Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers

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Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 03, 2012
This is really a page nine story, to be honest. Palestinians praise murderers of an entire family AND desecrate the tombs at a Jewish holy site? Put this story right next to dog bites man.

But what to expect when Palestinian Authority TV glorifies the same child murderers as the vandals who desecrated the graves in this story?

Geez, what a yawn fest. Get back to us with real news when Jews do the same:

PA TV glorifies murderers of Fogel family

Twice last week, official Palestinian Authority TV broadcast greetings to the murderers of the Fogel family from the relatives of the killers and from the PA TV host, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), an NGO tracking Palestinian media outlets said in a statement Sunday...

On the weekly TV program For You, dedicated to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons, Awad’s mother praised the terrorists as “heroes.”

After explaining how she was prevented from visiting her son for security reasons, the PA TV host said: “Go ahead, sister, we can convey your voice.”

Awad’s mother blessed her “dear son,” and despite the fact that participants in this TV program normally do not mention the terror attacks for which their relatives are serving time, the mother mentioned that her son is the one who “carried out the operation in Itamar and sentenced to 5 life sentences,” referring to her son’s brutal killings in the settlement....

Praise for Itamar massacre desecrates tombstones

Abusive slogans in Arabic praising Fogel family murderers Hakim and Amjad Awad discovered by worshippers visiting tombstones of 70 elders near Palestinian town of Awarta

Slogans praising the murderers of the Fogel family were discovered by worshippers visiting the tombstones of Elazar, Itamar and the 70 elders near the Palestinian town of Awarta, the home of Hakim and Amjad Awad who carried out the brutal murders of the Fogel family.

Over 500 worshippers came to pray at the burial site, for the annual celebration. The visit was organized by the One Shechem organization and the Shomron Regional Council and was coordinated with and accompanied by IDF forces.

When the worshippers arrived at the burial site they discovered that the tombstone of Elazar son of Aharon the high priest had been desecrated and spray painted with abusive slogans in Arabic that praise Hakim Awad, the man who murdered five members of the Fogel family, including three month old baby Hadas Fogel. Awad was recently sentenced to five consecutive life sentences.

The worshippers and IDF forces covered the slogans with white paint. This is not the first time that the tombstones have been desecrated and worshippers noted that according to agreements, it is the Palestinian Authority's responsibility to safeguard the holy places....,7340 ... 82,00.html

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 03, 2012
I join the majority of Muslims and majority of people who denounce the descrecration of any graves or the glorification or even justification of any act of terrorism or violence against civilians. I denounce any justification or glorification of terrorism.

As we've seen in other threads, around the world the majority of Muslims do not agree with the killing of civilians, for whatever reason. This is in contrast with others who do indeed justify the killing of civilians for some reasons.

If you permit me one external example - most people would, for example, agree with me that blowing up abortion clinics and doctors is terrorism and would not hesitate to answer a straightforward question on the subject. To make excuses for killing doctors and nurses is morally no different from any other person glorifying a terrorist act against an Israeli, for example.

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 03, 2012
shafique wrote: I denounce any justification or glorification of terrorism.

Coming from somebody who claims killing a pregnant woman serves to highlight the occupation, these are just very empty words. We have also seen the definition of terrorism changes with you, depending mainly whether a Muslim did the killing or not. Empty words, just empty words.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 03, 2012
FD you really must stop your trolling and unfounded allegations. You've been exposed as someone who twists and selectively quotes people to make them appear to be anti-semitic etc. To the point where a thread had to be started to clear up your deliberate disinformation:


Your allegations are what time and again are proven to be empty. No quotes, just spin and hatred from you.

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 03, 2012
shafique wrote:hatred from you.

You are given yourself way to much credit.

And you got the wrong script out this time for your answer. No antisemitism was mentioned.
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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 03, 2012
As we've seen in other threads, around the world the majority of Muslims do not agree with the killing of civilians, for whatever reason.

I'm unaware of this.

Why don't you go ahead and link to the original poll you claim shows Muslims rejecting the killing civilians for whatever reason?
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 03, 2012
shafique wrote:FD you really must stop your trolling and unfounded allegations. You've been exposed as someone who twists and selectively quotes people to make them appear to be anti-semitic etc.

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 04, 2012
The soup nazi :-). Epic! In The Hague we got the ice nazi. He is closed now, but will open up again in the spring. This guy yells at you and is very anal about about the right order of queues. Ordnung muss sein! Thing is his ice cream is the best you eva had, and people keep coming back and just take his sh!t, because it's soooo good, like angels dancing on your tongue. He is Italian. MaMa Mia!
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 04, 2012
Here is the list of the most wanted terrorists by the FBI. ... up-listing

Out of the 29, I see only one name that is not arab or south asian. The list does not say who is moslem and who is Christian, but looking at the faces, it is pretty obvious that moslems make up most of thebad guys list. not clinic bombers, or angry US tax payer.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 04, 2012
^herve, I think you have the wrong thread.

