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to you; our God and your God are one and the same, and to Him do we submit ourselves.”
(Quran, 29:46)

The Quran offers religious criticisms of Judaism and Christianity, each time referencing Allah as the God of the Jews and the Christians. For example, the Quran says:

The Christians say, “The Christ is Allah’s son.” Such are the sayings which they utter with their mouths!
(Quran, 9:30)

There exists a multitude of Quranic verses that associate the Allah of Islam with God the Father of Christianity. In yet another verse, for instance, Jesus says:
“O Children of Israel! Worship Allah my Lord and your Lord.”
(Quran, 5:72)

The Quran says clearly that Noah was a Prophet of Allah, for example - but most tellingly, this verse about Abraham shows that the God of the Quran (Allah) is not a pagan moon-god:

When the night grew dark over him he saw a star and said, “This is my Lord,” but when it set, he said, “I do not like things that set.” And when he saw the moon rising he said, “This is my Lord,” but when it too set, he said, “If my Lord does not guide me, I shall be one of those who go astray.” Then he saw the sun rising and cried, “This is my Lord! This is greater.” But when the sun set, he said, “My people, I disown all that you worship beside Allah. Behold, I have turned my face as a true believer towards Him who created the heavens and the earth. I am not one of the idolaters.”
(Quran, 6:76-79) ... t-page-iv/


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Re: Allah is the God of the Bible Feb 04, 2012
So you're using the Koran to show their impostor prophet worshiped the same deity as Christians and Jews?

LoL. Good grief.

Some loons have absolutely no common sense.

Christians and Jews do not accept your false deity just as they do not accept your false prophet.

Get over it.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 05, 2012
Thanks eh - your beliefs are noted, as are the absence of any refutations of facts in the OP. I'm not surprised that you subscribe to the myth.

Arabic speaking Christians and Jews can confirm that they refer to God as Allah, and the fact remains that Allah of the Quran is the same Allah of the Bible. The alternative reality of Islamphobic bloggers and pseudo-scholars does not change the simple facts.

For example, the Dutch Roman Catholic Bishop who worked in Indonesia said (quoted in Catholic News Agency):

The bishop, who had worked in Indonesia, noted that even Christians use the term Allah for God there. The Dutch should learn to get on spontaneously with different cultures, religions and behavior patterns:

"Someone like me has prayed to Allah yang maha kuasa (Almighty God) for eight years in Indonesia and other priests for 20 or 30 years. In the heart of the Eucharist, God is called Allah over there, so why can't we start doing that together?" he was quoted as saying.
.. ... god_allah/

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 05, 2012
So Ayatollah Muskens is claiming Allah is the Farther of Jesus? Whatever next, Santa Muhammed?

Edit: forgot the smiley, before people get upset again. :lol:
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 05, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Edit: forgot the smiley, before people get upset again.

Don't you mean to use this one: :P ?? Please don't pretend that you actually care if you offend a Muslim, when in fact, that is your intent.
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Re: Allah is the God of the Bible Feb 05, 2012
and the fact remains that Allah of the Quran is the same Allah of the Bible.

Sure and Arabic speaking Pagans refer to one of their gods as Allah.

You can't challenge the fact that Muslims worship the same god as Pagans.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 05, 2012
eh - your Sunday school classes are letting you down (again).

The fact that the Arabs worshipped the God of Abraham, their ancestor, is not unusual - indeed it is what this thread is about. :roll:

Your failure is funny.

FD is in denial - so nothing new there. I quote a Catholic Bishop in a Catholic news item, and he can only come up with a lame one-liner. So much for an adult discussion! :roll:

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 05, 2012
So we both agree Muslims worship the god of Arab Paganism.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 05, 2012
Eh do you remember this link.. philosophy-dubai/for-this-good-bad-news-for-you-t40579.html

“Allah” has always been the term used for “God”, the Father of Jesus Christ, by most Arabic speaking Christians. To assert that Christians and Muslims worship different gods is to suggest either polytheism or idolatry. There can be only one God although people may have different concepts of Him. It is the Christian’s responsibility to share with Muslims his or her belief about God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At the same time it is his or her responsibility to seek to understand the Muslim’s belief about God.

Christians respect the prophetic tradition of the Old Testament. It calls people to repentance in the service of the one God. It is unjust to dismiss Mohammad out of hand as a false prophet. Christians may recognize Mohammad as part of the same prophetic tradition and in the past some have done so.

If you gonna keep on denying Allah you know you're gonna be doomed:) European churches accept the fact that we worship the same "one and only"" Allah but they leave the responsibility/accountability to individuals on this matter to find out and decide, for they believe in keeping status quo for political reasons... Save yourself EH Save yourself before it is too late for you. :P :lol:
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 05, 2012
Let these 2 believe Allah is not the same God. Seriously open Arabic bible. Sure we don't believe Jesus (p) was God or son of God, neither do Jews. By that logic their God is not same either.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 06, 2012
Nucleus wrote:Sure we don't believe Jesus (p) was God or son of God, neither do Jews. By that logic their God is not same either.

