Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers

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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 07, 2012
But stats don't lie indeed. They surely can be misused and invented - but statistics are an objective measurement of reality. In this case the numbers of actual terrorist attacks in the USA and Europe.

Actually, stats without context are hardly an objective measure of anything.

100 garbage bin fires (acts of terrorism) vs actual suicide bombers.

The loons expect government agencies to prioritize the former over the latter.

All normal people disagree with this nonsense belief, including MI5, and rightfully so.

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 07, 2012
What half of the story do the actual terror attack statistics tell then eh?

In the EU less than 1% of the actual terror attacks are by Muslims. If you want to double it - you still get to a low %.


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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 07, 2012
The fact that Islamic terrorism is the primary threat to Europe according to counter terrorism / intelligence organizations all across the continent tells the story your "stats" don't.

What half of the story do the actual terror attack statistics tell then eh?

I think that was explained. Are you that dense?

Do you need someone to tell you the difference between suicide bombers and garbage bin fires?

Perhaps someone will come around and wipe the drool off your mouth.

In the EU less than 1% of the actual terror attacks are by Muslims. If you want to double it - you still get to a low %.

So how many people have been killed in the EU over the past decade by the 99%?

Facts over phony stats.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
event horizon wrote:So how many people have been killed in the EU over the past decade by the 99%?

Why don't you present the statistics broken down by each year, showing the number of attacks in the EU carried out by Muslims vs those by non-Muslims and the respective numbers killed under each.

Go on, put your money where your mouth is.

I predict you will run away from this simple challenge to your implied theory that the less than 1% of terror attacks in the EU are deadlier/more serious than the bombings, assassinations etc that are the 99% of attacks.

Do it year by year - I dare you.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
How do you explain that the FBI most wanted terrorists show 28 out 29 to be muslums
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
The non-Muslim terrorists who carry out over 90% of the attacks in the USA are probably already under surveillance or are unknown to the authorities.

For example:

Hutaree Christian Militia - had more arms and ammo than ALL the 'jihadist' terrorists caught in the USA since 2011 - and they were plotting to kill government workers (IIRC).

MLK day parade bomb plot - home grown terrorists planted a viable bomb, would have killed many people if not defused - perpetrators not found yet. ... 4840.shtml

etc etc

The ones carrying out the actual attacks on US soil are not the Muslims. The FBI should answer why the media focus is on the the less than 10% and not on those who are carrying out the majority of attacks (and serious ones at that).


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
Sorry I must have missed your response , how do you explain that the FBI most wanted terrorists show 28 out 29 to be muslums. your point of view, not theirs, i already know it.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
herve - Read my explanation again.

Now, let's see if Eh is a man and can rise to the challenge of producing the stats of terror plots and deaths, year by year.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
Your explanations does not fit with the fact that 99% of the most wanted terrorists are moslems, not Hutaree, voodoo, or are krishna . They are muslums.

Care to explain why?
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
I did. I see no need to repeat myself when you can re-read.

Now, care to explain to me why over 90% of the actual terror attacks in the USA are not carried out by Muslims? What's your explanation?

And let me repeat:
(Now, let's see if Eh is a man and can rise to the challenge of producing the stats of terror plots and deaths, year by year.)

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
let me re phrase the question then, is the FBI most wanted terrorist list wrong? yes or no

--- 1 seconds ago ---

let me re phrase the question then, is the FBI most wanted terrorist list wrong? yes or no
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
shafique wrote:Now, care to explain to me why over 90% of the actual terror attacks in the USA are not carried out by Muslims? What's your explanation?

Answer me my question before I answer your new question with a rephrased answer. Ok?
(And yes, I DO have an answer for you - I've looked at the FBI website and the answer is actually quite obvious - when you consider what the list is and that the FBI has a different category for 'Domestic Terrorism')

And let me repeat:
(Now, let's see if Eh is a man and can rise to the challenge of producing the stats of terror plots and deaths, year by year.)


