Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation

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Iranian mullahs: Genocide a Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
More madness from the mad mullahs. ... zBp8axSRqR

An article calling for the destruction of Israel and genocide has appeared on numerous official government and military websites in Iran
Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Monday endorsed a new doctrine explaining why it would be 'legally and morally justified' to commit genocide and wipe Israel off the map.
The article was written by Khameini's close adviser Alireza Forghani and endorsed by the Supreme Leader whose writings played a critical role in its drafting.
The article has since appeared on numerous Iranian government and military websites.

"Israel is a cancerous tumor in the Middle East," the article in the ultraconservative Farsi-language Alef news site. "Israel is a satanic media outlet with bombers. Every Muslim is required to arm themselves against Israel."
"I have already noted the usurper state of Israel poses a grave threat to Islam and Muslim countries. Islam and Muslim states must not lose this opportunity to remove the corruption from out midst. All of our problems are because of Israel - Israel of America."
The document then cites statistics saying 5.7 million of Israel's 7.5 million citizens are Jewish - as a justification for attack. It then proceeds to break down Israel by region and demographic concentrations in order that the most Jews possible would be killed.

It specifically states that Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa ,contain more than 60 per cent of the Jewish population, which could be hit by Shahab 3 ballistic missiles to "easily kill everyone."

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
(Edit - it appears that the misinformation about this blogger's essay stems from this article on WND: ... te-israel/

by Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and author of the award-winning book, “A Time to Betray.” He is a senior fellow with EMPact America and teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy.

Ynet news (an Israeli newspaper, and not normally viewed as left-wing/liberal) says the guy who wrote this is a blogger and computer engineer, and that this is just an essay.

Someone needs to clarify what is going on here - either this is a blogger expressing his opinion or whether he is ' Khameini's close adviser' and the article was 'endorsed by the Supreme Leader'. Ynet explicitly says that the blogger says the opinions are his own.

Is it a blogger's essay or something that 'Iranian Mullah's' are endorsing?

'Iran can destroy Israel in 9 minutes'

Iranian blogger urges Tehran to exploit West's inaction to 'wipe out Israel' by 2014; lays out strategy
Dudi Cohen
Published: 02.05.12, 16:36 / Israel News

An Iranian blogger on Saturday urged Tehran not to delay an attack on Israel, claiming that the Islamic Republic could destroy the Jewish state in "less than nine minutes."

Alireza Forghani, a computer engineer, wrote in his essay that Tehran should exploit the West's dawdling over a strike on Iran to "wipe out Israel" by 2014 – that is, before President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's term runs out. The post was widely covered in the Iranian media on Saturday.

Forghani lays out the religious justifications for the attack and presents strategies for an offensive that would target key Israeli sites using land-to-land missiles

Forghani, who describes himself as an enthusiastic supporter of the Iranian government and a former member of the Revolutionary Guard's Basij militia, stressed that the opinions presented in his post are his own and do not represent the regime's position.,7340 ... 97,00.html


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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
I hadnt realised we had visually impared posters here.
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
I've found it helps to help others. Otherwise people complain when I repost the important bits.

What's your money on BM - the spin or the reality? It will be interesting to hear FD's views on which version he now believes in.


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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
shafique wrote:I've found it helps to help others. Otherwise people complain when I repost the important bits.

I think people are quite capable of reading the 'important bits' without any help.

How do you know that your essay isn't a spin on the reality?
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
Thanks for your opinion. However, I've found highlighting the bits that are very important works for me.

I've read both versions, that's how I have come to the conclusion which is spin and which is reality. Ynet is more credible than a WND article by an ex-CIA operative. Ynet's story is specific and quotes the blogger.


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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
shafique wrote: I've found highlighting the bits that are very important works for me.

Well keep it to yourself then. Everybody else is capable of reading, I think.

Well if that's your conclusion there is no way on Gods earth that you are going to change your mind or be proved wrong is there?
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
:? What's got into you lately BM?

Anyway, are you saying you believe FD's original story rather than Ynet's? Fair enough - each person should make up their own minds, but one of the stories is wrong. I'm sticking with my view that the spin piece by the ex-CIA guy is the one in error.


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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
shafique wrote: What's got into you lately BM?

I'm perfectly normal and everyone else is a nutter.
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
So FD, is it really:

Flying Dutchman wrote:More madness from the mad mullahs.