There are already threads about FBI reports on who is carrying out terrorism in the USA - this thread is about the descecration of tombs in Occupied Palestine.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 04, 2012
event horizon wrote: As we've seen in other threads, around the world the majority of Muslims do not agree with the killing of civilians, for whatever reason.

I'm unaware of this.

Why don't you go ahead and link to the original poll you claim shows Muslims rejecting the killing civilians for whatever reason?
Was the question difficult?

Thanks for the link herve. It speaks volumes that every name on the list appears to be Muslim.
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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 05, 2012
Given you referring to a separate thread - may I ask you what is stopping you answering the question about the bombing of abortion clinics and the killings of doctors - do you or do you not agree with me and the FBI that this is terrorism?

As for your question on the surveys - here you go eh:

Note that you introduced the Pew surveys and have either not read the question or misunderstood the findings. Your survey, your misunderstanding - and I've said that you should re-read the question, post it in full and then apologise for accusing me of lying.

As I said:
(I'm seeing how long it takes you to actually quote the question in full.. I'm not going to do so, because you're the one who is in denial, and I'm going to be counting how many times you call be a liar before you actually read and post the question in full. )

Facts remain:
58% of American Christians justified killing civilians for some reason, same question was asked to American Muslims and only 21% justified killing of civilians.

The Pew survey measured how many Muslims said killing of civilians was NEVER justified, for whatever reason. Note the 'for whatever reason'.

I thank you. You can take this up in the relevant threads.

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 05, 2012 ... -mosque-wb ... z1lUbfkCB2

Arab Israeli MP Mohammad Barake also lashed out at his fellow parliamentarians for fanning the flames of racial hatred with a spate of draft legislation targeting Israel’s Arab minority.

“Responsibility for the mosque burning does not only lie with the gang of fascists who carried it out, but also with some of the scumbags among the MPs and ministers,” he said in a statement.

“Those MPs should not pretend they are shocked when the draft laws they back become a raging fire that devours mosques,” he said.

Emek Shaveh, an Israeli NGO which fights against the manipulation of archaeological sites for political gain, said the attack had damaged an important aspect of local heritage. ... rotection/

The list goes on and on about the desecration of mosques - places of worship. ... estinians/

Palestinians are the most horrible when it comes to "celebrating" the death of Jews, but let's not play innocent and act as if Israelis aren't guilty of having done the same. It doesn't matter to what degree, both sides do it. I don't see much difference in destroying a headstone and destroying a mosque and the Israelis have destroyed or attempted to destroy many mosques, including a stone attack on a mosque while people were inside praying.
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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 05, 2012
Thanks for posting real news as opposed to snooze news in the OP. Palestinians doing X and celebrating Y belongs right next to "dog bites man" story.

As for your question on the surveys - here you go eh:

Just post the link to the actual poll.

I didn't see anything in the OP that addressed surveys taken on the world's Muslims.

I'm not aware of any actual poll that says Muslims of the world oppose killing civilians for any reason.

But perhaps you're thinking of this survey asking Muslims if they support suicide bombings to defend Islam:


Which would make you a liar if you claimed that not supporting suicide bomb attacks against civilians to defend Islam meant that one opposes civilians casualties for any reason.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 05, 2012
eh - your failure to understand the Pew poll you introduced can be dealt with in the thread about Muslims being less likely to condone violence.

Stop trolling this thread.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 05, 2012
shafique wrote:Stop trolling this thread.

Are you claiming event horizon is trolling his own thread. :-) :-).
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 05, 2012
shafique wrote:FD you really must stop your trolling and unfounded allegations. You've been exposed as someone who twists and selectively quotes people to make them appear to be anti-semitic etc.

Where is the "like" button?
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 05, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Are you claiming event horizon is trolling his own thread.

Yes. Because he is.. there is already a thread about Muslims being less likely to condone violence against civilians like he does (and 58% of his fellow American Christians), and there's also a thread about whether bombing abortion clinics is considered as terrorism by him or not (see post above).

Trolling your own thread is pretty desperate - but there you go. He just can't handle a Muslim denouncing the atrocity I guess.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 05, 2012
Shafique accusing others of trolling is simply code speak for his losing an argument.

Still waiting for the poll showing Muslims opposed to the killing of civilians for any reason.

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 06, 2012
eh - why are you 'doing a herve' and running away from the question about whether you view your fellow right-wing American Christians who bomb abortion clinics and kill doctors as being terrorists or not? The FBI and I certainly do.
(I'll be repeating this question in every thread you troll until you answer) ;)

shafique wrote:Trolling your own thread is pretty desperate - but there you go. He just can't handle a Muslim denouncing the atrocity I guess.

As for your question on the surveys - here you go eh:

Note that you introduced the Pew surveys and have either not read the question or misunderstood the findings. Your survey, your misunderstanding - and I've said that you should re-read the question, post it in full and then apologise for accusing me of lying.

As I said:
(I'm seeing how long it takes you to actually quote the question in full.. I'm not going to do so, because you're the one who is in denial, and I'm going to be counting how many times you call be a liar before you actually read and post the question in full. )

Facts remain:
58% of American Christians justified killing civilians for some reason, same question was asked to American Muslims and only 21% justified killing of civilians.

