Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman!

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Pathetic sentence for beating a pregnant woman! Jan 31, 2012
Remember the 3 cowards that beat up a pregnant woman and her husband in Ikea, because they refused to move from a massive table?

Well after nearly 3 years, they've finally got their sentences: beyond insulting! One month in prison each, with a 12,000 Dhs fine each. I'm sorry but they failed to show up in court many many times, that's contempt and carries jail time anywhere else straight off the bat. They should also have been charged with attempted murder of the unborn child.

Once again the UAE justice system has failed miserably. What sort of message does this send? The only good thing I have to say is that at least the case wasn't given up on. ... oman-32652

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Jan 31, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:they failed to show up in court many many times, that's contempt and carries jail time anywhere else straight off the bat.

That's not strictly true Chocs. In England an arrest warrant without bail is issued for their appearance before the Court if the accused doesn't appear on a warrant with bail. It isn't automatic jail time. If it were, the jails would be fuller than they already are.

--- Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:18 pm ---

Chocoholic wrote:They should also have been charged with attempted murder of the unborn child.

What ever for? Murder is premeditated. I hardly think they went to Ikea tooled up to do a murder.

7days? Isn't that Dubai's equivelent of the Sun?
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Jan 31, 2012
Bethsmum ,

There were several court dates over the years and they failed to show up each time, so the judge kept postponing the case. I'm sure that they showed up because they were told to show up.

That woman must have taken quite a punch to the face to have permanent damage done.

I guess Chocs meant to say manslaughter as it is not premediated. Although charging them with attempted manslaughter of an unborn child would be a stretch.
Bora Bora
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 01, 2012
May be the Judge is of the mind that it's all been exagerated out of all proportion and the sentence reflects the crime. That it was all a do about nothing.

I bet I've seen better fights at our local kindergarten.

There's nothing like jumping on the locals at any opportunity.
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Re: Pathetic sentence for beating a pregnant woman! Feb 01, 2012
May be the Judge is of the mind that it's all been exagerated out of all proportion and the sentence reflects the crime. That it was all a do about nothing.

I bet I've seen better fights at our local kindergarten.

There's nothing like jumping on the locals at any opportunity.

WOW :shock: :shock: just Wow

You really need to stop posting here and seek counselling or some other professional help.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 01, 2012
You may be correct BM.
After all the husband was Arab-canadian from memory and didn't even have the balls to defend his wife. There's also no excuse for the others laying so much as a finger on the wife. Either way they are all cowards and the judges sentence only confirms the ethics that they live by.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 01, 2012
FTD wrote:WOW just Wow

You really need to stop posting here and seek counselling or some other professional help.

Were you there to witness the handbags at 40 paces?

I rarely believe all of what I read in the newspapers.

--- Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:26 am ---

benwj wrote:You may be correct BM.
After all the husband was Arab-canadian from memory and didn't even have the balls to defend his wife. There's also no excuse for the others laying so much as a finger on the wife. Either way they are all cowards and the judges sentence only confirms the ethics that they live by.

I do remember the story ben but not the details. I doubt anyone but the people involved now what actually was said between them or what went on.

PeopleAny woman worth her often exagerate their injuries to gain support. I'm not saying she wasn't punched because I wasn't there to witness it.

But if she was she should have smacked him back.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 01, 2012
benwj wrote:You may be correct BM.After all the husband was Arab-canadian from memory and didn't even have the balls to defend his wife. There's also no excuse for the others laying so much as a finger on the wife. Either way they are all cowards and the judges sentence only confirms the ethics that they live by.

Very unfair to say that the husband didn't defend his wife. I guess you would have to go back some and find earlier news articles that gives more detail as to what happened. The husband told his wife not to speak to them as it was probably trying avoid any confrontation. When they were beating on the husband, the wife got too close and took a punch to the face. There was another man who testified as to what happened, favoring the couple.

BM, no one is local bashing. The locals ignored court dates and the couple pursued the case. I guess someone thought that eventually they would drop the charges of assault. In the US if you ignore a court date, you may be given a second date. If you fail to show then an arrest warrant goes out for defying a court order, especially when it involves an assault on another person.
Bora Bora
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:In the US if you ignore a court date, you may be given a second date. If you fail to show then an arrest warrant goes out for defying a court order, especially when it involves an assault on another person

Exactly what happens in the uk, Bora, but it isn't automatically jail time, as Choc stated.

