What Famous Leader Are You?

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What famous leader are you? Nov 22, 2009
Take this test and share the results!
it s fun!

mine was "Saddam Hussein" lol


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Nov 22, 2009
:lol: :lol:

Me Einstein!
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Nov 22, 2009
Saddam and Einstein? LOL!

45 questions and I got Che Guevara, cus apparantly dying on a mountain appealed to me...could be true! :lol:
Misery Called Life
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Nov 23, 2009
I got Che Guevara too ^__^
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Nov 23, 2009
sage & onion
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Nov 23, 2009
Apparently, I am Mother Theresa!

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Re: What famous leader are you? Nov 26, 2009
Bill clinton !
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Re: What famous leader are you? Nov 26, 2009
G to tha T
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Re: What famous leader are you? Nov 30, 2009
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Re: What famous leader are you? Nov 30, 2009
So many Einsteins in this forum. :mrgreen:
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Re: What famous leader are you? Dec 03, 2009
i got einstien as well - its a fix lol
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Re: What famous leader are you? Mar 06, 2010

I'm Ol'' Abe Lincoln ! An assasination victim...WTF ! OK out with it, whose out to get me here.

P.S : Make it fast and painless
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Re: What famous leader are you? Apr 21, 2010
I'm Saddam too.
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Re: What famous leader are you? Apr 21, 2010
Boring evening today ?
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Re: What Famous Leader Are You? Jun 21, 2010
I am bill clinton :D
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Re: What famous leader are you? Jun 24, 2010
I am JFK!

I ain't goin' to Dallas in no open topped car beyatch!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: What famous leader are you? Aug 22, 2011
<div align="center"> <br><img src="http://images.similarminds.com/leader/8.jpg"><br><a href="http://similarminds.com/othertests.html">What Famous Leader Are You?</a><br><font size="1"><a href="http://similarminds.com">personality tests by similarminds.com</a></font></div>

No wonder some members of my team used to call me "the tyrant manager". 8)
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Re: What Famous Leader Are You? Aug 25, 2011
DoBuy, whats up with reviving the old threads :shock: ??!
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Re: What famous leader are you? Nov 09, 2011
I answered 18 questions and i got Hilter :?

Should i be worried?
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Re: What famous leader are you? Dec 31, 2011
tony blair
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Re: What famous leader are you? Feb 01, 2012
For me it's BIN LADEN
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Re: What Famous Leader Are You? Feb 28, 2012
Abe Licoln
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Re: What Famous Leader Are You? Nov 04, 2013
Good leader have good qualities and a deep sense of taking right decisions on right time and I would like to share with you all that I have such qualities. :D
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