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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 06, 2012
Fogel murders... just a reminder how barbaric these peopl are. they slit the throat of a 4 months old baby!.
below is the story, warning: graphic. however necessary to expose palestinians, monsters who praised the killers.
Another reminder of the double language by muzlims.
They are against terrorism, but they forget to mention that killing civilians is not terrorism or murder, it is jihad, they call themselves freedom fighters, not murderers. they forget ot mention that those who they kill are not civilians they are infidels or jews, so it is not murder and they can walk away claiming they are against killing civilians.
It is not murder when they kill an infidel, like it is not murder when they kill a daughter who wants to embrace the western standards. ... amily.html
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 06, 2012
herve wrote:a reminder how barbaric these peopl are

'These people' - that's a very nazi-like statement herve.

Are you referring to 'child killers' or 'Muslims' or 'Palestinians'? (Or do you think all three are inter-changeable?) Please clarify.

Most normal people condemn all child-killers - whether it is done with a knife or by aerial or artillery bombardment. Most people would also call the bombing of abortion clinics and killing of doctors as terrorist acts - but eh seems reluctant to condemn his right-wing Christian brethren.

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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 06, 2012
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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 06, 2012
Most normal people condemn all child-killers - whether it is done with a knife or by aerial or artillery bombardment.

Most normal people make the distinction between killing a child with a knife from inadvertently killing a child by an errant bomb. The latter are not often viewed as child killers.

Btw, still waiting for the poll showing Muslims opposed to the killing of civilians for any reason.

Just link the poll. That's all you have to do.
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Re: Jewish tombs desecrated with praise for Fogel killers Feb 06, 2012
Absolutely EH, you see al shafique proves all by himself what we are saying about him and muzlims in general.
He put on the same level, the intentional barbaric and coward murder of infants and accidental death of children caught in the cross fires, intentionally put there by their own as human shields.
He compares the tens of thousands of civilian victims of muzlim terrorists with the less than a dozen victims of clinic bombers, none of which being children by the way.

--- Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:14 pm ---

shafique , the only $cum I know of, who INTENTIONALLY kill children happen to be muzlims. 99% of the most wanted terrorists on the FBI list happen to be muzlims.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 07, 2012
herve wrote:shafique , the only $cum I know of, who INTENTIONALLY kill children happen to be muzlims

Really? You mean that knowingly causing 'collateral damage' does not mean knowingly killing children? Are they all Muslims who say this is ok?

How about the Israeli Rabbi that says it is ok to kill women and babies of non-Jews and whose book many soldiers in the Occupation forces read: ... ael-1.4496

As for FBI and terrorism - can you remind us all again of what % of actual terrorist attacks documented by the FBI in the USA were carried out by Muslims? (Hint, it is less than 10%) In the EU it is less than 1%. Stats don't lie - but terror threats can by hyped. Even you should be able to work that out, eh herve?

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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 07, 2012
shafique wrote:Stats don't lie
Err...what's that well know phrase? oh yes!

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 07, 2012
I'm familiar with Mark Twain's quote.

But stats don't lie indeed. They surely can be misused and invented - but statistics are an objective measurement of reality. In this case the numbers of actual terrorist attacks in the USA and Europe.

Statistics can be used to test theories to be found on Islamophobic websites and in the posts of rabid, hate-filled anti-Muslims.


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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 07, 2012
So MI5 must be BSing again! They view the threat as substantial.

Islamist extremists continue to view the UK as a legitimate and high priority target for attack both at home and abroad. Al Qaida presents the single greatest threat to the UK. However, the increasing strength of Al Qaida affiliates, combined with the threat from lone individuals and Sunni extremist groups, has led to a diversification of the threat. It emanates from the following areas:

•Al Qaida core in Pakistan. This includes the Al Qaida senior leadership and other surviving Al Qaida operatives under their direct control. This is essentially the remnant of the original pre-9/11 Al Qaida organisation;
•Al Qaida's affiliates and allies, such as Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and Al-Shabaab in Somalia;
•Other Sunni extremist groups, such as Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LeT) and Tehrik-e Taleban (TTP);
•Individuals whose actions are inspired but not directed by established terrorist groups.
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Re: Jewish Tombs Desecrated With Praise For Fogel Killers Feb 07, 2012
Did you miss the fact I was referring to the Statistics about actual terrorist attacks?

I have no issue with being vigilant against all sources of attacks, and do support all the vigiliance against potential jihadist attacks from within and without the UK. Indeed most Mosques and Muslim organisations are helping the government with these initiatives - Anjem Choudhary and his like are marginalised and can't preach in most mosques etc.

In 2010 there were 99 viable bombs or bomb attacks in Northern Ireland according the police reports. These count towards the terror stats, for example. The equivalent number of those carried out by Muslims in the UK? Zero (IIRC).

The EU stats show that of the terror attacks that actually take place (including bombings and assassinations etc) - less than 1% are carried out by Muslims.

So, yes, we do need to tackle the less than 1% threat - and Muslims and the government are on the case. But we shouldn't neglect the 99% either.


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