What gets me is that it appears that because the offenders were local, they should be treated any differently to anyone else. If the attackers had been Pakistani, for instance, would the case be brought to the attention of DF? It would have passed unnoticed.

--- Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:23 am ---

Bora Bora wrote:When they were beating on the husband, the wife got too close and took a punch to the face

Well that's unfortunate. It could have been that the punch wasn't meant for her at all.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
if it was Pakistani attackers

1) It would not have taken 20 visits to move the case to the Prosecutor

2) They would never gotten 1 month in jail

3) If they did, I am sure DF and many other forums would have spoken about it ... ve-or-dead

"I was not even challenged to a fight," the husband said. "They came up to us and told us that the table was reserved. I told them, my wife is pregnant and we have been sitting here for 20 minutes and are almost finished with our food, so we are about to leave anyway."

He was then punched in the back of the head and knocked unconscious. "He just said, 'Move now because I told you to move', and then he hit me."

His wife said: "The table was kicked across, almost hitting my belly. Then the older man punched me, knocking me to the ground.

"While my husband was unconscious one of the men grabbed a hard wooden stool and was about to hit him with it, but thank God for the intervention of a Syrian man and an Australian man who were in the cafeteria.

"After other women who were there picked me up and sat me on a chair, a security guard approached me and suggested that we move to a secure location."

Her husband said: "When you go to a family place you feel secure, but I realised in fact you are not."
The expectant mother was treated in hospital for a dislocated jaw that had to be wired shut for two weeks, and a twisted leg that was put in a plaster cast.
When doctors gave her the all-clear the couple left for Canada, where their baby was delivered.
Two months later they returned to Dubai, and visited Rashidiya police station more than 20 times before the case was moved to the prosecutors' office.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
Does anyone have a copy of the accused's version of events?
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:Does anyone have a copy of the accused's version of events?

Generally the accused version is: It didn't happen. I'm not guilty. According to eye witnesses and the video it did happen.

What gets me is that it appears that because the offenders were local, they should be treated any differently to anyone else.

The point is, they WERE treated differently from anyone else, assuming you are referring to expats. Blackburnrovers explained the difference.

As for the woman getting punched in the face, do you think when she saw his fist flying in the air it could have been meant for her husband and she through herself in front of her husband and took a punch for him?

You know enough to know that "justice" for locals and "just is" for expats is considerably different. Take one alleged criminal act and locals are treated like naughty children with a slap on the wrist and expats are treated as criminals with fines, prison and deportation.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
I'd still like to hear the accused's version of events. Just for fairness.

I have to say that I have been witness to a few fights in my time and never once have I seen someone knocked unconcious by a punch to the back of the head.

I take it the man who was punched was sitting down eating and the accused just standing behind him when he delivered the punch? Was this the case? I wasn't there so I didn't see it, but if it was, then the local should be entered in the forthcoming Olympics as a potential for the Gold medal in the heavyweight boxing event.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:I'd still like to hear the accused's version of events. Just for fairness.

I believe he's pleading the fifth amendment (as in the US Bill of Rights :D)

Well, it would be hard find and interview Mr HM.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
Well in the latest update, the couple are now appealing for tougher sentences and in my opinion rightly so!
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:Well in the latest update, the couple are now appealing for tougher sentences and in my opinion rightly so!

Why Chocs? Were you there to witness the alleged assault?
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
The couple should give up on the tougher sentence. If it wasn't forthcoming in the first instance, it is only going to be grudgingly given now.

They said they were leaving the UAE anyway. Just pay a visit to the brothers house before jumping on the plane.

Anyone else find 3 middle aged brothers having breakfast together at Ikea a bit weird?
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 02, 2012
benwj ,

If I recall there were children with them. The wives were probably off shopping. More than likely the "sentence" was handed down to pacify the couple and those involved in the assault went on their merry way home.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 03, 2012
Well the fact that they carried out the assualt in public, in broad view of their children is awful. What kind of example does that set? There was CCTV footage, but the judge never allowed it to be used as evidence? Why? Because it would prove to all the seriousness of the assault. BM, sorry but no matter how you try and spin it to defend them, this was an atrocious act and everyone knows that locals are given lenient sentences, some can literally get way with murder! If it had been a bunch of expats, you can guarantee they would have thrown everything they could at them!