I'd like to see eh address this point.

And eh - Arabs worshipped the God of Abraham - you do realise that this is the God of the Bible, don't you?


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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 06, 2012
Nucleus wrote:Sure we don't believe Jesus (p) was God or son of God, neither do Jews. By that logic their God is not same either.

Good point. I don't care much how everybody calls their deity, people can call their god the spaghettimonster for what I care. But to use the Arabic name in Dutch churches is a bit far fetched for me, as the bischop suggests.

Also to claim that not considering the Islamic god is the same god as in the bible as islamophobic (as is done is the OP), is just wrong on many levels. And just shows what an emply term Islamophobia is. Better agree with us that allah is the god of the bible or you are a phobe. Completely non-sense, and here Islamophobia is a prime example where its used to try to kill discussion. "Agree, and donot question what we say, or we call you a racist". Yeah right!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Allah is the God of the Bible Feb 06, 2012
Actually the qran proves that allah is not god, but satan the DECEIVER.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 06, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:But to use the Arabic name in Dutch churches is a bit far fetched for me, as the bischop suggests.

On this, I have to agree with you FD. There's no need for Dutch Catholics to use the name "Allah" for God as the Christians in Indonesia do - but his point was that Allah is indeed the name that the Christians there and indeed Arabic speaking Christians (and Jews) use for God.

It seems he has good intentions - seeming referring to a need to get the Dutch to be more tolerant of others (as quoted above). He also is being realistic - predicting the scepticism you've shown:
Bishop Muskens admitted that he did not think his suggestion would be welcomed readily and that it would take about 100 years before Catholics would feel comfortable calling God “Allah”.

Herve - thanks for yet another example of why you shouldn't get your knowledge of Islam from Islamophobic bloggers and random videos.

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 06, 2012
Flying Dutchman ,
Good point. I don't care much how everybody calls their deity, people can call their god the spaghettimonster for what I care.

Believe it or not I don't think christian bishops and priests care much about what they call their authentic Allah and Prophet since the arrival of islam either. As far as I am concerned their intentions are purposeful and clever,taking further steps for differentiating religious terminology from the straight path(islam),as that would help the truth stand out from falsehood clearly. (self conspiracy really)
Now it's is up to each individual to research, compare and decide where,when and how corruption started to take place in order to reflect truth as it is very obvious for the eyes that wants to see it...

Also to claim that not considering the Islamic god is the same god as in the bible as islamophobic (as is done is the OP), is just wrong on many levels. And just shows what an emply term Islamophobia is. Better agree with us that allah is the god of the bible or you are a phobe. Completely non-sense, and here Islamophobia is a prime example where its used to try to kill discussion. "Agree, and donot question what we say, or we call you a racist". Yeah right!

Well in a way it is islamophobic, because all the religious wars happen through people who think that we all believe in different Gods and that there are more than one God controlling universal affairs and hereafter..:/ which is not true of course.
So if we eliminate this misconception, unity around one Allah and truth will stop religious phobias which in return will stop fighting,further destruction,name calling,spill of hatred and racism in the name of religion.

For those who don't know, Allah is the authentic name of Jewish God as well..

God (or Gods)?
"How Did 1 - Become 3?"

"Council of Nicaea - Trinity Accepted in 325 AD"
Read what the Catholic Church Says About Itself

For further readings

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 06, 2012
shafique wrote: Nucleus wrote:Sure we don't believe Jesus (p) was God or son of God, neither do Jews. By that logic their God is not same either.

I'd like to see eh address this point.

And eh - Arabs worshipped the God of Abraham - you do realise that this is the God of the Bible, don't you?



My logic is that I don't tell Jews what God they worship.

Didn't think that it was that difficult.

Of course it's illogical to claim otherwise; because one can't prove God's existence, let alone God's identity, so how can it be a "fact" that the God of Judaism is the same as the God of Christianity as one nutter on this thread claimed about his false Muslim god?

It's a personal belief of Christians. Anything else would make Christians as dumb as Muslims.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 07, 2012
eh, your failure and denials are so complete they are funny.

event horizon wrote:Christians and Jews do not accept your false deity just as they do not accept your false prophet.

event horizon wrote:My logic is that I don't tell Jews what God they worship.

Let's recall the fact that Jews ARE allowed to worship in Mosques but not Churches, indeed they are forbidden from even entering Churches:

Allah is to be found in Arabic Bibles and is the name used by Arabic speaking Jews and Christians for God. Sour grapes will not change this fact.

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 07, 2012
Is the robot stuck on repeat mode?