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
I can't respond to your question because "over 90% of the actual terror attacks in the USA are not carried out by Muslims" is not true . I can't explain something that is not true.

The truth is that the major threat in america is izlamic terrorism, it is supported by the FBI who list 28 out 29 moslem terrorists
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 08, 2012
Really? The FBI statistics on terrorist acts in the USA aren't true? ... -2002-2005

Seems pretty official to me.

(BTW - you do realise that the over 90% of terrorist acts in the USA are 'domestic terrorists' according to FBI classification)

Anyway - the stats have been discussed here:

And let me repeat:
(Now, let's see if Eh is a man and can rise to the challenge of producing the stats of terror plots and deaths, year by year.)

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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 08, 2012
Why don't you present the statistics broken down by each year, showing the number of attacks in the EU carried out by Muslims vs those by non-Muslims and the respective numbers killed under each.

Why don't you just answer the question?

Facts over phony statistics.

I predict you will run away from this simple challenge to your implied theory that the less than 1% of terror attacks in the EU are deadlier/more serious than the bombings, assassinations etc that are the 99% of attacks.

I'm not doing your homework for you. I challenged you on something. The only response I'm looking for is a direct answer to my challenge.

Anything else is trolling by you.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 09, 2012
Fail, as predicted.

But let me be generous and help you out - let's look at the last 5 years in Europe:

Zero European civilians have been killed by Islamic terrorists in the last half decade. In fact, the only injuries incurred from Islamic terrorism were to a security guard who "was slightly wounded." Perhaps the "anti-jihadist" blogosphere should find this one security guard and give him a medal of honor and declare him a martyr for the cause. ... in-europe/

(BTW eh, why are you avoiding the question about whether you agree with me that bombing abortion clinics is terrorism?)

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 09, 2012
I wrote:

So how many people have been killed in the EU over the past decade by the 99%?

Troll responds:

Zero European civilians have been killed by Islamic terrorists in the last half decade.

And actually, that's not true. There have been Europeans killed in India and Africa by Islamic terrorists.

But I enjoy seeing the troll having to change what I wrote to try to make a point.

But how 'bout it?

How many EU citizens in the EU have been killed in the past decade by Islamic terrorists vs other terror attacks?

The 1% vs 99%.

The 1% are doing more than their "fair share".

And just so the comparison is valid, add other communities with similar history to European Muslims such as Sikhs and Hindus.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 09, 2012
shafique wrote:let's look at the last 5 years in Europe

Zero European civilians have been killed by Islamic terrorists in the last half decade.

Facts are facts, young one.

We are looking at the incidents of terrorism in the EU (indeed, you are the one that asked to count the bodies IN THE EU)- but as usual you want to expand it to conflicts elsewhere because you don't 'like them facts'.

So - going back 5 or 6 years, the tally of those killed by Muslim terrorists is zero. You need to work out how many were injured and killed by non-Muslim terrorists in the same period. Can you do that?


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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 09, 2012
Zero European civilians have been killed by Islamic terrorists in the last half decade.

So how many EU citizens have been killed by Muslims in the past DECADE as I asked?

Stop shifting the goal posts, liar.
We are looking at the incidents of terrorism in the EU (indeed, you are the one that asked to count the bodies IN THE EU)- but as usual you want to expand it to conflicts elsewhere because you don't 'like them facts'.

Stop stalling.

Number of EU citizens killed by Islamic terrorists in the EU in the past decade. Hurry up with it.

So - going back 5 or 6 years, the tally of those killed by Muslim terrorists is zero. You need to work out how many were injured and killed by non-Muslim terrorists in the same period. Can you do that?

Sorry troll, I asked for the past decade.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
BTW eh, why are you avoiding the question about whether you agree with me that bombing abortion clinics is terrorism?

event horizon wrote:So how many EU citizens have been killed by Muslims in the past DECADE as I asked?

Why are you changing the goal posts? What you asked was actually:

event horizon wrote:So how many people have been killed in the EU over the past decade by the 99%?

So no 'EU citizens' - but people in EU killed by NON-MUSLIM terrorists.