The fact that one of the locals was also allowed out the country for several of the court dates is also double standards, if it was an expat, they would have taken away the passport.

Stop trying to defend a horiffic crime. Once again, you don't live here, so you don't see/hear what's going on, on a daily basis. Why can't you accept that people did witness the assault and it has been reported as per their accounts and also footage. Stop trying to pick holes. Crime is crime, no matter who committed it.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 03, 2012
I would hardly describe fisticuffs in Ikea over a spare seat a horrific crime Chocs. Lets keep it real should we?
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 04, 2012
To put it in perspective, if I so much as lay a finger on a local (or display a finger for that matter) I will receive a minimum sentence of 1 month in jail before being deported.

If I punched a local a few times, I'd be looking at 12 months I'd say, maybe more.

I don't think they deserve to spend 12 moths in jail, but the punishment should at least be equal.

Given that the punishment will never be equal, I've got a better idea to take to the judge in lieu of any sentence.

I'd pay money to see the husband challenge them to a properly refereed boxing match, the proceeds of which can go to a local charity of their choice.

Blue Collar fight nights are already organised for charity. Why not add a bit of spice to them and generate some more proceeds.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 04, 2012
Bethsmum , Yes let's keep it real! I'd hardly call 3 against 1 (as 1 was unconscious) breaking a jaw and ankle and nearly causing a miscarriage fisticuffs. There's something very wrong with you BM that you keep belittling what happened! Suppose it was you, or Beth or your other dauther, I suspect you'd sing a very different tune then.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 04, 2012
Lets not get into personal attacks Chocs You know how you freak out if anyone says more than boo to you and besides, andy doesnt like it! I still think you are blowing everything out of proportion. im with ben. lets have Round 2.

--- 1 seconds ago ---

May be you and I could stage a Ladies match?

--- Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:33 am ---

May be you and I could stage a Ladies match?
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 04, 2012
disgraceful decision, should have all got 6 months minimum. If baby had died what would have happened then ?
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 04, 2012
barryob wrote:disgraceful decision, should have all got 6 months minimum. If baby had died what would have happened then ?

You should try living in the UK barry. You only get 6 years for plotting to blow up the Stock Exchange, the London Eye, Westmister Abbey, a few pubs, a couple of Rabbis and the mayor of London.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 05, 2012
I would like to here their side for fairness but it would have to be some story to come anywhere near justifying it!!

--- Feb 05, 2012 ---

Bethsmum ,

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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 05, 2012
As I've heard the guy who has started the fight by punching the Canadian man who is not an Arab by the way, is in the army and has been fully trained how to punch and where to punch to knock out.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 06, 2012
BM is comming down on the side of the bullies as usual, but this wasn't a minor scuffle - it could easily have been a lot worse for the couple. If you've ever read about similar incidents in the news, a single blow to the back of the head does result in death from time to time and the Emeratis only relented their assult because they were restrained by others.

But this seems to be the right of Emiratis to behave this way in their own country. The police and the courts went out of their way to make it as difficult as possible for the Canadian couple to persue justice. Most people would have given up in disgust before three years.

It is dangerous in this country and nobody should be here unless they are being properly compensated.
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 06, 2012
Well I just wonder what sort of 'men' these are? If they behave this way in front of their children in public, attacking complete strangers, what on earth do they do at home when someone ticks them off? Makes you wonder. I have no doubt that one day they'll pick on the wrong person, people like that usually do. They're nothing more than bullies and thugs, with no consideration for anyone else and they know they can get away with it.

Tehere are more than just a few people who wouldn't mind 10 minutes in a room with these guys to teach them a lesson.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Pathetic Sentence For Beating A Pregnant Woman! Feb 06, 2012
I wonder if the guy in army who has abused his knowledge of how and where to beat, looses his job in army? Would anybody know the law in UAE?
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