Btw, stating a demonstrable truth - that Jews reject Muhammad (and allah) as false is not me telling Jews what God they worship.

They tell ME by rejecting your false religion.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 07, 2012
It's all the same, one God, just by different names - everyone (unless you're an ejit) know that! Muslims do not accept Jesus Christ as the son of God, but he is still acknowledged as a Prophet. Personally it's all hokum if you ask me. All a fairy tale invented by man and nothing more.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 08, 2012
event horizon wrote:Is the robot stuck on repeat mode?

Btw, stating a demonstrable truth - that Jews reject Muhammad (and allah) as false is not me telling Jews what God they worship.

They tell ME by rejecting your false religion.
It is not about prophet it is about God. Jews don't accept Jesus (p) as a prophet either. But if you want to believe we don't worship same God, your logic is off the tracks but it is fine with me.

Ask a Jew and they will tell you Christianity is false religion too. I don't really see your point and you are not making sense.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 08, 2012
Whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist etc etc it's all the same 'God' I've never come across anyone that has disputed that.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 08, 2012
Chocoholic wrote: I've never come across anyone that has disputed that.

You have now - eh's believes in this myth that Muslims don't worship the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus! :roll:

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 08, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:Whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist etc etc it's all the same 'God' I've never come across anyone that has disputed that.
Budhism is not centered around God, it is centered around Karma, but they don't reject god(s). Hindu we can argue may or may not believe in the same God. But all 3 Abrhamaic religions believe in the God of Abraham, regardless of differences, their tradition of belief in God has same origins and almost same prophets (pbut). If anybody wants to argue they don't believe in the same God, that logic is beyond me.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 08, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:Whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Budhist etc etc it's all the same 'God' I've never come across anyone that has disputed that.

What is that based on, exactly?

You have an assertion, but where does it come from? Are Jews and Christians adamant that their God(s) is the same as Islam's?

If not, then your argument is incoherent (as usual).
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 08, 2012
event horizon wrote:Are Jews and Christians adamant that their God(s) is the same as Islam's?
Well most Jews I've encountered did believe Jews and Muslims have same God. On the other hand, Christians tend switch positions depending on their missionary objective.

Jewish replies are here, you can argue with them.

No, because Orthodox Jews do not believe what the Christians do concerning Jesus. Orthodox Jews believe that worshipping a man is idolatry. It is as simple as that. We just have to agree to disagree.

I think acknowledging the existence of a second deity is a critical flaw in the understanding of the first.

you can't believe in the One and Only Simple Unity, yachid um'yuchad bchol minei achdus + 1. belief in a second deity represents a failure to understand God's Unity, which is just about all we know about God in the first place.

So, I say, "No."

not to my knowledge. I know R' Moshe Shternbuch addresses the issue in a teshuvah, but the standard position I've heard is, "it's okay for a jew to pray in a mosque, because they are monotheistic, but not in a church, because it's considered a bais avodah zarah." ... pt-of-god/
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Re: Allah is the God of the Bible Feb 08, 2012
Muslims worship the same god as some Satanic cults.

How do I know this?

The Satanic scripture of the Satanic cults says their god is the same as Islam's god.

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 09, 2012
The extremist Christian has spoken. :roll:

I note he hasn't addressed the central point that Arabs worshipped the God of Abraham - and the name of that God is Allah, the same name that Jews and Christians give to the one true God of the Bible and Quran.

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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 09, 2012
You seem so sure of your own deliriums, so why don't you walk into a crowded church in one the southern US states by a Sunday morning, walk to the altair, interrupt the priest, grab his microphone, introduce yourself, mentionning your nice sounding "british" name and tell everyone that they are in fact worshiping allah.

You will experience first hand and painfully how true you think your statement is. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 09, 2012
Hey, I didn't know Allah is in the Bible.

But seriously, isn't Allah and Satan one and the same?

What about those Satanic scriptures that say they are?


herve wrote:You seem so sure of your own deliriums, so why don't you walk into a crowded church in one the southern US states by a Sunday morning, walk to the altair, interrupt the priest, grab his microphone, introduce yourself, mentionning your nice sounding "british" name and tell everyone that they are in fact worshiping allah.

You will experience first hand and painfully how true you think your statement is. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm still waiting for shafique to go to Pakistan and proclaim the prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in a Sunni Muslim masjid packed on a Friday. He should do that first.

Don't worry, only 5% of Pakistanis support killing civilians compared with 58% of Americans.

Chances are shafique will make it out of that situation without a scratch then he can go the States for what you're asking.

But seriously. You need to do the Pakistan experiment before you do one more thing.

It's for science.
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Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible Feb 09, 2012
event horizon wrote:What about those Satanic scriptures that say they are?

:shock: So arabic and armanic bible is satanic scripture to you?
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