Let's answer this first question first. Starting with the past 5 or 6 years, the less than 1% of attacks by Muslims have killed ZERO. Please provide the equivalent number of people killed by the 99+% terror attacks by non-Muslims.

Then we can go back a further 5 years.

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
What part of the word decade don't you understand?
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
I'm glad we've cleared up your attempted distraction - so we're counting deaths from terrorist attacks IN THE EU, split between the 99+% non-Muslim terrorists and Muslim terrorists.

I've started you off - in the past 5 years, the deaths by the <1% Muslim terrorists is ZERO.

What is the equivalent number in the 99%?

We can then move on to the prevous 5 years.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
Nice one troll. That's your job to find out.

My count of EU citizens/people in the EU killed by Islamic terrorists in the past decade is 244. Please let me know if my sum needs to be increased.

Then we can look at the number of deaths by the 99%.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
I've started your job for you - in the past 5 years there have been zero deaths from the <1% of terrorist acts by Muslims. The numbers killed by the 99+% of non-Muslim terrorists is for you to find out (you should be able to get a breakdown by year, so what's your problem? Just give us the source of your info for the 244 figure and the breakdown by year/event)

When you do, we can then go back a further 5 years.

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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 10, 2012
If we just look at Western Europe, the share of terrorist deaths caused by Muslim terrorists during the last 10 years is 79%.

The remaining 68 deaths out of 319 were committed by The IRA and other domestic terrorist. By comparison, the Madrid attacks in 2004 alone killed three times as many people than all attacks by ETA, The IRA, Corsican separatists, right-wing terrorists and all other non-Muslim terrorist attacks in Europe during the last ten years combined. ... ty-of.html

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
Give me the breakdown of deaths by year and let's see whether his summary is actually correct. He's given you the source of his figures.. and I've given you the official EU statistics on terrorist acts. We can compare.

So far, zero deaths in the EU in the past 5 years. ... in-europe/

Show us the equivalent deaths from non-Muslim terrorists in these years, and the figures for the previous 5 years.

Edit: I did a data download from the Rand database your blogger used.

Between 2001 and end 2010 there were 2244 terrorist incidents in Western Europe, with 321 deaths. The death tolls from Madrid and 7/7 are the biggest single incidents - but the stats do go to show that by far, the terror incidents by Muslims are indeed less than 1%. It also confirms the above figures of NO casualties in the past 5 years is correct.

It also includes incidents in Norway. So the 2011 figures will include the 69 killed by Brievik - and means that the figures calculated in Feb 2011 are now out of date and the % killed by Muslims is lower now. Brievik's one act will amount to over 17% of the total deaths, but is just one of the 99+% terror acts by non-Muslims.

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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 10, 2012
Troll, try to stay on topic.

How many people in the EU have been killed by Islamic terrorists vs non-Islamic terrorists?

So far it looks like the stats are 79% Islamic and 21% non-Islamic.

The 1% carry are responsible for 79% terrorist fatalities.

By Allah, they're doing more than their fair share.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
What is the matter eh - having to resort to namecalling rather than doing your homework?

Last year 69 people were killed by Brievik. This compares to 321 killed over the previous 10 years in over 2200 terrorist attacks.

Of those attacks less than 1% were carried out by Muslims.

I look forward to your updated stats, year by year.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
What part of EU don't you understand?

The quote was talking about Western Europe and was giving a general idea on the bloodthirsty atrocities Muslims commit in Europe.

But hey, do you now have the fatalities of EU residents killed by terrorists in the past decade and a breakdown of Islamic and non-Islamic?
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 10, 2012
Make your mind up. You quote a blogger citing stats including Norway, now want to go back to just EU only stats?

The 321 figure was for countries including Norway. So it is valid to compare Brievik's death toll of 69 to this figure.

But if you want EU only, well that's easy enough - Europol figures have been quoted above - zero deaths by Muslims in the past 5 years. Your homework is to find the equivalent figures for the 99% non-Muslim terror attacks. Good luck.

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