Or more spin from ex-CIA bloggers bigging up a fellow blogger? ;)

If you read the spin pieces carefully, there's little there to back up the claim that 'Mullahs' or Ayatollah's have endorsed this blogger's post.

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Re: Iranian mullahs: Genocide a Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
No fabrication here, it comes from the Iranian government, through a website proxy.
Clearly laying out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people. ... te-israel/

and as usual, izlamists are not condemning the doctrine, instead they pretend it is a fake or something as they had been caught red handed.

The article is written by Alireza Forghani, an analyst and a strategy specialist in Khamenei’s camp, now is being run on most state-owned sites, including the Revolutionary Guards’ Fars News Agency, showing that the regime endorses this doctrine.
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 07, 2012
herve wrote:a website proxy.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
herve wrote:No fabrication here, it comes from the Iranian government, through a website proxy.

Written by a blogger who says it is his own opinion.

The desire to believe the spin appears strong - but tell me that you have more evidence than the fact that the website the blogger used 'had links' to the government. :roll:

FD has just linked to the blogger's post on This is not a government website nor does FD address the point that the blogger isn't really an adviser to the Ayatollah and has explicitly said that his blog is his own opinion and not of the state.

In a word. Fail.

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Re: Iranian mullahs: Genocide a Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
would you condemn this doctrine if it was proven to be endorsed by the iranian government?
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
Yes, of course I would denounce it. I denounce any and all acts of genocide, terrorism, war crimes or attacks on civilians etc.

It is unIslamic (explicitly so) and indeed immoral to call for the killings of whole populations. Indeed Islam forbids the use of fire in warfare and explicitly does not allow the killings of civilians.

The Ayatollahs in Iran have explicitly given this as a reason why they will not condone the use of nuclear weapons, for example.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued a fatwa saying the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons was forbidden under Islam.[48] The fatwa was cited in an official statement by the Iranian government at an August 2005 meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.[49] ... ar_weapons

But this thread is actually about a WND article by an ex-CIA operative (allegedly) who has spun a blogger's post into something it isn't. The blogger says it is his own opinion, and nothing in the blog post says otherwise.

So FD's assertion that it is endorsed by the Ayatollahs or government appears to be yet another example of spin.


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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
So you would support an opposition to iran acquiring nuclear weapons
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
I oppose any country having nuclear weapons, and yes I'd support Khamenei's fatwa that developing, stockpiling and using nuclear weapons is unIslamic.

But please, let us not divert attention away from the fact that this story is false. A blogger's post about his own opinion has been spun into a story that the Government/Mullahs view genocide as a moral obligation. They don't.

Do you join me in condemning this deliberate deceipt - misrepresenting a blogger's opinion as an edict from the Ayatollah's or the Government?


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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
Why, should I, you have not proven that it is a deliberate deceipt - misrepresenting a blogger's opinion as an edict from the Ayatollah's or the Government?

I beleive it is the exact opposite, it does come from the government and has been exposed by a former CIA agent. again they are busted
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
FD has just posted the blog entry as his 'evidence' and has no other explanation.

Why do you believe this blogger's post (which says it is his own opinion and not of the government) is in fact the government's policy? The ex-CIA only alleges it is because the web-site 'has links' to the government.

It appears that your belief is not based on any real evidence.


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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
shafique wrote:FD has just posted the blog entry

No, I posted his article on I donot believe one minute this is a coincidence and just a random writer. I understand this got quite some attention in Iranian (TV) media. And the writer is (almost) fluent in modern Hebrew. He is addressing the Israeli public. I strongly believe this is government coordinated.
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Re: Iranian Mullahs: Genocide A Moral Obligation Feb 08, 2012
So is Ynet's information wrong then - about him being a blogger and a computer programmer? What has his supposed knowledge of Hebrew got to do with his post? How is that relevant - I thought your point was that he was justifying genocide - is a knowledge of Hebrew important for this?

Forghani, who describes himself as an enthusiastic supporter of the Iranian government and a former member of the Revolutionary Guard's Basij militia, stressed that the opinions presented in his post are his own and do not represent the regime's position.

But more to the point, where is the link with the Government or Ayatollah's supporting this opinion of this blogger?

Flying Dutchman wrote:I strongly believe this is government coordinated.

Your belief seems to be more a matter of faith than fact to me.

The only claim seems to be that the website the blog appears '' has 'links' to the government.

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